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Posts posted by shrader

  1. 14 hours ago, The Jokeman said:

    Marv Levy was a far worse GM than GMTM. While I think GMTM gave too much in some of his trades but at least guys he got produced like Adams thus far.


    Zach Bogosian

    Josh Gorges

    Andrej Meszaros

    Andre Benoit

    Tyson Strachan

    Cody Franson

    Carlo Colaiacovo

    Justin Falk

    Taylor Fedun

    Dmitri Kulikov


    That's the reason why Tim Murray failed.  These are the defensemen he added who got significant playing time over those three years.  Bogosian and Kulikov unfortunately didn't work out and the rest are a bunch of has beens and never weres.  Murray only cared about the forwards and then tried to patch up his blue line in the clearance aisle. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    There's always a buzzkill in the crowd! 





    Always take the survivor's benefit! 😆


    Even after your dead... It's the "gift that keeps on giving!" 😆


    Buzzkill?  I love this whole Bonilla thing.  It's the ultimate head scratcher.  I feel like they add more to the story each year to make that mets front office look even more stupid.


    The amount of time left on his deal dwarfing all those other contracts just goes to show how special this one is.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Gugny said:

    Worth pointing out that the Mets are far from alone as far as teams who've gone the deferred payment route:




    • Max Scherzer: Will receive $105 million total from the Nationals that will be paid out through 2028.


    • Manny Ramírez: Will collect $24.2 million total from the Red Sox through 2026.


    • Ken Griffey Jr.: Will receive $3.59 million from the Reds every year through 2024 as the deferral from his nine-year, $116 million deal signed in 2000.


    • Todd Helton: Will get $1.3 million from the Rockies every year through 2023 as the result of $13 million deferred when he signed a two-year extension in 2010.


    That list of four has a combined 17 years remaining.  That stacks up pretty nicely against Bonilla's 14.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  4. I saw the two threads back to back and for a second there I thought Billy Fuccillo was Jambi.


    Anyway, I couldn't place the face so I had to click on the link to get the Seinfeld role.  I didn't realize those two guys even had names.  I'm going to have the whole "are you talking to me" thing stuck in my head all day.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. So pretty much everything about this half of the season was ridiculous.  The over the top coincidences of John Dorie senior and Teddy, nukes... The writers went way too far overboard trying to make things happen in this show.  I mean, it was entertaining enough, but so many of these things don't fit very well into the universe they've built over the years.


    Some of these splinter groups better be dead whenever the show comes back with a time skip.  I have no idea how things work with fallout, but June and Dorie are basically just in the ground below vaporized Dakota.  They're in that bunker for a very long time.  And then there's Dwight and Sherry in their basement/shelter that doesn't even have a door.  And highrise Strand.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. On 6/12/2021 at 9:44 AM, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    I am not a huge Star Wars fan, but watched all the movies with my kids in the past few months on Disney+, and sort of got into it a little.


    we started on mandelorian (about 5 episodes in). It seems okay, but I have been sort of confused by it— seems like a bunch of disjointed events of mando carrying baby yoda around. I was expecting a more coherent and compelling story line. But maybe it gets better? 



    It pretty much is a lose episodic show and then they tie it all together down the home stretch.  I forget exactly when that starts, but I want to say the last two episodes.  The second season is structured very similarly.

  7. 10 hours ago, ChevyVanMiller said:

    Just watched the premiere episode. I thought it was really good and really liked Owen Wilson as Morbius. Looking forward to see where it goes from here.


    Shows like this really make me hate the weekly release strategy that Disney uses.  That first episode was entertaining, but in the big picture, absolutely nothing happened.  The show could go off in any direction from here.

    • Agree 1
  8. 33 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Regardless, he must be traded before his NMC kicks in next year, so there is a countdown in effect. But there’s no hurry at this particular juncture. Interested teams are gonna need to do their own due diligence on his neck issues before committing that kind of time and money to Eichel, so I don’t see a fast timeline, anyway. 

    I can’t blame the Sabres for wanting to get rid of a dishonest malcontent, though. And I’m convinced these off season theatrics were deliberately orchestrated by Eichel and his agent to deliberately slow down the trade process and extend it until that NMC takes effect and they have control over where he ends up playing. 


    And wanting to move on does not mean they're going to rush to make it happen.  This isn't the same GM who made the O'Reilly deal and also got other sub-par returns like in the Kane deal.  We really don't have any history to go on for predicting Adams trades.


    -Hall deal with the NMC

    -Expiring deals at the deadline (Staal, Montour, Johansson)

    -Johansson for Staal


    Those are all in a completely different ballpark and they give me absolutely no idea of where he might go with Eichel.

  9. I almost wonder if Granato is the kind of guy who should be coaching the Amerks.  Sure, he got a lot more out of players by using him in better situations, but I feel like that's more of a strike against Krueger than it is a positive for Granato.  Any good head coach should be able to know to put players in those better, more appropriate situations.  Yes, we know Granato can get more out of these guys, but just how much can he get and how long can it last?  I really want to see a more seasoned NHL head coach behind that bench, especially after the last two hires.  With Granato, I worry that they're setting setting the ceiling a bit too low.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 2 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:

    Not so sure about that one. Edmonton has been as bad as Buffalo at developing players. They actually might be the only team worse than Buffalo... (before Ken Holland anyway). 


    They went something like 10 years without having a contributing player drafted outside the 1st round of the draft. Iirc I think they hit on like 1 second round pick in that entire time or something ridiculous like that. 

