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Last Kid Picked

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Everything posted by Last Kid Picked

  1. You aren't a true nerd until you see starwars through telnet! telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl/ (make sure there is no http://)
  2. I thought this was BF's song? I made it through the wilderness Somehow I made it through Didn't know how lost I was Until I found you I was beat incomplete I'd been had, I was sad and blue But you made me feel Yeah, you made me feel Shiny and new Like a virgin Touched for the very first time Like a virgin When your heart beats Next to mine
  3. Right... save the bandwidth for when we try to figure out who's BF's real father is.
  4. That's her... hell, BF has girls in his special ed class hotter than her.
  5. You had a chance to talk to the starting QB of the Bills, and you asked him how to pronounce his last name? You didn't ask him how many hot chicks he's banged. You didn't ask him if he helped Sue with her homework. You didn't ask him if bought JP-Era crayons for his helmet design. No... you asked him how to say his !@#$ing last name.
  6. <singing> Tiny bubbles, on my Quran... </singing> We will never win the support of the Muslims as long as Al Jazeera spreads their propaganda.
  7. Hey Tardo, this has already been posted today.
  8. I already have... Cootiehog didn't grow that mustache by herself, or did she?
  9. I would hire Cootiehog and put her in charge of continuing education.
  10. TD shot me up in the bathroom at the Ralph.
  11. My son and I recently were busted by adelphia for downloading copyright movies. I'm too dumb to think for myself. What should I do?
  12. I'd take her in the bathroom stall and shoot her up with some of Jose's special juice. I'd like to be the first to donate $2 to the "get ed a prom date" fund.
  13. I'm an ex ball player who introduced my buddies Mark, Sammy and Barry to the wonderful world of performance enhancement drugs.
  14. Tell her to get off the testosterone and/or human growth hormone.
  15. There is plenty of room in Jose's stall for all my Mexican friends.
  16. Big Cat, shouldn't you be busy throwing out the first pitch.
  17. Or the fact that a lot of these anti-spam lists are made by webhosting companies. What they do is blacklist a lot of their competitors IP's, and then sell these list to ISP. The webhosting field can be really shady.
  18. Ron, know your roll! Now do something you are good at. Like taking a number and sitting down... This is Jose's board and the spotlight is on me!
  19. Now is the time to introduce your kid to the world of body building and anabolic steroids.
  20. Don't sweat it Ronny... take some of Jose's special cream and everything will be alright.
  21. That's why you write a book full of falsehoods and accusations. That way you can make money legally off of 15 year old kids.
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