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Last Kid Picked

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Everything posted by Last Kid Picked

  1. As usual I am spending the holidays by myself. Is there going to be any good sporting events on TV? Like a baywatch marathon...
  2. AD, How come you don't see any gay couples in the viagra or valtrex commercials? JC
  3. Darren Sproles is the biggest sleeper of the draft.
  4. http://czabe.com/mediaclips/index.shtml?a=showclip&id=257
  5. I can only speak for baseball, in which 95% of players are on the juice.
  6. How smart can stevetojan be? He is giving up hot Florida poontang, for some WNY wildebeest.
  7. I think Tom might disagree with the "free" part of your statement. But everything else is right on the money.
  8. Look big cat, if you don't pay attention you're not going to know all the cool little nick names.
  9. Hetfield is "suppose" to be clean now days. Anyway's, if he died it would be huge and all over the news.
  10. The girlies love a Jose Canseco card... my advice is to bring 2 cards and go in the back room.
  11. I'm Jose Canseco, baseball's first 40/40 man. I know you all have my donruss rookie card at home.
  12. What are you, some type of interior designer. Come see me for a shot of manhood.
  13. Try aleve, that's what I took when i had a nasty tooth ache.
  14. Barry doesn't need to go to voluntary workout sessions. A couple trips to the stall with me and he'll be as good as new.
  15. I violated Jason G and Big Mac like the shawshank redemption.
  16. Don't be jealous of the greatest name in all of major league sports. Now get off your ass and go buy my book.
  17. If you bought my book you would know the answer to that question! There is only one spot light and that is on me.
  18. Hello fellow roid users. I found time in my busy schedule to come visit my friends at TBD. As you all know, I'm Jose Canseco, the greatest baseball player ever. Ask me any question and I will answer honestly. BTW: buy my book.
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