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Posts posted by shrader

  1. 1 hour ago, Irv said:

    This guy has been hitting the suet cake.  I think this is a Grackle. Picture came out pretty cool.  Almost looks photoshopped. 



    You probably mentioned it earlier but I missed it.  What kind of setup do you have to take these pictures?

  2. 19 hours ago, BeerLeagueHockey said:

    CAR vs BOS going to 2OTs.


    The one thing you can bank on when watching Boston - they are consistently a dirty team.  Always just on the edge.


    Fortunately the next two games in Toronto ended in regulation.  After those first two, I was worried that they'd never finish any series being played up there.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  3. 39 minutes ago, Ned Flanders said:


    My mom has one stored away in her closet.  I really need to claim that thing at some point.  It's probably way too small for me since the original owner (her uncle) was almost a foot shorter than me.  But hey, it would still be a cool item to have on a wall or something.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 12 hours ago, KD in CA said:

    I don't care how you justify it, a team with 79 points picking 1st and one with 68 points picking 8th is absurd.    Red Wings look like one of the worst teams in history and they pick 4th?


    Lotteries are a terrible idea, unless you're running the league and are more interested in helping big market teams than in helping crappy teams .


    Then again, all the #1 picks in the world wouldn't make a difference for the Sabres.


    I never liked it from the start when it was only one team, but the three team lottery is a complete travesty.  Every year they've done it, there's been at least one big jump in the lottery order.  Hell, the Rags have done it now two years in a row.  The teams that desperately need the elite picks are being leapfrogged each year.  It will be fun to hear all of the "it's fixed" talk fire up after this one because right as they're in a mini-rebuild, the Rags are handed two elite prospects.

  5. 3 hours ago, Koko78 said:


    I fail to see the 'sad' part of this. She was throwing Molotov cocktails to intentionally destroy property while engaging in a riot. He certainly assisted, and apparently purchased some of the materials.


    They both ***** know better. While a mandatory 45-to-Life sentence is egregious and excessive based on the facts here, I have zero sympathy that they both threw their careers and law licenses away.


    My guess is that someone dropped a flaming rag into her bud light and she didn't have time to stop and think before getting rid of it.  I can't count the number of times that's happened to me.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. I saw an odd one this weekend.  An elderly woman returned to her car in the handicap spot.  After moving stuff into her car, she looked for where the cart area was, saw it, then decided to wheel her cart over and leave it in the middle of a large area intended for unloading of vans with wheel chair ramps built in.  The odd part, the spot she chose was actually further away than the cart area.  I'm not really sure what the thought process was there.

  7. 6 hours ago, The Dean said:

    I have a couple rather minor USPS issues. One really isn't with the Post Office but rather the tenants next door. The apartment next door (in my building) is rented to medical students taking a board certification course here in St Augustine. They stay in the apartment anywhere from 4-8 weeks. Well, many of these folks do a change of address at the PO, which i think is fairly ridiculous for temporary housing---but maybe they are between residences, I guess. 


    The issues occur after they move. We still get mail to people who haven't lived here in years. Important mail, sometimes. No biggie. I just write "No longer at this address" and stick it back in the mailbox. Well, about half the time the mail carrier takes that mail, and leaves new mail to the exact same person. Seriously?  WTF? We get very few pieces of mail. How hard is it to take a second to make sure you aren't putting mail in the mailbox with the same name as the mail you are taking to return?  For this I blame both the old tenants and the carrier.


    But mostly I just wanted to say, read Post Office by Charles Bukowski.





    I'm not so sure the carriers themselves ever look at the names.  That would need to be filtered out before it even gets to them.  Yours did remind me of one thing that drives me mad.  My neighborhood has a central mail kiosk.  For whatever reason, if there is ever mail for an address that doesn't exist, my mailbox winds up being the dumping ground for it.  Whether that's a sorting issue or a lazy carrier, I don't know.

  8. 1 hour ago, DrDawkinstein said:



    Yep, This. We've had it happen with a number of packages since the lockdown started. USPS says it's delivered, it's not on our porch, the wife freaks out and starts emailing everyone, and then it shows up the next day. I've gotten her to the point where she'll give it a day or so now. So far, everything has shown up... eventually.


    This kind of thing is a fact of life each year at Christmas time.  I'm amazed that people are just figuring it out now.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Limeaid said:

    Two evenings later a "neighbor" stated they found a package on their door stop with our address on it.  They had not returned home last night.  The address was the same as ours but with digits transposed making it being delivered a block away.


    At least they brought it to you.  In my neighborhood when people get mail for other houses, they like to post on facebook and ask where they can bring it.  If only there was a handy number system on each piece of mail to tell you where the houses are...

    • Haha (+1) 3
  10. 28 minutes ago, Special K said:

    I’ve been watching Snowpiercer on TNT....the season finale is this Sunday, and it’s been pretty interesting thus far...definitely like the TV show more than the movie.


    Also, I just started watching The OA on Netflix. I’ve heard good things about it, and the first episode was intriguing for sure.


    Each time I see someone mention OA, I just assume it's about the green lanterns.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    A cart has to be pretty bad for me to take it back and get another one.  I usually go with whichever cart I pick first.


    Sometimes I get the perfect cart (usually Walmart).  My son laughs at how excited I get when I get a cart with perfect alignment AND smooth wheels.  No shake, rattle and roll ... just roll, baby.



    I search until I get the cart where the front wheel continuously rotates as I'm pushing it.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  12. 18 hours ago, Augie said:


    That’s one approach......but I find it’s FAR more fun to give it a giant push up the middle of the row and try to guess which car it will hit first.  Hey, I’m just trying to have a little fun!  :)


    This reminds me of probably the funniest thing I've ever seen at a grocery store earlier this year.  A rather large woman was walking her cart over, but as she got one aisle away from the corral, she decided to give it that long distance push and hope for the best.  But just like all shopping carts, it immediately started swerving to the side.  So she tried to run after it to stop it from hitting a car.  She didn't even make it half way before it slammed into a car.  I had to duck back into my car to hide the laughter.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 21 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I’m whatever you say, but

    1) some cart corrals are 20-30 seconds away, some are several minutes walk across the parking lot and back

    2) Cracking a window doesn’t “cut it” for keeping a dog cool, why would it be effective for a baby.


    NFW would I have ever placed my kid in a hot car around here and walk away to return a cart, nor in a running car that I then locked and walked away from.  


    That was 19-20 years ago Less safe today.


    And Frankly, my Dear, I don’t Give a Damn whether or not you think that’s Genuine.  


    I also have little respect for people who respond in a discussion by telling other people they’re “playing a card” - speaking of “not Genuine”




    1. Wheel cart to car.

    2. Turn on car.

    3. Load groceries into car.

    4. Wheel cart with car to corral.

    5. Bring kid back to car.


    Multiple kids complicate that a bit, but there are definitely ways to avoid leaving the cart at the spot.  Sure, it takes a little extra work, but isn't that the definition of kids?

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