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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. I don't remember him at all...i'm guessing he never touched the field.
  2. I agree. Aikman and Young had enough sense to leave when it was time...Fav-ra should do the same. And yes, I know TA and SY had multiple concussions. They still had enough sense to see when their play might hurt their teams instead of help. I don't see the Packers going anywhere this year or next. One thing I know though, they're going down week 9!
  3. That's weird, I wonder why nfl.com still has him under "buffalo bills wr" Thanks Lurker.
  4. I've never heard of him before...was he recently signed as a UDFA? http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/237137
  5. Great news! Be sure and let us know how it went.
  6. Give me a break, that's a stupid remark about Nate needing a dose of "team player" He could have held out til just before the opener. I swear, we could have players like the Dolphins who are criminals and pieces of sh-- in the real world...then what would you say? I was just thinking the other day that i'm glad our players don't cause trouble or get arrested or fight police officers drunk in the street. The NFL is a business, teams aren't loyal to players...they can cut them anytime...i think it's you that needs a "little dose" of reality.
  7. That was awesome seeing the Lakers get dominated. Barbosa drove the lane at will and nobody on the Lakers would step up. It was over pretty early.
  8. Holy crap I remember that too! That was a really weird show...I can't remember the name of it though. haha, what made you think of that?
  9. I can't wait to see him back on the field! Hopefully he's ready by opening day in New England.
  10. Hey thanks for posting about that website, that's awesome. They sure have a lot of cool stuff.
  11. Don't jump the gun on Peerless. You never know why he's not there. I hope it's a good reason though.
  12. She's doing pretty well LA. She's in remission now but like most MS patients...some days are good and some are bad. She doesn't have it severe like Richard Pryor for instance, she has some balance and vision problems mainly. Since I was 15 I did all the driving for her because she often sees double and has blurred vision. But as long as she doesn't drive she seems to be ok. I can't remember what medication she takes but I know it costs almost a grand a month...(thank god for insurance) Thanks for asking LA...do you know someone who has MS?
  13. I'll help, my mom has MS. There is nothing i'd love to see more than an end to that terrible illness. My mom was diagnosed in 1989. God Bless all of you fighting that disease, one day it will defeated. I'll shoot you some money right now Rockpile, so be on the lookout. I hope I sponsored the right person! It was only 10 bucks, I wish it was more...but i'm pretty broke.
  14. Happy Birthday in advance in case i'm not online tomorrow...And I wouldn't call you old...thank God for everyday you are on this earth. And congratulations on your daughter getting ready to be outta there! That means you must have raised her right
  15. Thank you all SO much for the kind words and advice. I never thought he would do something like this. I hadn't cried for what seems like years til yesterday when I found out. His mom called me and broke the news, and I just lost it. He was truly a great person. I will follow much of the advice given in all of your replies. He didn't believe in God, but I think he's in heaven with him anyway...I just don't believe good people go the other way, so when I drove to work this morning and saw the sky was a beautiful orange/pink and glowing so bright...I thought "I know you're up there Walt...in paradise finally....finally pain free and now you can finally rest." THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, you've all helped alot. I'd consider all of you my friends as well for this...you are good people. God Bless you all. - Landon
  16. He was depressed all his life and finally ended it himself. I'm so sad, he was a great person and was always there for me...always had good things to say and always had good advice whenever I was in need of some, now he's gone forever. I'm all tore up...please say a prayer for my friend Walt....RIP. I'll miss him greatly.
  17. The responses in this thread sound just like the clowns at bb.com's board. I'd take McNair over all 3 of our quarterbacks easily...The guy is tough as nails and keeps coming back for more. I can't believe the way some of you think. "oh he used to be good" give me a break, the guy STILL plays at a very high level. Now I don't think there's a snoballs chance in hell he comes here but wow that would be awesome if it did happen. I think once the season starts it will be obvious that JP still isn't ready...and I cringe thinking about what will happen then...Holcomb and mediocrity...here we come!
  18. Overuse WM??????? I think we underuse him...how can you say we overuse him? He comes out every 3rd down. I have more faith in Shaud than I do in A-Thomas. Shaud was good in the limited carries he got last year. I mean, when the only carries he gets is on 3rd and 15 and he gains 12...that's not too bad. Anyway, bottom line for me is whoever can get it done should be in there when Willis needs a rest.
  19. Why do you think Anthony Thomas will get significant carries? I don't think he'll even make the team...He couldn't even get on the field in Dallas, and they didn't have a good rushing year at all. Then again neither could Peerless Price.
  20. Absolutely. He's incredible even in traffic. There's a reason he won the Biletnikoff award...(and yes I know Josh Reed won it a few years back) Mike Hass overachieved every year at OSU...from a walk on to a full ride...I think he'll be great in N.O. and NO Keith Ellison isn't a p*ssy!!! (to the guy that asked) He's a great cover LB, i'm happy we have him.
  21. Resign him long term...What makes you say he's T.O. like?
  22. That's not right... I believe it's QB's and punters/kickers are #'s 1-19 RB's 20-49 Centers 50-59 Guards 60-69 Tackles 70-79 WR's and TE's used to be 80-89 but now they can wear teens.
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