    Draisaitl would be Draisaitl no matter what team drafted him.


    He gets to play second fiddle to one of the greatest player that ever lived.  I'm not saying he's a scrub in a different situation, but that certainly has a major impact on his career development.

  11. On 6/4/2021 at 3:30 PM, K-9 said:

    I’d give this complaint more credibility if you could point to all your posts pounding the table to draft Draisaitl at the time. Otherwise, it’s just another case of crystal clear 20/20 hindsight. There’s a lot of that in these parts though. 


    I usually hate hypotheticals, but I bet things would look a hell of a lot different if Reinhart and Draisaitl switched placed back in 2014.  All too often people look at the final result and say the draft pick was a mistake.  This completely ignores the role played by the player development of each team.

  12. 11 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    Charging has historically been determined by steps.  Like if you keep your feet moving through the check then you ran the guy and its charging.  Scheifele did not continue to accelerate through the hit.  He had a full head of steam but he glided in the last 2 to 4 strides.  


    I don't have any problem with the ruling of a charge or the suspension BUT lets not pretend the rule is cut and dry.  And lets definitely not pretend that the farce that is the NHL's disciplinary process is infallible.  There is zero consistency with the way suspensions are handed out.  The only consistency is if a guy gets really hurt, the offending player is missing games.  If sitting Scheifele 4 games makes the league a safer place then I'm on board.


    You just described the consistency.  If you injure someone with an illegal hit, you will get suspended.  I wish their standard was different, but they've been fairly consistent.  The only place they break from that standard is when it's a fight, two willing participants.

    • Eyeroll 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, SinceThe70s said:


    I thought the intent was to stop the game-sealing goal. I don't know anything about Scheifele - does he have a rep as a dirty player?


    The intent is going to matter all that much.  When you trip or hook a guy on a breakaway, your intent is to prevent a goal, but it's still a penalty.  This one is going to draw a suspension.  Every video they release about a suspension always starts out with exactly what rule was broken and how it was broken, then followed up with the so called damage report.  This one checks every box on that list.

  14. On 5/21/2021 at 1:16 PM, Chef Jim said:

    The pandemic is over!!  I have booked my trip for the end of July beginning of August.  


    Let the ignored advice begin! 

    You should ignore my advice. 

  15. 1 hour ago, K-9 said:

    The return has indeed been messed with in part because Eichel chose to do that on full display at his presser. Regardless, the Sabres should hold firm and seek to get the best return no matter what team in what conference it is with, including Boston. Not that they have an adequate return, anyway. As long as the deal is done before his NMC kicks in next year, we can be patient. Which everyone has to be anyway, given the timeframe for his recovery. 


    Has there been any comment on that timeframe of recovery?

  16. 1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:

    Add in taking left turns from the far right lane and you've got the Webster's definition of a Masshole.


    They gun it and take that left the second the light turns green, right?


    1 hour ago, K-9 said:

    You’re probably right, him being a masshole isn’t a reason. After all, Buffalo teams have had them over the years, some of them very good players (I’m looking at you, Fred Smerlas). 

    How about has to go because he’s dishonest, lacks character, doesn’t want to be here, and is willing to act in a completely unprofessional manner in order to achieve that? Pretty sure that’s not my bias, but what we all witnessed during his presser on Monday. 




    Unfortunately I missed that press conference, had to leave a couple minutes before it started.  I believe the reaction though since it's been pretty much universal everywhere I've looked.  I just hope it doesn't mess with the return in anyway.  One things certain though, it won't be Boston.

  17. 12 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    No one should have been worried about anything as it was.


    The worrying and panic is contributing more to the shortage than the cyber-attack.


    And these dummies are going to be sitting on 100 gallons of varnish and sludge in about 4 months.


    The local news spends 99% of their broadcast time showing us lines as different gas stations all over their viewing area.  The remaining 1% is used to quickly say that that the panic is the sole reason for why stations are empty.  They have way too much power and they choose to only use it to get higher ratings.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  18. 14 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Eichel has said the Bruins were his favorite team growing up; how much of a bond he and his father shared over watching and attending their games. He loves the Patriots, too. And the Red Sox. Makes sense seeing as how he grew up there. Not sure what his favorite college team and local rivalry with another school has to do with that. 

    There are right and wrong ways to go about asking your team for a trade. Deliberately misrepresenting the facts about the agreed upon treatment for his injury is not professional in the least. All he had to do was say that the 12 week rehab timeframe hasn’t expired yet and that a determination on surgery, etc., would be made at that time. But his arrogant, smug masshole self just couldn’t resist taking a shot at the team. 

    And yeah, I’m sure his agent is part and parcel to the strategy. But again, misrepresenting facts in an attempt to make the team look bad is a bullcrap move. And I suspect other teams will take notice given what we now know about the experimental nature of the surgery he wants. 


    The college game is huge up there, particularly with anyone growing up in the hockey world like he would have.  In that world, BU-BC would be the equivalent of Duke-UNC in bouncyball.  So there's one case where he completely by his own choice passed over "his" team for what he thought was a better situation.  But anyway, the vast majority of pro athletes wind up on a team that isn't who they grew up liking.  The only reason we're mentioning it here is more than likely because we all hate Boston so much.


    It's probably time to go, but "entitled masshole" isn't even #75 on the list of reasons why.  That's our own biases showing.

  19. I couldn't help but laugh as I drove past a couple gas stations here in NC today.  These people have probably burned off more gas than they even needed in the first place just idling in those lines forever.

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