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Everything posted by Billsgirl

  1. Apparently our D has decided the game is done.
  2. Why do we continue to abandon the plays that are WORKING?
  3. At least Evans has appeared in the game. I was wondering where he was.
  4. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo Gates! Did he just do a flip?
  5. Now it kinda looks like we know what we're doing!
  6. That is the most hilarious thing I've heard all day!
  7. I was a little nervous about the D after the first Carolina drive, but now they are starting to look a little more organized out there, so here's hoping to an improved D this year!
  8. I'm going to try to be optimistic... This game isn't going nearly as bad as I thought it would. I think the OL is doing a little better than last year... JP's had a little bit of time tonight, at least wayyyy more than last year. I also think JP isn't doing too poorly... He had a good scramble on the one play and I've seen an improvement in his handling of the ball. He looks a little more confident out there.
  9. I'm in section 244 and I have a bunch of young kids around me (well, I'm 22, so I shouldn't talk I suppose, but I take my 17 year old brother to the game, so I don't drink). They drive me nuts because every game I get a beer dumped on me, and it's rather disgusting. They start fights sometimes right next to us, occasionally try to fit five people in two or three seats, or one person somehow manages to take up two seats, so I'm getting pushed into the person next to me the whole game. I'm in the middle of the row, so at least I don't have to get up too much for other people. Next year I'm going to have to try and save up so I can get seats in a different section, which will be hard with my poor college student budget and I start grad school next fall.
  10. I agree it prolly did help him (tho I still dont know if I would have benched him). He looks like a completely different guy out there. I don't think there's any way the coaches could start Holcomb after the game JP played yesterday. He proved more adequate than Holcomb yesterday, so why would you drop him when he's hot? He should really be in the rest of the season... if he's not, well... screw the future huh? We called this when Holcomb was first named starter... that Holcomb would get hurt and JP would come back and play well... I vaguely remember the thread... Looks like we predicted the future pretty well.
  11. I thought the whole thing was serious too... lol... i haven't been around in awhile. Apparently I've lost my ability to pick up sarcasm.
  12. Thems be fighting words... watch out!
  13. That's prolly very unlikely, but I'd love to see it!
  14. What Press conference are you talking about? I could understand being pissed because someone is telling you how to do your job... I'm a gymnastics coach and I've got this other coach trying to order me around and it's driving me NUTS (and he's not even ranked higher than me or anything... he just thinks he can tell me what to do for some reason).
  15. I don't care what his opinions are... I just don't feel it was his place to say that stuff... He should have left it up to MM to make statements on the quarterback situation. And to call out a teammate is wrong in public... say all you want in the lockerroom... but it's very unprofessional to do it out in the open... I'm not Anit-Moulds or anything.. but his behavior sucked...
  16. It may be a sin to say this around here, but I like Brady. And I am not a big Flutie fan. I'd rather not see him kick butt with the Pats, or given the chance. I pray Brady has a safe season.
  17. Oh I know the arguments and I'm not totally against doing something about JP's situation, but I am in a slightly hostile mood and thought I'd start some trouble.
  18. But wasn't playing JP this year what they believed in? Just a stupid question, prolly going to get angry people on me again, but what happened to that game plan? I'm not sure right now how many people are really going to stand by mularkey and Donahoe with you... but hopefully you're right and they know what they are doing.
  19. I'm not looking down on people at all. I think it's so funny that the boards were covered with pro holcomb posts and now it's covered in people upset with JP's Benching... I think it's funny how no matter what, not everyone's going to be happy, and that's what I was pointing out with my post. I don't need you making fun of me and being rude for something that was taken out of context of my original intent.
  20. Shane matthews is our savior! What are the Bills thinking??????
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