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Everything posted by jms62

  1. So you are saying Whaley !@#$ed up yet againon this contract?
  2. If that was the theory I dont recall it ever being mentioned anywhere.
  3. I think Marrone left cause he didnt have confidence in EJ. He may have thought hed be fired after a year with EJ so take the buyout and try and hook up. THe writer from NY Daily News killed his chances with the Jets if you ask m.
  4. Wasnt Marrone Brandons neighbor or something? Maybe that is why he gave him that sweet out clause cause it certainly wasnt because he had muliple offers to be a NFL head coach.
  5. Contrary to the opinion of alot in here we do not by any means have a talented roster. Our roster reflects or record which at best is mediocre. I know it is easier to believe we are a simple coaching change away from playoffs but we are not. Like an Alcoholic we need to hit rock bottom as a franchise and accept what we are before the healing can begin. The Pegs need to clear cut this thing and be the only 2 standing on Jan 3rd. Then and only then can the healing begin. Oh and in todays NFL with the parity we can be a playoff team in a couple years so dont thing burning it to the ground means another 10 years.
  6. Raze it. Terry and Kim only 2 in the building on Jan 3rd and start from scratch..
  7. Super Bowl Rematch huh? Rematch from the last round of shrooms?
  8. It is pretty much a given you need 11-5 to make the playoffs given our division. We were dormy when we lost to the Dolphins and last week iced it.
  9. We are top 10 in points scored yet blame it on the offense and QB....
  10. One of the biggest pet peeves of my life and the reason I don't hold Marv Levy as high as others is that he dismantled the K-Gun cause Walt Cory sold him that the Bills were scoring too fast and the defense was getting gassed. Think about that a bit... Intentionally slow down what I think is the greatest offense of all time (to that point) because they were scoring too fast.....
  11. Only in the alternate world of the Buffalo Bills is the offense that is top 10 in points and top 10 in red zone the problem.
  12. Respectively disagree. It is not like other teams get 5 downs to get a first down. If the defense does its job they get off the field. Tired of the "They are gassed" nonsense. They are professional athletes and if they do what they are being paid for they would be off the field and the offense would have a chance to try again to put up a few more scores. There are no style points for how you score.
  13. We have 2 receivers that deserve to even be on NFL rosters yet Whaley receives praise for the job he is doing.
  14. So a guy who couldn't keep his job in college that had a good preseason game against the 3rd string is the answer???? Meanwhile our offense averages the most points it has in over 25 years and our sieve defense pukes it up and can't get off the field. So logically the problem is with the offense.. Nobody circles the wagons and shoots the victims like Bills fans.
  15. Nobody circles the wagons and talks about how much talent is on the current roster than Bills fans. Then suddenly without any fanfare in a couple years while they are talking about all the talent on the then roster this years roster will be referred to as garbage.
  16. . What I can't grasp is your nearly 24x7 bloviating that he is the reason we are not a playoff team. Obviously you think he is good enough at the right price. You obviously don't find it absurd like I do that you waste the time and energy to bash a guy around the clock yet for a few million less he is good to go. He is either Good enough to take this team to the playoffs or NOT at whatever salary he is paid.
  17. Didn't he declare "All in" on EJ.... When I go "All In" at the poker table and am wrong they show me the door and thank me for playing.
  18. So you are on a basically 24x7 crusade telling us how much Tyrod sucks and he will never win with this team and needs to be replaced but will give him another year if he comes cheaper. Can you please rationalize that logic??? If he is not good enough for the team to win with does it matter the price he plays for??
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