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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. He'll never be like he was at Miami...Losing weight won't help, his knee was...."JACKED UP!!!!" So forget about him having blazing speed...he's a strong runner now, and a pretty good one at that.
  2. 40 yard dash times are irrelevant...they don't run in pads or with a football for that matter. He can't however be that fast...his longest run last year was 27 yards...I think only 2 starting running backs had shorter long runs last year. One being Lamont Jordan. He's a tough runner though, that's for sure...he rarely gets knocked on his ass. I always see him falling forward. Hopefully next year he'll get a little space to make a move or two, which wasn't really the case last year. But that game in Seattle where Bledsoe faked the qb/center exchange and threw to Willis...he looked pretty damn fast. I bet he's tears it up next year.
  3. Are you serious? The last guy picked in every year's draft is dubbed "mr irrelevant" You've never heard of this before?
  4. B word? I said call me crazy not a crazy B word, you B word. I'm thinking it doesn't do any good pissing and moaning all off season when the NFL is WIDE OPEN when it comes to the competition, it's not like MLB where the Devil Rays and Brewers never have a chance. Any given sunday any team can win.
  5. That guy is fast as hell...but only like 5'7'' right?
  6. Hell I think we can win this year...call me crazy.
  7. Donte Whitner - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/whitner_donte John McCargo - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/mccargo_john Ashton Youboty - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/youboty_ashton Ko Simpson - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/simpson_ko Kyle Williams - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/williams_kyle Brad Butler - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/butler_brad Keith Ellison - http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/ellison_keith Terrence Pennington- http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2006/pennington_terrance You may have read these already but ehhh maybe some haven't. I'm stoked about the defensive backs we got...and the DT's sound like they will contribute as well.
  8. After reading all the scouting reports for our picks i'm quite pleased with our selections...I think we'll be much improved from 5-11 that's for sure.
  9. I think Wire is as good as gone come training camp.
  10. The first post in this thread had me laughing Matt, it was great.
  11. Hell yeah! A Beaver on the Bills! and Mike Hass got picked by New Orleans...Go Beavs!
  12. What'd William Henderson say to those dweebs? I missed it...
  13. What's FWIW?...i'm behind on my abbreviation lingo. I thought it was weird at first, but the more I think about it the more I like what Marv is doing.
  14. LOL, you have a better idea? Matt Bowen or Jim Leonhard? Rashad Baker?
  15. Congratulations! My first niece is expected to arrive June 21st
  16. If that is seriously what you believe, then I seriously think you're an idiot.
  17. Go cry and whine somewhere else. Be happy we addressed our defensive needs man.
  18. I'm really tired of Mort and Golic...couple of chodes IMO. Mel Kiper actually said if we swapped Youboty for McCargo...nobody would say anything about us "reaching" to get back into the first. I thought that was a good point.
  19. Nothing is clear man, what makes you think we don't lock up Clements long term despite these recently drafted db's? LOL that's funny you say that 12 hours after we drafted those guys.
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