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Everything posted by Billsgirl

  1. Oh my god... I usually go early to games but couldn't for the last one... Abbot and Southwestern were INSANE... I sat in front of the stadium for 15 minutes or so before the police realized we hadn't moved in awhile, then they let about five or six cars through before stopping us... it was so frustrating... I did get to watch a guy dancing on top of a bus with a Bills flag though, so that was slightly entertaining, especially when another guy in an army hat got up there too.
  2. I also really like JPs attitude on and off the field. Even if he does end up not being that good (which I don't think will happen) it won't be for lack of effort or motivation. The guy wants it bad and works his butt off for it and I LOVE his competitive attiude. Of course... I also like JP for his looks...but that's another topic...
  3. I don't THINK it was the heat... Williams's injury looked kinda serious... I didn't see Fletcher's... however, either way, as long as they are both okay that's better than anything else. Like everyone else, I'd rather see them sit than play in a game and risk their health, especially this early in the season.
  4. To steer this back on topic... I'd have to say that WM pouting isn't necessarily a bad thing... shows he's competitive and wants the ball. If I were him and I missed a touch down, I'd want the chance to do it again. Instead it goes to Peters from an inexperienced quarterback... he could have taken that as an insult almost... as if that was a safer bet than him. Either way, I don't think his pouting is anything to worry about. I would like to see less of WM's tap dancing though, and more running. I was always amazed when he'd crash into a big group of people and pop out the other side. That's been lacking a bit so far this season, preseason and regular.
  5. I'm praying that the Bills show up against Atlanta... I've got family from there coming up for the game and I don't want to have to hear their gloating if Atlanta wins!
  6. Not only was I worried about JP when they pulled him (confidence, losing the experience of struggling through a game- which is priceless in my opinion) but I was also thinking, "Oh crap, we're going to have another quarterback controversy!" Not to be mean to Holcomb, cuz I think he's a pretty good quarterback and have no ill feelings towards him, but I'm glad he didn't do anything. If he had, think of all the Holcomb supporters that would have emerged... but he didn't look any better than JP, thank god. We knew this was going to happen... we knew our offense was going to have issues... too bad it was a day when our Defense decided not to show up.
  7. I agree... I think the football popped out after Haddad was on the ground. I really didn't feel it was a fumble. Reed, however, SHOULD HAVE HAD THE BALL. I was sitting in the rockpile, right at the end where the touch down should have been, and it was apparent that it hit him in the hands and he dropped it. yeah, there was a guy on him, but in my opinion there really was no excuse for the incompletion. I would love to see Reed prove himself. I think he's got alot of potential and you see it time to time. however, he makes wayyyyyyyy too many mistakes out there.
  8. Awesome report. I'm glad the quarterbacks looked better than they did for Monday night, because I was quite disappointed in their performance that day... in fact I was pretty disappointed in the WHOLE OFFENSE that day. I'm hoping Lindell has a better season this year... I'm always very skeptical... but he really does seem to be doing well in practice so hopefully this year could be good for him. As for McGahee... i'm still completely worried about him. Something just doesn't seem right over there at training camp... Hopefully this "limp" is really nothing... but the whole thing seems awfully fishy to me. I'll be there next Monday too, but unfortunately my work has decided that I need to go in next wednesday for some CPR course... Fun wow.
  9. I've seen him do a couple of pretty long ones at the practices... so if he throws the same way in games, I think JP's arm can easily rival Bledsoe's.
