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Everything posted by Billsgirl

  1. That's what I like to hear... he's apparently working through some things and getting used to being out there. hope it keeps going!
  2. I got season tickets in the one endzone (the 250 dollar ones- I'm a college student- I'm poor) and I was just wondering if anyone has ever sat over there and how the view was? I know it's pretty much going to suck, but it can't be that bad, right? I'm spoiled because I usually use my uncle's, who's from Atlanta, season tickets (which are on like the 50 yard line), but he's going to all the good games this year, so i figured it was time to branch out on my own. but now, lookin back, I have a feeling they are going to suck.
  3. I'd love it if the decision didn't come down to the last couple of games... but that's prolly wishful thinking. It would be cool if that were a deciding game... but then I'd be so freaked out that the Bills would blow it... as in a certain scenario from last year.
  4. I know it doesn't matter... but I still want to see it! I really want to see how the offense reacts to another defense... whether or not it is controlled... It could be interesting... and if the Bills are EVER on... I hardly ever miss it
  5. It'd be cool, but doubtful. I'm so mad... I'm leaving for the one and only vacation I'm going on this summer on Friday morning... just in time to miss the scrimmage coverage on television that night... I'm fairly certain the hotel I'll be in won't have NFL network... At least I come back sunday so hopefully I can watch the tape I'll have to make of the game without hearing the results first!
  6. If that's true, then I suppose that JP is getting a little more comfortable out there, right? If he's able to make a split second decision rather than freaking out or bailing or something? Or maybe I'm just that last ray of sunshine in a crowd of angry pessimists
  7. It was on the news... I don't know if they showed a clip of it or not, but I heard about it. by the time I made it to the tv it was on to another story tho.
  8. I'm confused... one shirts blue, one's white with a buffalo on it, right? I'm debating about the white one... who do I contact?
  9. I wish everyone would stop freaking out, or y'all are going to have nervous breakdowns before the first scrimmage game even gets here. Yeah, JP isn't amazing right now. I'm a big supporter and I didn't even expect him to dazzle everyone at mini-camps. He did his homework in the offseason and prepared mentally, but now you need to let him adjust to this team physically. HE'S GOING AGAINST THE NUMBER TWO DEFENSE. We lost ONE guy. They are still going to be tough. With some guys adjusting on O-Line, some new and old receivers trying to get back into it, and a new starter quarterback, I don't think they look all bad going against such a tough defense that is NOT holding back in practice. They already mean business. If JP can start playing well against our defense, he'll be fine. But he isn't going to do it over night. As for Moulds, he looked really good in practice, but most people prolly aren't saying anything because we already know about him. We know he can catch the ball and make some plays. There are some new guys people were more interested to hear about over him, but that doesn't mean lets cut him now. I saw him make some great catches yesterday afternoon. And if this whole thread is sarcasm, then sorry, because I'm new here and I still don't get y'all's sarcasm yet. I'm working on it.
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he participated in a few drills... I was really surprised to see him out there today.
  11. So, yeah, I took pics today, but they are not all that great as I don't have a spectacular camera to take them with. But I thought I'd put them up there anyways. http:// http://community.webshots.com/user/buffalobillsgirl I'm not sure I linked right, so I hope it works! As for today, I didn't really notice anymore than what everyone else has said. The most talked about topic is JP Losman, and yeah, he looked rusty. But I think he's going to be fine once he and the offense settle down. He did some good things along with the bad, so it's not all negative. I didn't think he looked that bad, definitely not as bad as people had been saying. All the receivers impressed me alot today. They all made some really good catches and I didn't see that many drops (though I was on the Defense side of the field so I may have missed it). Roscoe is absolutely amazing, so fast out there, and so small compared to the other players (I have a pic with him standing near someone else and he's like a head shorter than them). I already think he's beaten out Josh Reed, but you never know. Evans and Moulds both made nice catches as well, but Roscoe stands out more in my mind. McGahee was absolutely awesome as well. He broke through holes I didn't even know were there. At one point I was sure the play was dead but all of a sudden he popped out of the other side of the mound of people, still holding the ball and going for more yardage. His knee is apparently of no concern to him anymore. The Defense looked good to me as well. They all appeared to be in good shape and ready to go. But yeah, like I said, most of that was discussed already. Hope y'all enjoy the pics tho!
  12. I hope he's alright. From the sounds of it, he had an amazing morning practice and it'd stink if he ended up injured in the first practice. However, it doesn't sound like it's severe or anything (especially with conflicting reports) so I'm praying I see him out there today.
  13. I have to agree about Parrish being better in the slot. I hope Moulds stays on the outside, where I think he'll excel more with this team, and put Parrish, with all his crazy speed, in the slot. I think they'll compliment the offense better that way.
  14. Yeah, I got up early to check them out. I'm going today, and I only live an hour from the place, so expect reports and hopefully pics from my by seven tonight! And that's good that JP Losman did well in the night practice. I really have a lot of faith in him and hope that he manages to pull through.
  15. I've never gone to a training camp at St. John Fisher... how does this work? Where do I have to go and stuff? (Stupid questions, I know). Also... I didn't realize we could go to morning practices without tickets ( I called the hotline and talked to some lady who wouldn't help me out at all... she told me I had to go to Ticketmaster for all practices or something like that and really didn't tell me anything). So does that mean every practice can be gone to without tickets for the most part? Which ones do need tickets? I appreciate anyone's help with my ignorant questions. I'm so dedicated to the bills, but this is the first summer I am actually in town during training camp.
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