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Everything posted by jms62

  1. Yes. But around here when you question his input into bad football decisions he quickly becomes the marketing guy who has no input and you are belittled by his loyal defenders for even bringing it up. How the hell does a front office guy even have defenders?
  2. Problem so far this year is our line isnt opening up anything for our run game and struggled pass blocking in week 1. We miss Karlos who didnt need gaping holes to be successful. Can Williams be that guy this year? Funny how Incognito has gone well Incognito after he has been paid.
  3. You would only be delusional if you think EJ is better than Cutler. I can understand the he myriad of reasons why someone would not want Cutler.
  4. As if the Bears are dumb enough to make that trade.... I'd love Cutler as a backup to Tyrod.. He is magnitudes better then who we have there now. Even the most delusional of EJ's Multi-Media public relations team can't argue that. .. But the hilarious and sad thing is that they will.
  5. A good offense is an offense that scores points Period. Im done with lame ass excuses why our defense sucks.
  6. Hence my saying he put up 322 yards not threw for 322. I accept your apologies in advance for your reading mistake. To your other point are they now awarding style points? Are long touchdown passes now no longer a good thing? You put up 24 points of offense you should win the game. Our putrid defense continues to be the problem here but you go right along hating on Tyrod.
  7. Improves off of a season he was elected to the Pro Bowl or a game which he put up 322 total yards and 3 TD's?
  8. Good post. Kind of like those around here always crowing about all the talent we have on the roster and the only change needed is the coach. Far easier to swallow then the reality that this is a dumpster fire from top of the organizaion right on down and a complete reboot is in order.
  9. Do we really even want to consider a guy whose signature move is to assume the upright fetal position when faced with pressure? We have given EJ more than enough chances to show anything and he has not. The fact that Whaley publicly declared "I am ALL-IN" on EJ 2 years back should have been grounds for dismissal. Only with the Bills is such a declaratin and failure simply swept under the rug. Sorry EJ loyalists making a case for him at this point is a hopeless cause. The unknown in Cardale Jones is far better then the known we get with EJ.
  10. This is true however Pats still have 2 games to play with QB3
  11. I second that closely followed by the comeback.
  12. Maybe stopping the Jets and not let them hold the ball on 6 minute drives could get them some rest. You can't use their failure as an excuse for their failure.
  13. If Rex knew of this meeting there is no story here time to move the on
  14. He broke the Chain of command Pete. This doesnt sit well in any organization.
  15. I took your opening sentence as dismissive and snarky thus I replied in kind.
  16. My thought too. Good luck getting a high level head coach to come here after Rex with this sort of meddlsome undermining Rex.
  17. Thanks for the snarky reply. Yes you obviously missed something the ability think logically. Let me help me you. If management fires your predecessor for not getting the bal to your teams highly paid playmakers. Logic would dictate tha you would get the ball into the hands of your teams highly paid playmakers. That is assuming you want to continue receiving a paycheck. Is there a need for Lynn to actually come out and publically state this?
  18. The best thing about this change is now Whaley is in the crosshairs. Lynn will most certainly get Whaleys play makers the ball. If they dont succeed he is gone. I have no problem with that Pegulas gave the old guard 2 years and if it doesn't pan out completey raze it and start over. Sucks for us long term fans but may be the best for us long term.
  19. Gee and to think about all those Garbage time leads the Bills have lost iver the years.
  20. Well now Whaley is clearly on the hot seat. Pegula's fired Roman cause he wasnt targeting all these great play makers Whaley brought in. You can rest assured they will be targeted going forward and if they are shown to be not the stars they are thought to be Whaley will be gone and we can start Rebuild yet again.
  21. I agree that this team sucks and Taylor hasnt played well thus far but then I step back and look. He generated 24 points of offense. It wasnt pretty but last I looked you don't get additional points for style? Were there broken plays? Yes.. so the fact that he is elusive and is able to extend plays to a point someone gets open (broken play) is a bad thing? The thing I take exception with is those calling for EJ after he has Failed time after time after time after time when given a chance.and then the have the balls to tell me I dont know what I am looking at which by the way is consistent with the multiple coaching staffs that have also seen his lack of skills and buried him on the bench. Oh and if his skills were desired you would think other teams would ld be sniffing around in the off season for him. If this has happened we have certainly not heard about it.
  22. Was there some rule in effect that the Jets git 6 downs to make 10 yards? Failure by the defense to get off the field in NO way can be used as an excuse for their failure to get off the field. I will go you one further the biggest mistake this franchise has ever made was Levy **** canning th K Gun because it kept the defense on the field too long. Make a gawd damn stop and get off the field. SImple enough. True Dave. That is why they call it a game plan.. YOu plan to attack your oppenents weakness.
  23. This is so true Dave. Additionally it frosts my balls when people say he accumulated garbage time stats. They must be basic math challenged because a TD and extra point and the Bills win the game. they scored late and had enough time to try the onside kick. LOng odds I know but there was NO garbage time in the Jets game.
  24. If you actually feel that way then you have no eye for football talent whatsoever. If you feel that way then you think you have a better eye for talent than the last 2 coaching staffs who thankfully and rightfully buried EJ's ass deep in the bench. Your observation is patently absurd and to accuse me of not paying attention is farcical .
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