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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. They sure do look a lot like Indiana and Nebraska. I don't see why they changed. Pretttttty lame.
  2. LMFAO!!! Thanks for the laughs fellas, this thread is funny as hell.
  3. He'll get comfortable and balloon to 370?! We all know??????? WTF are you talking about? You don't know your foot from your ass saying things like that. NOBODY knows how these guys will pan out...You don't think Ngata had tackles for a loss? C'mon man, get your head outta the clouds. BOTH are great players...quit knocking Ngata because of your love for Bunkley.
  4. /\Nahhhhh why should Mcgahee be in the 90's??? He's not super fast, he's not much of a slasher...doesn't catch much outta the backfield, and Shelton is the definition of an average FB in Madden. I'll agree with Evans and Roscoe's ratings a little low...I think Mcgahee is overrated in the game myself.
  5. I don't think he has a drug problem, I think it was a false / positive test or the test came back dirty because of some herb he was taking. I'm not sorry to see him suspended but I don't think he's a bad person or a drug addict either. If you think smoking weed is such a problem you have no idea what real drugs are and what they can do to people.
  6. Ramius, they do sell box sets of Super Bowls.Super Bowl XXXI-XL
  7. Does his salary still count against Miami?
  8. Losman didn't look good even in the Houston game...he threw at least 3 passes that should have been picked, but somehow were dropped by Houston defenders. He's got no touch on his passes, they're all 100mph. I hope he can calm the hell down and play soundly enough to make some plays. I remember plenty of his passes that should have been picked but like I said he throws the ball so damn hard some bounced off defenders chests. I've never been so nervous watching a QB play for the Bills.
  9. 9am west coast, 12pm east coast The Bills pick 8th as of right now...so that will be approximately at 11am west coast and 2pm east...that's if the teams use all of their 15 minutes per pick.
  10. Great article, thanks for posting it. "There are a lot of statistical yardsticks by which one can define Ngata's production at Oregon in three years. He posted 151 tackles, 24½ tackles for loss, 10 sacks, three forced fumbles and one recovery. But to gauge his athleticism, consider this staggering number: The guy blocked seven kicks -- three field goals, three extra-point attempts and a punt -- in his college career. That ties for the 10th-most career blocked kicks in NCAA history." And some say he's "lazy" tssssssss!
  11. So Ngata only had 3 sacks...*news flash* Getting pressure on the QB doesn't require a sack. Interior lineman aren't expected to get 10 sacks a year. Hence the term "pressure" And he's a special teams nightmare for opposing teams the way he can explode off the ball and penetrate to get at the kicker. You say Ngata is an "unfinished player" what makes you think Bunkley will be that much better? He'll make an immediate impact? How do you know that?! Personally I don't think we can really go wrong with either of these guys...but please...quit trying to say Bunkley is that much better because he's not.
  12. What a piece of sh--. I used to kinda like Ricky Manning Jr.
  13. Mike, they can't! I guess rules stipulate you can't change uni's for 5 years! Besides, like I said our home Uni's are some of the best in the league! You don't think they look mean? Like Ramius said, the old Bills uni's look too much like the NJ Giants.
  14. Yep i'm hoping we run multiple WR sets to open it up for both the passing game and keeping the D honest to set up the run...it should be exciting next year with all these weapons we have. Let's hope it all pans out. SpidersWeb...AWESOME rec room man! I want one of those BAD now!
  15. Ghost of BiB - I don't know what thread you're talkin about but...it's all good man, no worries.
  16. BillsYoung1127... What exactly is "white speed" and "white jumping" ? That's a pretty ignorant statement. I hope you're joking, and even if you are...it's not funny. People can be fast or slow no matter what skin color they have.
  17. I couldn't disagree more silverNred, our uniforms are cool. I'm glad we're out of the mid 90's uni's, they were outdated and needed a change. How can you not like our home threads though? That dark blue is sharrrrrrp as a meathook. They look mean.
  18. No way in hell Mario Williams drops to #5. Was this in your madden game or what?
  19. Thanks for that link, it's a good article. This sure caught my eye... Vernon Davis, TE, Maryland: He shot up draft boards at the combine by benching more than most linemen and running faster than most wideouts. But the real key to Davis is the way he can churn his legs. His 685-pound squat was the stuff of legend in the Maryland weight room. GOOD LORD! THE MAN SQUATS 685!?!
  20. There's light at the end of the tunnel! I swear I can see it! Think positive man, it's time to get excited...we're about to get better!
  21. Ohhhhhh you are soooo right! Of course you can't top Tampa's old cream uniforms.
  22. Bobblehead and chickenwing 73...good posts. 4 years 10 mil for a receiver is pretty cheap considering the potential involved. "Levy is not necessarily talking about personal character, but rather professional character." That's a great point. Made me think of Vince Young showing up to the white house wearing jeans and a sweatshirt instead of a suit or at least a blazer. It's just not professional. Makes him look like a fool to me.
  23. Awww c'mon Nanker, they're not bad. It could be much worse...Look at Cleveland's or Baltimore's. Now those are terrible. But personally I think the Jets have the worst uniforms in the NFL.
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