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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. If Tebow was on the Bills this year we'd see him crying a lot. Seriously all of this years QB's scare me. There is no clear cut #1 QB in this draft. 1 or 2 may pan out, but it's difficult to determine who those guys are. I wouldn't draft a single one of them in the first round. I highly doubt that this years QB class will resemble the class or 83. More than likely it will resemble the class of 99.
  2. Continuing with the if game, if Fewell is the HC to start the season are we seriously talking playoffs now? I say yes. To take this crazy talk one step further, if we win out; NE @7-3 schedule has NO, Dolphins, Panthers, Bills, Jax, and Houston. They have some interesting games left. NO and Houston could be tough for them the Dolphins always give them trouble too. It's possible although highly unlikely we win the division.
  3. I consider him a expectation bust. A first round draft pick for a bad team better be starting and making some plays. He maybe great a year or 2 down the road, but what does that do for a team that needs impact players now? If he was drafted in any other round this conversation wouldn't be happening. So really it's the Bills first round draft choice that's a bust right now, not Maybin. (Although that remains to be seen.)
  4. Does the swapping of Ortan and Cutler show us anything? Ortan did little to nothing in Chicago, while Cutler was doing well in Denver. Now that they've switched places so has their fortunes.
  5. The Byrd pick and the Maybin pick have no similarities. Drafting a DE at 11 was consider a necessity for the Bills this year. Drafting another DB at anytime was not. Most poster here criticized the Maybin pick not because the Bills drafted a DE but because they though he wasn't worthy. The Byrd pick was criticized because it was another DB, something the Bills had plenty of. Byrd was not criticized for his playing ability. You can argue that the Byrd pick was a best player available selection, but that is many poster were saying was not the case with Maybin.
  6. Every first round pick of this decade including this years! Yeah I know Maybin hasn't been given any opportunities. Well he may end up being great some day, but when you draft a guy #1 that high he better be a starter. The only time you draft that high with the intension of developing a player is at QB. So to that I say the FO has screwed up again.
  7. Captain of the Titanic. Oh wait he already is!
  8. I'm getting a headache just reading this thread. Power of suggestion I guess.
  9. If you look at the Bills right now, we may as well has drafted one in the first round in the past few years. Maybin rarely sees the field, Mckelvin, and Whitner are out. Lynch was out the first 3 games. What harm could it have done to draft QBs instead? So they don't play? How's that any different than what's going on now? You would think even the Bills couldn't screw up 4 first round tries at a QB?
  10. I've always hated that statement. You don't take what the defense gives you, you take what you want.
  11. What about hiring a new coach/GM such as Holmgren or Shanahan and make them GM for this year with the intension of taking over the coaching duties next year? Yeah DJ would probably resign, knowing he's a lame duck coach, but isn't that the intension anyways? Yeah I'm grasping at straws, but one can hope.
  12. A mute point is one where you sit in front of your TV, and DJ starts talking about how hard the team played, and how hard it is to win in the NFL, and you get so frustrated that you point the remote control and hit the mute button.
  13. My take on RW. (Warning! This is purely my gut feelings. No brain cells have been harmed while writing this post.) Ralph does not care if the Bills win or lose. He just doesn't care. Although I believe he's enjoying the profits from the Bills, I don't think he owns the Bills for money reasons either. I believe he owns this team for bragging rights. It's his show piece, his expensive race horse, the toy only a few kids possess and he has one. He's hanging out with HIS rich buddies (more than likely not other owners) so he can flash his NFL owner card in their faces. (If there is such a thing) The winning or losing means nothing to him anymore. It's all about giving him self-importance in front of his piers. If he sold the team before he dies he no longer has that big stick he carries around. Bottom line is this... Russ and DJ make him feel comfortable. They're quiet unassuming and they don't make Ralph work to own his team. Yeah he probably would like it if his race horse would win the Kentucky derby, but I think he is just as happy right now knowing he has a horse in the race.
  14. Cadillac Williams runs for 150+, Trent throws 3 picks, McKelvin coughs up another. Bills lose big. Bucs 28 Bills 6 Or maybe... Jackson runs for 150+, Trent throws 3 TD, McKelvin scores another. Bills win big. Bills 28 Bucs 6 Either way it won't be close.
  15. Even better would be to agree to have no team draft him except the 49ers. They wait until their last pick and select him again. The guy would freak!
  16. If Crabtree is making these demands, then Parker would be smart to quit being his agent.
  17. I don't buy this at all. Just because the team will have more money doesn't mean they will spend it on players. Even if they did that doesn't mean the team will reach the SB. (see Washington) This team isn't mediocre just because Ralph won't spend, it's mediocre because of bad personel decisions and lousy coaching. This team has talent, most experts will admit that. The trouble is the talent isn't used correctly or is bunched up in one or 2 positions. Raising the ticket prices won't help this team make better decisions, it will just give them more money to throw at the Royal's, Dockery's, Walker's, and Fowler's of the NFL.
  18. I was begging to see one through out the preseason. You can blitz a 5 reciever set but someone is going to be wide open right from the snap. Reading the blitz is key, and something I think Trent can handle.
  19. Wouldn't it be cool if someone put an expansion team in Dallas or Washington? Where there ticket prices were low and pizza was only $20. They would probably fail, but for a while the JJ and DS might lose some cash flow.
  20. I think the O starters should keep playing until they score a TD. Even if the game is over, the lights are out, and the Steelers and crowd have gone home. They stay until they score. We may never see them again.
  21. I tried the "View Demo", downloaded and installed the software, but all I get is a screen that has the play controls, but nothing happens. Any suggestions?
  22. The Bills will not cut Kelsay. They don't have the kahonies. Say goodbye to Copeland Bryan. Ellis makes it because he is only in his 2nd year. So it's Maybin, Kelsay, Schobel, Ellis and Denny. They may have the fortitude to cut Denny and keep Bryan but I doubt it. It will be the same with Stupar. The politics of football.
  23. Am I the only one who thinks the away jerseys look like the old Houston Oiler’s away jerseys? I swear they changed the stripes on the sleeves just a tad, but over all they look the same. I guess I need to see them in person?
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