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Casey D

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Everything posted by Casey D

  1. This guy looks like he will be an amazing NFL WR. Where is he projected in the first round?
  2. Gailey said they are going to evaluate the players, and decide if going to a 4-3 might make sense. Sounds like a totally reasonable evaluation and approach.
  3. This season has been so emotionally charged from the great start to the 7 game losing streak to the win yesterday, it has been hard to give a dispassionate analysis of the season to get some handle on where this team is abilty-wise. If you look back at the season now, the team was probably more competitive than it feels given the losing streak. Out of 15 games, the Bills won 6 against some good teams, including NE, Oak, Philadelphia and Denver. They crushed two weaker opponents in KC and Washington. So those 6 wins are of fairly high quality. Three of the Bills losses were tight games that could have gone either way-- Cincinnati, NYG and Jets2. Those are all solid teams, so 3 more solid games by the Bills, albeit losses. There were two losses where the Bills were in the game, but deserved to lose, Tennessee and Miami2. Not disaster games however--watchable to the end. Then there were 4 putrid performances, Jets1, Dallas, Miami1 and SD. Because the putrid performances were largely strung together later in the season, they provide the most vivid image of the season and indicate that the Bills are truly awful and totally lack talent. But when you look at the whole body of work, there were 9 good games and 2 fair games to go with the putrid 4, so 11 games out of 15 were at least reasonable efforts. It suggests the team is not as bad as it has felt for the past two months, and that while the team is not as good as the 5-2 start, it is not nearly as far away from that standard as it has felt recently. With a good off-season keeping and adding talent, and some better luck next year injury wise, they might be as consistently good next year for 16 games(or for most of them if they could, say, reduce the true stinkers to 1 or 2 games) as they were for the first 7 this year. Here's hoping and Merry Christmas!
  4. I agree. It's like a baseball pitcher going through a dead arm period. Fitz has never played a full season like this. He needs to rest his arm, and work on a workout regimin that will help him through the rigors of a long season.
  5. If we had Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady, this team might be 6-7. Consequently, anyone who thinks this team is a QB away from being a contender is mistaken. The defense is so bad, that we are pretty much out of most games lately early in the second quarter. You cannot win if your offense needs to score 30 points a game or more, which is basically what the defense has demanded all year. The offense obliged early in the year, but asking an offense to score 30 points every week, especially when you are down 14/21/24 points early in the second quarter is absurd. Stick with the run? When you are behind by 14 and the other team scores on every possession--good luck with that. It is a vicious circle. Fitzpatrick is a middle of the road QB, maybe top 15-- he is not paid like nor expected to be a "franchise QB." He is paid like, and expected to play like a Matt Cassell or Kevin Kolb or Joe Flacco, not a Brady or a Rogers or a Manning or even a Vick. He plainly is not nearly good enough to take this team on his back and win lots of games. But when the whole team is functioning, as it was in the first half of the season, you can win with Fitz and he might steal a game or two for you, and lose you one or two on a bad day like yesterday(although that game would have been lost even if Fitz had a good day IMO). Get a better defense and supporting cast on offense. A QB for the future is a luxury we can't afford right now. If you think this team would be rocking right now with a Christian Ponder, Blaine Gabbert or even Andy Dalton(what happened to him by the way), or next year with one of their 2012 counterparts, you are wrong.
  6. Particularly early. We get in a 17/21/28 point hole, and it puts too much pressure on the offense, which is bad enough right now without having to throw on every down.
  7. Really-- who'd have thought that was your opinion?
  8. You really can't tell that from his 47 identical posts?
  9. Please stop. It wasn't funny to start and repeating the same thing over and over is annoying.
  10. I was there and it is not accurate. Final drive the Titans had NINE guys in coverage, and everything was funneled into the middle.
  11. Great post. Your point about all teams have weaknesses but winning makes people forget is spot on. And when you lose, you find exagerated views on the problem areas. Ravens looked awesome on Thursday, but have thrown in some absolutely horrible games. Why do you think that is so? Tannehill looked absolutely awful on Thursday against Texas. Why are you so sure he is the real deal?
  12. You should pony up and bet the Jets-- 8.5 is a bargain if you think 20 is not enough. Free money. Vegas is calling.
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