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Everything posted by Doc

  1. It was the first year under Mcdermott. It wouldn’t have made a difference with respect to drafting Josh.
  2. They started a tour last year to promote "The Tipping Point" but who knows if they'll release another album and whether they'll remain together (they broke up for 8 years previously).
  3. Saw them at Mohegun Sun casino last weekend for $62 apiece. Great show. I had never heard of the opening band (Cold War Kids) but they were pretty good.
  4. History is littered with companies that used to own practically everything...until they didn't because of missteps. Again never give people a reason to realize they can do (better) without you. AB will never regain that market share in the US and likely won't recover their stock price but they're in no danger of going under. And I doubt the trans-marketing is resonating in other countries given AB's $20B drop in valuation. Proper marketing (research) takes everything into account. I think it was both lack of marketing and thinking they were invincible.
  5. It's what they do. Take an extreme and stupid position to bolster their weak ones.
  6. So then the pandemic wasn't Trump's fault?
  7. Yes AB owns Modelo outside the US. So any gains in Modelo in the US market are going to Constellation Brands. Many were upset that they partnered with a trans activist. The fratty part came after an interview soon after. Budweiser became the giant they are not because they had a great beer, but because of marketing and understanding their consumer. They either failed to do marketing research here and/or thought they were invincible.
  8. Because Dems, when faced with malfeasance by Joke, don't respond with Trump? LOL!
  9. You mean like Hunter did? https://www.politico.com/gallery/2023/06/30/the-nations-cartoonists-on-the-week-in-politics-00104184?slide=4
  10. The girl literally said they didn't want the "fratty" image associated with the beer anymore. And Modelo in the US is owned by Constellation Brands, not AB who sold it to them in 2013. The D's stand for "dumb, dumb, dumb."
  11. Yeah, that's not how it works. AB wanted to change their consumer base. They succeeded.
  12. Haven't had one in over 6 years or so. Why would I go back to it when there are many other better beers out there?
  13. Yup. Nan even admitted this. Yup. It's ridiculous and why I said they should demand the money back from their schools since they're the ones who got it.
  14. If you're going to protest, stick with it. Don't be shamed into being a hypocrite.
  15. Yeah, teachers having sex with their students is no longer news. Unless she's hot.
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