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Everything posted by jms62

  1. Not getting much support there Hateman ?
  2. How often has AJ, Julio and OBJ been at 100% and how often has Sammy been limited and often times extrememly so. I can't recall a string of games where is was at 100%. He is missing the intagible asset of avoiding injury that seperates good players from great players.
  3. Toss the All Pro cuz given the last 16 years we know the next QB will be a Hall of Famer. Where is the outrage against the offensive line? INcognito, Woods, et all. He has sunk proably to the bottom of the ocean by no.w. #NoMoreShotsForEJHeHasHadEnough
  4. Root against the Bills . Great troll job dude.
  5. Broken plays count too sir. Did we forget that Tyrod asset that we were sold on was the ability to extend plays with his feet and make plays these extended plays are the broken ones. Go right on hatin though Mr "Fan"
  6. What does our All Pro QB need to do in order to not "soil" the sheets cause 24 pts, 3 Td's and nearly 300 yards obviously is not enough?
  7. Decide on EJ like that ship hasnt already sailed and is scheduled to shortly dock at its destination. While we are tossing our all pro QB to the trash heap after 2 games why not are we not giving the same "love" to Richie Incognito. We paid the guy and our running game has been trash through 2 weeks and our pass blocking week 1 was atrocious. It approved week 2 and oh my Tyrod throws 3 long TD's and puts up 297 yds passin and 24 points. But Tyrod haters dismiss this cause they werent 90 yd drives but quick strikes...
  8. Yes he has been given more than 2 games.. During that time he has shown enough to be selected to the pro bowl which no other Bills QB has done since 1999. But you know better than those making the selection. I am beginning to think many on the Anti Tyrod camp would always be in the Anti Tyrod camp regardless of what he stats or wins he puts up.. Not saying this is you but just an observation based upon some of the stuff I am reading on other threads that is not football related.
  9. While the other team is watching films and planning for how you attacked a different team. Come game day this is not what other teams are seeing. Genius actually but smart players are needed.
  10. I miss the days before the Internet when I was blind to how many idiots masquerade as Bills fans. Tyrod Taylor made the Pro Bowl last year and after 2 games you are willing to cast him off in favor of a QB who never played in a regular season game and only played vs backups in pre season. I understand someone will counter with Taylor was a Pro Bowl Alternate. Nevertheless he is the first Bills QB to be selected to the Pro Bowl this century. You would think he would be given more than 2 games.
  11. What would a healthy Karlos do for us considering he isnt on the team?
  12. I am current ly orking and I have shingles and it feels like I have been beaten in the rib cage with a bat... No work = no pay. Funny how not having millions already banked gives you a little bit more motivation
  13. Which means his Yards after catch are going to be diminished.
  14. Or choosing to drive that Lamborghini through a cornfield
  15. Many of us thought Rex's failure in NY was due to his GM and his owners sudden reluctance to spend money. Given prior to that he had reached the AFC championship game twice. It is understandable the attraction the Pegula's had and they certainly were sold on it by their non football decision making /marketing guy president. I think they are realizing that it now was a bad decision and as successful businesspeople are making moves to correct the situation. Personnally I don't see this move saving the season. I think we get a complete house cleaning after this season and start from scratch. In my opinion it is better doing it sooner than floundering around for a few more years and doing it then.
  16. You would think it would be easy enough to get him targets but we havent seen this for his entire career. He has never gotten targets one would think he should get based on him being the #1 guy. Seems so overly simply which makes me wonder if there is something we are missing that only coaches and players are aware of that is the reason?
  17. But how many times is he limited due to injury? It seems like 80-90%. During these times he is not able to be all that he can be which is someone deserving of spending 2 first round picks on. If you look at what his cost was vs his production without looking at future potential(which may or may not happen and if it does it may not happen in Buffalo); It is hard to argue that this draft pick was a good one.
  18. Gotta be able to get on the field to get targets. He doesn't have the intangible of being able to stay injury free. He is like a great throughbred with supposed tons of potential showing flashes but unable to stay on the racetrack due to injuries. Whaley's 3rd major screwup with a number 1 draft choice. He needs to go.
  19. This is what happens when you ground and pound with backs that are high school size
  20. Nothing like running a 1980's offense with running backs that weigh 180 pounds.
  21. Nobody circles the wagons and tears apart anyone in the media saying negative things about the Bills even if they eventually prove true like us Bills fans.
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