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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. I'm a big JP fan, but even I can tell he had a poor game. You can make excusses for anything if you try hard enough, but some of thoughs throws were just plain bad. Earlier in the season I let them slide but, he should have gotten beyond them by now. I'm not even talking about the INTs. Just not hitting open men, and not leading the guys when he does hit them. That being said bring on next season I'm already ready. Happy New year everyone!
  2. I know PP was thrown to short a lot, but I do not recall PP breaking a single tackle all year. He may have I just don't recall it. IMHO we really need a better WR opposite Evans. I thought Reed has had a good year but should stay in the slot. And we should use the slot more often. I would have liked to see Roscoe play more, but I'm not sure he is the answer either. Actually I thought Davis would have had a bigger O impact. I guess that show my ability to evaluate talent.
  3. Buffalo may currently be a hockey town, this could be true. But if the Bills start out next season wining games like the Sabres are, the Sabres will become the step child once again. I say this even if the Sabres win the cup. Myself, I enjoy the Sabres, and hope they do well, but given a choice between the two, I'd watch a Bills preseason game over a Sabres playoff game any day. (Note: this is all based on personal opinion and not on some stat. from a paper, so take it for what it's worth.)
  4. Good! Let's play the best teams. No better way to gain respect than to beat the best.
  5. The forth down play didn't bother me as much as the 3rd down did. They should have known what Lindell's distance was before the drive even started. Knowing that, they could have called something else on third down (even a running play) to get us a forth and short. My point is if the coaches would have planned ahead they could have adjusted the play calling to allow for 2 trys to get 5 yards. Instead of trying to get it all on 3rd down.
  6. Exactly! All receivers are taught from day one in pee wee football that if you are not sure where the line line is you play it as if your toes are an inch away. He never even tried to drag the second foot. It was the only play where I jumped out of my chair and yelled at the screen in dis-belief. That play will haunt him for the rest of his career, and that will make him a better player I think. He'll be fine next year you watch.
  7. IMHO I think we need s serious up grade at LB. Weather that is Spikes getting back to his old form or a replacement. London, God love him he plays with a heart of a lion, but rarely does he make the tackle at or before the LOS. Crowel, well I'm not sold on him either. I realize a DT that requires double teaming would free up the LB's more and I think we need that too, but I really think we need a LB.
  8. Because no one outside of Western NY, or a Bills fan, has herd of him. The nation media never mentions his name when talking about the best DE in the game. It's a crying shame, but that's how it is.
  9. And he will be the only one from the Bills to make the pro bowl as a starter. The Bills are still flying too low under the radar for national recognition.
  10. Sign Nate first! Our run-D sucks so bad that no one in the front seven should be comfortable with their job. Sign Nate first then worry about "luxury" player afterwards.
  11. This is the funniest thread ever! Just goes to show how miss read print can be.
  12. Regardless of how you think of JP as a QB, and he did not have a great game, one thing I think is clear, the players believes they can win with him. What else can you ask of your general but to have his soldiers believe in him? A rhetorical question for all JP haters
  13. Spelling is not a test of intelligence. Einstein couldn't spell to save his life. I'm sure 99% of the IQ's on this board don't measure up to his.
  14. I don't follow much college football, but being in SC I can't help but hear about the Gamecocks. The word is that Sidney Rice will be back in a Gamecock jersey next year, but I'd love to see him in a Bills jersey.
  15. Come on people you should feel sorry for Deluca. I mean he has to root for his team to loose because he hates JP so much. Everytime a completed pass occures, it has to be like finding water in the desert only to have it be sewer. So take pitty because he's a tormented fan who is going to have to learn to live with it for the next 10+ years.
  16. I'm not saying what they are doing is the right thing. I'm just saying that is what I think they are trying to do.
  17. IMHO I think the Bills haven't lost confidence in JP but in the O-line. They're working JP as a drop back passer to get him the experience. They know he can roll out and throw, they are trying to make him comfortable in staying in the pocket. I think they know this was going to be a rebuilding year and they need to to get the right people the experience for next year. Now if this is not the case and they have lost confidence in JP, they what the #$%@ are they waiting for? Put him on the pine!
  18. For every JP sucks, or we need a QB change, of any other talk about the QB being the problem, just cut and paste this post in response. Nicely stated post!
  19. Whoa Indy's D must have really gotten good. Or maybe our O is just that bad.
  20. Without making position changes (ie replacing JP with anyone) what should the coaches do to get the O on track? We have an offense filled with speed receivers, but can't go 4 wide because we have to max protect because our o-line sucks so bad. Even our TEs can't release and get open. We have a running game that hopes we never get into 3rd and one. And let's not even talk about penalies. So at the risk of sounding like I've played too much Madden I say... We still go 4 wide (even though that's all the WRs we have healthy right now) and spread the field. Place JP in the shot gun so he can save 1/2 second by not dropping back, and run draws, screens, and quick slants. That's the reason I'm not an coach. What's yours?
  21. OK I'm changing my name to "Thread Killer"
  22. Juron in response to why he went for it on forth and 27 from their OWN 1 yard line... "The defense was exhasted from running up and down the field all afternoon. We figured if we didn't convert, they would score on the next play and the defense would at least have the kick-off and another 3 and out to rest."
  23. I just read this whole thread, and finally someone got to the point I was going to make. We may as well have Bledsoe back because the defensive ends know exactly where JP is going to be when he takes the snap. Also what ever happened to screens and draws?
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