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Everything posted by jms62

  1. Probably the best analysis of the situation ever posted. People act like getting rid of him and the next guy will be Jim Kelly II. Meanwhile Tyrod has been the best QB we have had this century.
  2. Don't think we get a #1 for a guy with multiple suspensions coming off a down season. Bills are kind of in the same situation they were with Marshawn here. Hopefully this time we take the chance and the guy realizes there aren't too many opportunities that he will have in life to make this kind of bank and gets it together.
  3. You feel the same way about Bill Cosby? Any chance they didn't come out because fear of being crushed and made insolvent by Trumps legal machine?
  4. Nor do they dismiss his yards when his mobility allows a player to get open "broken play" and he throws TD passes.
  5. Lol. English police. Last bastion of someone that has been destroyed in an Internet tete-atete... LMAO
  6. Not even close to an expert I am just frustrated with this guy whose actions reek of I don't really give a ****.
  7. With all due respect. Butler lived off the players Polian put in place and when they were gone he was justifiably shown the door.
  8. Started and sold 2 Internet companies. Want to go all in on net worth I'll have my lawyers draft the contracts. Let me know.. Ill be here all day. That is all I can say.
  9. You do realize you threw the first unprovoked punch probably not which is par for the course. Las year a Blemish. This year a trend and a problem and a major waste of money. Continue defending the indefeasible bruh cause this is the 21st century where there is no such thing as individual responsibility. It is always something else that is the blame.
  10. Seems to get a lot of paid vacations for failed drug tests. I also live my life in the present what happned last year means shiite. Try it sometime you might find that it will get you out of your moms basement.
  11. Essentially being paid millions for playing video games at home. Millenial work ethic.
  12. Apples to Oranges. Marv didn't have any front Office experience and he had the bright idea to build the team with "Character" players. He failed epically . What changes on the Front Office side are so significant since Polian left the game? It is not like he is a head coach from the 80's having to adjust to todays offense or a GM that didn't have to deal with the Salary cap game.
  13. Sorry my inference was lost on you. Yes he is a genius and arguably the greatest GM in the history of the game. To have been able to do this for 3 different teams should be enough for even the most cynical to accept him as the GOAT. Comparing Doug Whaley to him is akin to comparing EJ Manual to Jim Kelly.
  14. Getting back to Walt Corey. I am still shaking my head and dissapointed in Marv for dismantling the K-Gun because of Corey's excuse that it scored too quickly and his defense got tired. Oh the good ole days..
  15. Maybe if the players concentrated more on the game then the bars at the Super Bowl things may have been different.
  16. Last time we let an elite talent go with 1 strike left he becane a Hall of Fame candidate in Seattle. Let it play out. I don't see teams offering a 1 for him. The risk is worth taking over a draft pick less than that.
  17. "so you essentially are against fracking.. but the man who kept the team here, made his fortune on fracking, its ok? i think fracking is fine, not the point, but which way is "okay" with you? " Nah you didn't say that at all...
  18. And you are essentially saying that since the owner was in the business of fracking fans of the team should also support fracking??? What if he owned abortion clinics?
  19. Can you make a point without insulting someone?
  20. You are free to talk about whatever you want to talk about. Just pretty dumb when you are a leader and talking may alienate a good portion of those you are leading. But **** why am I talking about common sense on these boards seeing all the nonsense that is spewed...
  21. "Proof" http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/donald-trump-gets-0-support-black-voters-ohio-pennsylvania-nbc-n609026 But feel free to trash the poll cause you don't like the results... But of course you will trash the poll cause De Nile
  22. A smart coach would have realized how much of a lightening Rod Trump is and how he is disliked by the black community and made the decision to stay out of the political discussion.
  23. Move Reggie Bush??? You actually think he has any trade value left?
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