  10. I expected multiple super bowls in a row.
  11. Since my pics have gotten so many hits, I'm just going to post the link again. I've got new pics up from the 8/15 night practice. They really aren't good because every time I was about to take a good shot, someone would walk in front of me and completely screw them up. I was just a *little* annoyed. But yeah... there are LOTS... prolly only half are up now... the others are taking a million years to load... Enjoy. http:// http://community.webshots.com/user/buffalobillsgirl edited to add the link that I didn't put in... I spent 11 straight hours coaching little kids at gymnastics today... It apparently is really draining
  12. I'm so jealous you got to be in the VIP tent! I didn't even get to sit at the practice, and half my pictures were shot because people kept walking in front of me... and the security dude wouldn't let me kneel near the handicap section, even if only for a little bit. It sat wide open for most of the practice, until a woman with a stroller came and sat down at it. I thought all the quarterbacks sucked last night. they each had one or two passes that looked good (Like JP threw a crazy long pass to evans that was in the endzone among a few others) but overall they looked pretty bad. In fact, the whole offense seemed out of it. Alot of dropped balls, bad blocking, receivers slipping while running their routes, etc. I wasn't impressed. I was impressed with Lindell however. I am NOT a fan of his... and he looked pretty good. Made all his FGs... though I really thought his long was close to 52 (or that's what my bro said... I'm horrible with FG distances...) but still... looked good. So did his kick offs. It took me awhile to realize McGahee wasn't playing. It makes me a little nervous... but Shaud was really good last night, one of the few bright spots in the offense in my opinion. He's going to be a great back up for Willis. I'm really starting to like him.
  13. That is absolutely hilarious... my bro's a football player in high school... I had to show him that pic... he couldn't believe it...
  14. The football team makes me embarassed to say that I go to UB... It's a long-running joke among all us students about how horrible the team is and stuff. People don't go to the games to watch football... most seem to go there after pregaming so it is a little more bearable. I don't know why they suck so much... but something's gotta change. I am on the gymnastics team and we got CUT to throw more money towards football and basketball, and apparently it's going to waste. Grrr
  15. I may have extra tickets... I won't know for a couple more days tho...
  16. Next time maybe I'll get your heads in the pictures too... then you can feel really special
  17. Super Bowl... I was only like seven during the Bills super bowl run... so I really don't remember much but big huge parties and lots of old people coming up and telling me how big I got... Now that i know what football is and can enjoy the game.... I'd LOVE to see them back at the Super Bowl.. no matter how crappy they end up being.
  18. Unfortunately I won't be able to go to another practice until the night ones. I have to work afternoons for the most part and so far I haven't found anyone to take my place.
  19. I have to agree there. Even if JP is only so-so this season... we could still end up doing well if our Offense, Defense, and special teams pull it together. I feel we have so much talent among the other positions (NOT saying that JP is untalented... I have alot of faith in him actually) that it is going to ease a "rookie" quarterback's transition into the NFL
  20. So I went to camp today and I thought it was pretty interesting. I hadn't been there since day two so to see the improvement was quite reassuring. Some of the newer or lesser known guys are starting to look good and several caught my eye today. Lionel Gates kept impressing me today. I saw several great plays. Joe Burns also made some good plays today, at one point I thought it must have been McGahee when he burst out of a huge group of people, but I was surprised to see number 35 instead of 21. So both those guys are doing well. I really really like Shaud Williams though. I think he'd make an amazing back up to McGahee. So strong and he carries the ball well. He also made some nice plays today. george Wilson made some nice catches today. I didn't really know who he was until this afternoon when I kept having to ask about him. Drew Haddad did very well today as well, which excites me since he's from my college. At least one good thing came from UB football. Aiken didn't look too bad today, either, though at one point Losman tried to toss him the ball and Aiken wasn't even looking at him. Our Defense was amazing as usual. McGee got a pick today and they D forced a fumble that clements ran back for a "touchdown" (No one really chased him). Losman was a tad interesting today. He started off okay and then hit a rough spot towards the end of practice. He's gotten much more accurate but he still needs a little more work on some judgement calls, like when to run or not, etc. It'll come tho, i'm sure. However, when they started hurry up drills and actually moving the ball Losman did really well- I was shocked. I thought he was going to continue to deteriorate as he had been, but instead he got it in gear and made some great plays. One of the last plays he threw a touch down pass to Evans that was really really nice. He even ran over and celebrated with him afterwards, which I thought was pretty cool. At least he ended practice well. Here's my pics. Sorry, I'm trying to get lots of them loaded and my computer is the slowest thing alive, so they may not be all up until later tonight. There's about seventy of them or so. Oh, and once again, sorry about the quality... I don't have a great camera but I love taking pics. http:// http://community.webshots.com/user/buffalobillsgirl
  21. That is sooooo sad... my prayers are with the Kelly family during this hard time...
  22. Yeah, I watched alot of it and didn't see anything.
  23. i thought august tenth was a closed practice... Can special people get tickets or something?
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