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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. Ngata! Ngata! Ngata! I'm starting to get excited...Next saturday won't come soon enough! G'eeeeah
  2. Who cares if it was posted before? And why is that funny? Thanks for the link, i've never seen it before.
  3. Wow...who in their right mind would let that crazy lookin old man in their house. Amazing how gullable people are.
  4. Nobody knows what Marv's "style" is...he's a first year GM.
  5. someday I will get to go there...someday.
  6. Awww what do you know anyway? I bet we trade down though...but if we pick Ngata...I wanna see you EAT your words. Besides, like you know anymore than anyone else about the Bills drafting whoever. Some people think they know it all...
  7. I guess we'll agree to disagree then I really won't be upset with either Ngata or Bunkley...either would be an improvement. That's all I want, for the Bills to improve.
  8. I've actually SEEN him play, that's why I like him...not from the scouting reports. Fair enough?
  9. LOL @ people reading these scouting reports like they're the Gospel. I'll take Ngata.
  10. Guys, I was kidding about the spat comment. Geeeez.
  11. That's messed up man, that waitress needs to be spat on. I can't believe the manager brushed you off...wow.
  12. Nah, as much as I hate to see him stringing this decision along...you don't cut Favre. You just...don't.
  13. Ozy...you keep harping on Ngata having a rebuilt knee. Well it seems to me nowadays rebuilt knees are stronger than before injuries. Medical technology is amazing these days...what makes you think Ngata's knee is such a liability?
  14. So who wants Mario Williams the most? I'm watching espn right now and it seems NO wants Ferguson and think they can get him a few spots down the line. So...who do you guys think wants that #2 the most?
  15. We did lose to the Jets, what are you talking about?
  16. Great idea, let's get rid of our best running back and best defensive back. This is one of the dumbest threads i've seen. Clements wants a long term deal...and so do the Bills!
  17. Kelly Holcomb probably...and a lot of pissed off people.
  18. You're right about people not really knowing about Ngata. But the way I look at it...does it really matter who we pick at #8? I'm sure Marv will make a good choice, and we really can't go wrong with all those players that will be available at #8 (That is, if we don't trade down). I don't share your opinion on Harrington though...I just don't see him as a leader. Maybe that's because of the mess that he's currently in? (Detroit) Maybe not? Hopefully Jon Losman comes around this year....cause I will have a hard time watching the team suffer thru another year like last. But all in all I think we really can't do much worse than last year...so it's all on the up and up from here on out! **knocks on wood** Go Bills, Beavs, and Ducks!
  19. Thanks oregonmark... What city are you in? Salem here...
  20. We would have beaten the Jets if Greer wouldn't have missed that tackle on Justin Miller's kickoff return late in the 4th quarter. I know you all remember that...I don't hate Greer, he just isn't that good.
  21. You've probably never seen him play if you think he's just a fat ass...He's much more than that, and if you don't know then please don't comment.
  22. I remember him getting burned a lot last year...not just the Miami game. and comparing Clements to T.O. is just stupid, he's nothing like T.O.
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