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Everything posted by PTS

  1. Joe Thornton? The guy who disappears when games matter the most? He's been the biggest playoff bust of the past decade. Sure, he puts up sick numbers (assists) during the season but come playoff time, he hides in the corner.
  2. Super Bowl is too corporate for me. It doesn't feel like a championship game anymore, just a commercial spectacle. There shouldn't be a week break after the conference championships.
  3. I've got it on good authority that SKOOBY will be the next Bills owner. He'll likely sell a few of his cars to liquidate the cash needed to purchase the franchise.
  4. Until the Bills field a team worth watching again (and I'm not even talking about winning games -- just a team that plays respectable football), I can't see myself supporting anyone at OBD.
  5. Steven Colbert said it best last night on his show: "It's because Democrats are pussies."
  6. Chuck D is an amazing kid, I wish him all the best in his recovery because he's the striker we've been looking for as long as I can remember. Now we just got to get Jermaine Jones and Gooch healthy and this team could make a lot of noise in South Africa.
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You're a funny guy, Bills in the Super Bowl? Hahahahahahahaha.
  8. TSN picked their 2010 All-Star team last week and Myers was selected. They only did the six starters from each conference and he made THAT team. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=306317
  9. Stadium. Waterfront. Revived Downtown. Get some of that stimulus money!
  10. Let me put one argument to rest. Zagrapan is not a talented Sabres prospect BECAUSE he's not a Sabres prospect. They cut ties with him last summer. He ended up being a 1st round bust but if I recall that draft was filled with mostly first round busts.
  11. I wasn't happy with the Nix hiring until his actions today. Clearly, this man knows a thing or two about winning. When you suck for 10 years, getting rid of EVERYONE is a huge step in the right direction.
  12. That's a pretty favorable schedule if you ask me.
  13. I saw some ACLU schmuck on TV yesterday saying there is no accurate profile for terrorists because how would you explain Timothy McVeigh? Seriously? There MUST be tens of thousands of home-grown hick terrorists running around trying to kill Americans at every opportunity. Let's randomly search grandma and grandpa but let Osama get on the plane because we don't want to be accused of profiling.
  14. I don't know how Peters did over the last 6-7 games but he was terrible the first half of the season.
  15. Mitchell needs to STFU. He talks way too much crap, especially for an average player.
  16. Everything I've read and seen about the 787 has been great so far. The plane was designed with passenger and crew comfort in mind. Operating costs will be lower for airlines with 20% less fuel consumption and emissions. http://blog.seattlepi.com/airlinereporter/...ives/188415.asp A bunch of major airlines have placed orders. Some will be getting them first quarter 2010 but most a few years down the line.
  17. IF If this happens, if that happened. If - It's the slogan of the decade for the Bills.
  18. I visited Pearl Harbor this past August on my honeymoon. They show you a 30 minute video before taking you to the Memorial. Two things stuck out: 1. A video clip of the USS Arizona seconds before the first bomb hit and then quite possibly the most violent explosion I've ever seen caught on tape. 2. The amount of procedural failures that occurred prior to the attack was maddening. So many lives would be been spared if just one person didn't ignore the signs, radar, warnings, etc.
  19. I'm no fan of Italy but that game against South Korea in 2002 was an absolute joke. The worst officiating in any sports match ever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4iW8pDnft8 Edit: I updated the YouTube link because the previous one was the incorrect video. It didn't have all the terrible calls made in favor of host Korea.
  20. World Cup Tickets Purchased: 1. South Africa: 361,582 2: USA: 84,103 3. England: 48,388 Link: http://www.bigapplesoccer.com/worldcup2010...rticle_id=21626 Being at the last World Cup, attendance was very strong from a US fan perspective but looks like it will be pale in comparison to the number of tickets US fans are buying this time around. Americans will never support soccer!
  21. I went to the World Cup in 06 and there are no words that can describe attending it. Having seen the cities and venues the USA drew along with the competition, I'm debating going to this one. I was planning on sitting out South Africa and already planning on Brazil in 2014 but the three cities the USA plays in are the local driving equivalent of Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Rochester making this much more affordable than previously thought.
  22. Brazil should get out but Ivory Coast is a huge problem for Portugal. All these teams are tough matchups but if I had to pick an African team for the USA to play, Algeria would be it.
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