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Everything posted by jms62

  1. Drunk Bills fans that pay 10 bucks to get to the game and are then faced with paying $100 to Get home wont be happy. It happend to me (minus the drunk part)
  2. You will see Swarm pricing in play and it wont be pretty
  3. One would think that there wont be a 3rd strike.
  4. Just hope that his suspension next year doesnt conflict with the games Sammy will inevitable miss.
  5. $861,176 for 2 meaningless weeks on the BILLS? This has Patriots written ALL OVER IT
  6. Close to getting Rex fired and the QB run out of town...
  7. What would you do if you were in Ryan's shoes? If he gets booted at the end of the season you think he has a better shot at getting a new gig coming from a team that is 9-7 or coming from a team that completely collapsed and finished losing 5 in a row and finishing at 6-10?.
  8. Again Bills fans overvaluing. Guy just became an OC and 11 games later promote him to HC??? He is Good enough to be an NFL head coach yet you want to run the guy out of town that runs his plays...
  9. Maybe that was exactly what they did with the Rex Rumour. Planted it to 1 person and waited to see if it hits the media.
  10. What does EJ have to show on this try to absolutely convince you he doesn't have a future as a starting NFL QB.. Why are people willing to toss Tyrod after a decent season last year becuase he has regressed yet give EJ chance after chance despite prior failings.
  11. I'm ok with both of these HOWEVER if it is option 2 and it doesn't work there should be NO OTHER OPTION than option 1...
  12. This offense works cause of Taylor's ability to get out of harms way... Sometimes too early I know. Don't know about Cardale but this much is true EJ would be taking sack after sack and we wouldn't be close to putting up highest points average in 25 years with him. I kind of am perplexed we have people loving Lynn and hating Tyrod..... This Offense doesn't work with anyone else on this roster other than Tyrod... If next year we want to go more conventional than we need to get a QB at that point.. Maybe Romo for a year and take some shots in the draft...
  13. Unfortunately I think you are correct... A Brandon must go chant at the next game may sway him though. He seems to have an ear for the wants of his customer base. Well thought out post but the sentiment is the same. BLOW IT UP.
  14. I think this is the most unified these boards have been ever on this issue. Time to hit CNTL-ALT-Delete on this organization
  15. I thought the typical NFL contract wasn't guarenteed for injury.
  16. You would be very naïve to think he doesn't put pressure on whomever to get these terms into the contract in order to get the player he wants.
  17. I have to disagree. He wants a player and you don't think he puts pressure on whomever is negotiating the contracts to get it done?
  18. Ah yes typical Bills no accountability. Do you actually think he has no input on these stupid !@#$ing clauses in players contracts?
  19. Funny I was thinking this morning. What player is the leader of this team.. I can't think of one...
  20. Or maybe he will be exposed for another stupid contract clause if Tyrod gets hurt the last 3 games and his contract is guaranteed for 2017.
  21. A playoff quality team would do wonders selling tickets anything else requires a snake oil salesmen and by the looks of things folks around here are done buying snake oil.
  22. If we dont start from scratch then it is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic now isnt it?
  23. Burn it too the ground. Whaley is responsible for the horrible contracts we have, 2 first round picks for Watkins, putrid WR depth. Our team is not talented. It is time to accept that so the healing can begin. We have mediocre talent that is putting up mediocre results. This is not a 1 player or coach fix. All the talk about Romo or Cutler. Both will get destroyed behind this sieve offensive line.
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