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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The heat was a factor in combination with the short week. Take away either and they win.
  2. Sorry but admitting Russia interfered in our elections doesn't equal helping/colluding with Trump just because he won. But I know that's how you all like to conflate the issue because you still can't accept that Hilly lost and need something to blame other than her. And I'll bring up Obama because he did nothing about their interference despite knowing about it, again because he knew they couldn't change a single person's vote. Yeah but it's all rational...
  3. They would have beaten the Dols if they didn't just come off a Monday Night game.
  4. To me it's little different than climbing Mt. Everest. You know the risks but people still die. A lot actually.
  5. Being called a Nazi or KKK member is worse than being called *****.
  6. Russia's been trying to interfere in US elections for decades. Obama even knew about it and did nothing. Why? Because he knew it wouldn't affect the outcome. And it didn't. But it sure tore the country apart, which for them was worth the $1M+ they spent.
  7. Where was this video? As for the rest, they could have had McDuffie as a 1st rounder and after he got selected, Elam would have been the last 1st round graded player left on their board. And why doesn't it make sense that McDuffie could have been rated a 2nd rounder by them? Woolen was rated a post-4th rounder by everyone.
  8. You haven't seen Republican leaders being called "Nazis" or "Grand Wizards"?
  9. I hope they died instantly. I heard something about an implosion being heard soon after they descended and hope that's what it was.
  10. The first time I recall something like this was when someone threw a real bat on stage at an Ozzy concert in the early 80's. And Ozzy, being a nut and probably a little whacked-out on drugs, thinking it was a toy bat (who would have a real dead bat with them?) bit its head off.
  11. He doesn't really want to sign with the Cheaters or Titans. Otherwise he would have already. He may just have to if he's mostly interested in money.
  12. Nothing we didn't already suspect.
  13. "Neither found clear evidence of tampering." IOW, there was none but they had to add the "clear" to keep up the appearance that there might have been.
  14. My son has been bugging me to go to Brazil in August (we were there 6 years ago). I'm going to tell him it's a Commie place now.
  15. A meeting that produced nothing. But the son of a Vice President gets put on the board of a natural gas company in a foreign country all the time, right Adam?
  16. Having conversations with Russians isn't the same as colluding (or coordinating) with them. If you want to play the "prove that Joke and idiot boy didn't take bribes," do the same here or STFU about Russian collusion once and for all.
  17. Sherfield also had 14 fewer targets. Primarily because he had 2 really good WRs on the field at the same time.
  18. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Except I wasn't talking about the cases that are "he said, she said" situations (many of which I agree go unprosecuted): I was talking about this particular case. From the beginning we knew the sex was consensual and she was lying about her age. Video of her at another party and recently finding out there were witnesses at that party prove she told people she was of legal age (for obvious reasons) and her friends said she appeared to be having fun after returning from her tryst with Araiza. Speaking of the video, if you saw it, there's no way you can reasonably say that you knew she wasn't 18. So his defense is legal and valid. The only question was whether he participated in the "gang rape," which I thought could have occurred. I felt it was highly unlikely he was involved and we recently learned that videos taken of the activities inside the house didn't show him present. And judging by her lawyer now claiming that even if he wasn't present, he's still responsible, it tells me there is proof he left the party beforehand.
  19. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    The point being he didn't force himself on her.
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