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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. You are so right. Davis would be tempting, just not the priority. In my perfect world, it's Brick or Mario. Since that's not happening, we should go Ngata. But damn........Davis sure would be a treat to watch.
  2. I hear you. Please don't confuse my dicpiction of what I perceive to be desperation with ideas presented by others (myself included) with good board banter. We're obviously going to have many differences. Thus the fun of being in this forum. But man-o-man......we're desperate for a winner in these here parts. We'll try anything. Something has to come together one of these years. Hopefully we're on course.
  3. This is what happens, boys and girls, when an impassioned fanbase has used up all it's conventional wisdom. We reach. We hope. Too often we suck at the reaching. We've been reduced to this out of desperation.
  4. Yessir. Or that now infamous #17 selection, Janikowski. Al just couldn't wait for his offense to sputter so he could march out that fat SOB.
  5. I could see Al Davis selecting VD with #7. The thought of teaming a healthy Moss, Porter and the talented Gabriel with the likes of LaMont Jordan in the backfield would be difficult for 'ol Al to resist. Al looooooves the offensive side of the ball. If they ever improved their OL, yikes!
  6. Upon watching a segment of the combine yesterday, I heard that if Sean Payton had his way he'd select Cutler over ML and VY. I thought that was interesting.
  7. I wouldn't mind Greenway, just move down half a dozen spots. I think the two guys that have the potential to "fall", albeit slightly, are Hawk and Vince. Just for the record, I don't endorse the drafting of VY, just merely speculating.
  8. I here what you're saying about saving face, but, Alexander is a terriffic RB in large part because of that awesome left side of the OL. If Seattle is planning on keeping one or the other, they'd be wise to keep Hutch. Seattle could replace SA, not so sure about Hutch.
  9. Come on, man. I understand the idea of being positive and being on board with the new regime and all that. But if you can't figure out where the pessimism from certain parties comes from, you're not being honest with yourself. We have become an afterthought and an alsoran around the league. We've been remarkably miserable for some time now. I personally like the new direction of this team and hope against hope that we'll get it right sooner than later. It will not be overnight, however. Man, I love this team. But it just hasn't been much fun with all the incompetancy the past 10 or so years. That doesn't make one any less a fan for expressing that.
  10. Oh. So you're really looking for the 2nd biggest reason why we've tanked.
  11. Bingo. Their whole roster contributes. They get more from less than any other franchise.
  12. So let me get this straight. If you COMMAND big money you're a star? Woody was good. Star? I think not. Jonas Jennings commanded big money, HE wasn't a star. Wilfork WILL be outstanding. He isn't now. Watson outstanding? What the hell did he do this year? He's a tremendous talent, he hasn't done anything outstanding yet. You remind me of Paula Abdul. Everyone's a star.
  13. Except Seymour, name another "star" in this bunch. Woody is not there nor is Klemm. Wilfork and Warren are promising youngsters. Watson is extremely talented and athletic but hasn't put it altogether yet. I don't disagree with the premise of your post, we should be addressing our lines on both sides of the ball. No doubt about that. NE is obviously solid with their starting 22, but what seperates them from the pack is that they're better than most, if not all, from players 23-53. Oh, and as you mentioned, Brady is "somewhat" instrumental in this whole process. Coach too......and Pioli......and......ARGGGHHH f@#$ing PATS!!
  14. A lovely specimen with Earl Campbell thighs. As evidenced by the 3rd picture down. WOWEE WOW!
  15. And Drew Barrymore.........her last performance, was, shall we say, sagging.
  16. And I thought that was Josh Reed. But seriously, I like your idea. But instead of a cardboard cutout, I thought maybe we could use one of the NFL issue "Fatheads".........."didju call me a fathead?"..........I love Chad Johnson in those commercials.
  17. He's be perfect. Clutch WR. I like JJ, too. Givens has better upside.
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