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Casey D

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Everything posted by Casey D

  1. Green Bay would have better conference record, but Seattle beat Detroit. So Seattle has tiebreaker on Detroit, but not GB. Three-way tie right now must have common opponents tiebreaker or something that gives the nod to Seattle
  2. Nope. WW II was a must win per Marv levy, not a football game. Especially when you will be at least a 3 seed.
  3. It's a long season. Can't always have your A game. There are inevitable concentration lapses, especially against weaker foes. I think as the stakes get higher, this team has the capacity to elevate its game further. We are now into January. It is time.
  4. There were also lots of close wins and last minute heroics. It goes both ways.
  5. Did you watch the Miami game, or do you have short term memory loss issues?
  6. PTSD from being a Bills fan for years. We all have it, especially us old guys. But it will be fine today.
  7. Not to look ahead, but I see the Bills opened as 2.5 point favorites against the Bengals. Now at 1.5.
  8. Actually, the current working hypothesis by experts in the field is that sub-concussive blows, not concussions, may be the main problem with CTE/long-term injury. But there is no valid scientific consensus that either concussions or sub-concussive blows cause long term problems. There are people with lots of blows to the head that never develop CTE, and lots of folks who have CTE that never had any blows to the head. They just don't know why yet. The science does not support that you have to stop playing after 3, 5 or 15 concussions. Morse needs to work with his doctors to understand his specific risks. And I am sure he will not play if the risks are unreasonable. But the conjecture on this board is just that-- rank conjecture by people with no degree in neurology or neuropathology. Let Morse and the doctors have the time they need.
  9. You may ignore them, but others do not and so they comment. And it is obvious all teams could do things better, including the Bills. The line could block better, as it is an average to slightly above average line without missing two starters including the anchor in Morse replaced by a third-string center. Roughing the kicker penalty was beyond absurd. Knox dropping two balls not good. Defense overall was not great, especially against run. Yet despite all that, Bills beat a good team that brought its A game on offense. But totally agree it is a week to week matchup league, and what happened on 12/17 does not lock in what happens in January and February. That's all some are saying if not stated with precision.
  10. I think you are being a bit myopic. When a poster posts-- in this thread-- that the Bills "cannot" beat the Bengals, KC, SF, Dallas or Philly "playing as they are" it suggests that people are obtuse to the limitations of other teams such that the Bills have no chance. The Bills certainly can beat all those teams, even with their A games. And no team has its A game all of the time. Bills have roughly a 17% chance to win the SB according to oddsmakers. So it is very likely the Bills will not win the SB. But so what. And these BS "we can't win posts" do get tiresome.
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