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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. :"Norv......let's switch it up....I want to be on top this time". 'Cool, Chud.....go easy, man".
  2. good post What's going on isn't business as usual. That has to be a positive.
  3. I'm reading through this entire thread and agree with all your takes. Everything done so far has been atypical Bills. This is refreshing. Something good is happening here.
  4. If we could move back into the late 3rd round I'd take a chance on him. nahhh....nevermind.
  5. This pretty much sums it up for me. Good post!
  6. How about a playoff appearance? Who would take them seriously if they spoke of SB?
  7. I see several candidates I'd be happy with. Whisenhunt included. I don't remember seeing this many quality choices in past years that we've fired our coach. Kinda depressing admitting to this.
  8. That's not what he said. The brilliant Belichick owes an awful lot to Mo Lewis. Yep.
  9. "Sonny.....can you tell I'm not wearing a bra?"
  10. Speaking of Billick, what's his deal? Has he removed himself? I never hear him as a candidate.
  11. I actually like Wiz. But your last statement is so true.
  12. Paint his sister blue and....voila'!......an Avatar character.
  13. Talking with my brother earlier this morning, I had mentioned Lovie as my "wild guess" as next Bills coach. While not awe-inspiring, I'd consider him. Like you alluded to, I'd like my coach to be a bit more demonstrative.
  14. Happy New Year, my friend. This organization, top to bottom, blows.
  15. I hate the Cowpokes. They are tied in a game where a win gets them the division. Comparisons to the Bills are gravely inaccurate.
  16. I saw a player getting carried off the field like he had accomplished something personal.
  17. Get over myself? Wtf are you talking about? Of course he wanted the record. Perhaps more than the playoff berth, I'm afraid. This board is loaded with absurd opinions, isn't it? His joy for making the playoffs hould have been front and center. Not the record. To think otherwise is absurd. And yes, of course he can be dissappointed. He needed to put his team first. So, "marginal" teams can't get excited about being playoff bound? Please. Stop.
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