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Everything posted by jms62

  1. Only problem with this is we have a QB that executes this offense. Team has scored the most points in 25 years and thinking a QB change puts us over the top is actually quite bizarre because our defense has been failing all year...
  2. I think the way a lot of us look at it here is either tweak and give Rex 1 more year or if Rex goes completely level the entire front office and build from the ground up with a new GM who puts his coach in place and brings in talent to fit that scheme. In today's NFL it is all about players that fit the scheme.
  3. The reason he didn't is because you don't reveal clues to your sources if you want to continue having sources. Not trying to be a dick but that should be a very simple concept to grasp.
  4. Haha you completely missed my point and went on to something I didn't comment on. Oh well I cant help that. For the record I agree with you it is not all right but that wasnt your point you criticised the writer for not givining a clue as to what his sources were.
  5. Lets not miss the fact that the Browns were rated Dead Last vs Tight Ends. NOt attacking with the Tight End would be Offensive Coordinator malpractice
  6. OMG He misfired on several passes while guiding the team to yet another 30+ point effort executing the offense that was designed.
  7. And at the end of the day isn't this all that matters?
  8. Funny that you are how old and don't understand that any reporter giving away their sources or even clues to who their sources are isn't long for the business.,
  9. Isnt it pointless to focus on yards per game while completely ignoring we throw the LEAST passes per game in the league? Most points averaged in 25 years. You need to focus on results. Tyrod is executing his designed role in the offense.
  10. Messenger target acquired. Messenger successfully shot. No on circles the wagons and shoots the messenger quite like a Bills fan. Yet here we are 17 years later.
  11. You may want to read my reply again. Never did it say anything about me tninking he was being a coordinator for the Bills. My answer is still the same he broke a top 5 defense why shuld he be considered for a Coordinator job for any NFL team?
  12. Well since you launched with the personal attacks ...You sound sound like a guy that hasnt expierenced a lot of success in life with his tail between is legs 24x7 hence you focus on accepting failure and keep focusing on the team will leave you if you speak out about the negatives. Go Bills.
  13. Only extremely naive people or those on the Russ Brandon PR machine think this. Bills were never going anywhere they are viewed as a succesful NFL market. Your Narrative that we as fans should just accept this failed organization is similar to the thinking of one making excuses for an absuive relationspip.
  14. Dude are you shitting us here? The reason this is not a playoff team is because the DEFENSE SUCKS and he is responsible for breaking it. NIce troll job though.
  15. And we have a new leader i. The clubhouse for post of the year. KUdos. Selling the Buffalo Bills to Western New York is like "selling" free beer at a Bills Tailgate party.
  16. All at the same time. Hire your GM to get his coach and then have that GM draft towards that coaches system. Maybe we will need to go with a stop gap QB while grooming the next one...
  17. I never even thought of that basically paying a million for a comp pick... Damn Pats always thinking a step ahead of everyone else.
  18. So you cherry pick 3 players. Two of them are marginal and the other was drafted in round 6 as your justification to spend a valuable number 1 on someone from small school that quite frankly is a bit slow. Seems like all your draft guys want to be the cool guy in the room that find the diamond in rhe rough but fail far more often than succeed. Just my opinion though.
  19. Slow and not facing elite competition in college. No way in hell is he 1st round.
  20. Well then Rex did what he said he would. He built a "Bully"
  21. Oh **** you are right. I sure took that wrong. Sorry about that.
  22. Also a lot of people including myself thought Rex's problems in NY was a poor GM and Owner. Saying we shouldn't of hired him is 20/20 hindsight
  23. My little job is retirement at 40 after selling 2 startups. Now about your personal attacks they need to stop.
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