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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. As of yet, the world has not seen us play a team with a winning record. So they underestimate us. The Cards are 2-2, so if we let them win, then they will have a winning record. 3-2 So we will have finally played a team with a winning record. Yeah! Oh wait. But if win let them win, then we will have lost, so we still would not have beaten a team with a winning record. If we win, we still would not have beaten a team with a winning record because the Cards would be 2-3. If we lose we still would not have beaten a team with a winning record because we would have lost. Oh my head hurts!
  2. I'll cast my vote for Steve Johnson too. (Not that my vote means anything) He has good size and seem to catch everything near him in the preseason. I'd like to see Hardy be everything we want him to, but he only has 2 catches, although one is for a TD, and I know he has at least 2 drops. I'm hoping he'll get sticky fingers when the butterflies go away.
  3. The play that really shows TE smarts was the sack he took near the end of the game. We were trying to run out the clock before the field goal. He rolls out had plenty of time to throw the ball away. He didn't try to force it in and knew that an incompletion would stop the clock and didn't run out of bounds. Processing all this in seconds. Best sack we ever took!
  4. WGR just said Yahoo sports is reporting Brady will be out for the year with ligament damage.
  5. Kewl! Can Peters, Chambers, or Walker play center? Cause seeing Fowler get blownup by Brandon Mebane wasn't kewl!
  6. After the Sharpe, Faulk, Sanders combination I had to endure, Pitts and Bosselli should be excepting an ESPY.
  7. The pro bowl seems to be your bench mark. So let's say you give Peters his money and he makes the pro bowl again. Does that mean he gets another raise next year? When does it end?
  8. Here's my take on the whole Peters Fiasco... Let's say I know someone who has a Lamborghini for sale, but the last I knew it had a blown engine. He says that he's repaired the motor, and if that is true then the car is worth the money he is asking. But when I asked to hear the engine run he says "no I have to buy it first". Sorry, there is no way I'm buying that car until I hear the engine run.
  9. Makes you wonder if it was any other team if he would have been reinstated. I love starting a good conspiracy.
  10. If the Patsies really do end up pushing up daisies this season, then the cheating accusations will really look huge with the new D helmets.
  11. Come on everyone, Edwards sucked last night! Only 9 of 11? What happened on the the other 2 throws? And of the 9 completions only 2 went for TDs. Give me a break a TD on every 4 1/2 completions. Please! Besides how are we suppose to get an 1/2 completion? Cut him now while there's still time.
  12. This is what I understand also. But you may want to make sure he does not plug it into his phone jack. I believe they use the phone line to send programming changes. I'm not sure but there could be a possibility of your card getting "flashed". So to be safe tell him not to plug it into the phone jack.
  13. Productivity is something all of our WR's have been lacking! McCargo is my surprise cut. Why you ask? Just want to fuffle some feathers on TBD. He's been less than average his whole career so far and didn't show anything last night either. But truthfully I don't think we will see surprise cut this year. I don't think the coaches have the kahonnies. (SP?)
  14. This argument will never fly with me. The player gets up front money. The money is his weather he sucks or excells. Its the contract equalizer. Once the player takes that bonus money the teams only obligation to the player is his yearly salary. So if the team wants to opt out of a contract they'll lose the bonus money!
  15. I think Youboty will be on the roster when the season starts. The rooks (either or both Corner and Cox) may be PS guys. ST may be the deciding factor. If one of the rooks become an April guy, then yes I can see us cutting ties with Youboty. Is Cleveland still interested?
  16. They could play 70% of the snaps if the D could generate some 3 and outs. i.e. give themselves a rest.
  17. I don't post much but I read a lot on TBD. I have been pretty surprised that not much has been said about the reports on how well the O has played the last couple of weeks. If I remember correctly, last year our D, for the most part, owned the O though out OTAs and the preseason. It's nice to hear that both units are making plays this year. If they keep it up, I may have to change my pessimistic ways.
  18. Have an entire division take the bye week at the same time. Or better yet get rid of the bye week all together!!!!!!!
  19. Surprise Defense Positive… Reggie Corner will be starting @ nickel. Greer allocated to 4th. Surprise Defense Negative… Our run D will only be slightly improved from last year. No particular reason just a gut feeling. I really hope I’m wrong here! Surprise Offense Positive… Steve Johnson will be the 4th WR behind Evans, Hardy, and Reed. Surprise Offense Negative… I haven’t seen anything from Parish that tells me he is more than a ST’s player. I think he falls farther down the depth chart on offense.
  20. I was in a restaurant in Mexico City during their nation championship match. Not that I know anything about soccer, because I don't, but the crowd seemed cheer for the silliest plays. Oh and best I can remember the score was 1-0 with maybe 5 total shots on goal. Not my idea of excitement.
  21. I think the NFL should just stop the draft at 3 rounds. After all it's all ST'ers and camp folder atfer that anyway. We should be able to get those guys in FA. Unless the guy is a P or K or a return specialist then drafting for ST's makes zero sense for a team that had the one of the worst O and D in the NFL! If you are a stacked playoff caliber team, and just need to fill a couple of spots in the first few rounds, then yes use the later rounds to fill your ST's. The Bills aren't one of those teams yet.
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