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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Sitting in a transit all night long
    Playing clubs and rocking right on
    The road's much too long since I've been wasting my time
    Wish I was home again sipping my wine


    And I'm gone, gone, gone, I don't care
    Cause I'm gone, gone, gone, I don't care
    It's where I'm from, I'm on the road againf

  2. Well I taught that weeping willow how to cry cry cry,

    Taught the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky.

    Tears I cried for that woman are gonna flood you big river,

    And I'm a gonna sit right here until I die.


    I met her accidentally in St. Paul, Minnesota,

    She tore me up everything I heard her drawl, that southern drawl.

    Well I heard my dream went back downstream, cavortin' in Davenport,

    And I follow you big river when you called.


  3. 2 minutes ago, JerseyBills said:

    Beane by far, McD def has input and I'm sure makes it clear what needs he has going into fa/draft but Beane 100% makes the final decision, his scouts and f.o personnel have more say then McD does in the draft

    I respect your opinion and appreciate the dialogue.


    That said, what would you say the reason was for Mr. Pegula to hire Beane? Do you think that Mr. Pegula had this vast knowledge of football? 

  4. 13 hours ago, Rocky Landing said:

     When Beane traded with KC, and then Carolina, do you think he looked over to McD to get approval? I don't.

    That is great. You are certainly entitled to this opinion. I'm not trying to force you to accept mine. 


    I will however say that there are examples of coaches having the final say in the draft. Pete Carroll, Belichick, and Parcells come to mind.


    Tell me, do you think that Beane and McDermott have 100% equal authority to make a draft selection? Obviously this would seem impossible. If one of them does have more power (even if it is 51% - 49%) who would you think could make the final decision?

  5. 5 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    The fact is simple:  Pegula has said, Beane has said, and McD has said that the HC and GM each report to the owner.  We can disagree on opinions, that’s kind of what chat rooms are for.  But facts are facts.  And when I have been wrong on a fact I acknowledge and thank folks for correcting me.

    Why is it in this thread that some ghat are negative on this topic insist we can only talk about WRs, until it’s convenient to mention TEs when it suits their purpose?

    Yes, Mr. Pegula pays their salaries. This is not startling news.


    Now, do you think that Mr. Pegula is in charge of the draft? If not, who is? 

  6. 14 hours ago, Rocky Landing said:

    C'mon Bill, I know that McDermott, and Beane very intentionally keep themselves on the same page. But, Brandon Beane is in charge of the draft. We know this.

    And you know this exaclly how? Does Beane have scouting experience. Was McDermott a DC? When McDermott traded the Mahomes pick (for a scant return) and drafted a corner, Beane was not employed by the Bills. This was a sign of things to come.

    14 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    McD is not Beane’s boss, which is what you claimed.  Why can’t people around here just admit when they make an erroneous statement, instead of then trying to change the statement or question?

    Would you have time to admit your many errors? And btw, someone is not necessarily wrong because they disagree with you.


    Did this ever occur to you?

  7. 3 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Don't forget Bills also used a 1st and 4th to acquire a WR in his prime in Diggs.  So in 3 of the past 5 drafts the Bills used their first pick in the draft on a receiving weapon for Josh.  


    Well, maybe we should also remember that McDermott traded out of round one to draft Coleman. He traded UP for Elam and Edmunds, this after trading away the Mahomes pick in order to draft a cornerback.


    Everybody is 100% entitled to his or her opinion, but it is certainly a reach to believe that McDermott does NOT care more about defense than he does about offense, this on a team with the GREAT Josh Allen.

    • Disagree 1
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  8. Cowherd NAILED it!!! Josh lacks the coaching or team builder that Mahomes has. Reid and the GM know how to build a team around a great QB, whereas McDermott is more concerned with defense. 


    Josh Allen is a GREAT, HOF level QB. If McDermott doesn't drastically improve he should be tossed out of Orchard Park. He has an utterly fantastic QB and consistently fails to maximize and prolong his talent.

    • Like (+1) 1
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  9. I told Althea I was feeling lost
    Lacking in some direction
    Althea told me upon scrutiny
    That my back might need protection
    I told Althea that treachery
    Was tearing me limb from limb
    Althea told me, now cool down boy
    Settle back

    Easy Jim


    RIP Robert Hunter

  10. I don't mind when you say

    That you're going away

    I just don't want to be lonely

    And I don't care if you share

    Only moments a day

    I just don't want to be lonely


     I'd rather be loved and needed

    Depended on to give a love I can't give

    When you're gone, when you're gone

    I just don't want to be lonely

    I'd just rather be loved

  11. Like a snowball rolling down the side of a snow covered hill, it's growing
    Like the size of a fish that the man claims broke his reel, it's growing
    Like a rosebud blooming in the warm of the summer sun, it's growing
    Like the tale by the time it's been told by more than one, woo, it's growing


    Everyday it grows a little more than it was the day before
    My love for you just grows and grows
    Oh, how it grows and grows
    And where it's gonna stop I'm sure, nobody knows

  12. How can you just walk away from me
    When all I can do is watch you leave?
    'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain
    And even shared the tears
    You're the only one, who really knew me at all

  13. On 7/11/2024 at 10:50 AM, Ethan in Cleveland said:

    As you know I'm not a fan of special teams but to deny that they have an impact on the game is nonsense as well. 

    The HOF is as much about the players as it is the history of the game.

    It's hard to near impossible to talk about the evolution of the NFL without talking about how the original special teams expert changed the game. So in that context I would vote Tasker in.  If you are just going off of talent alone however then I would not vote Tasker in.


    For those that should be in on talent:

    Jim Marshall

    Clay Matthews

    Reggie Wayne

    Otis Taylor

    Sterlin Sharpe


    I would also vote Dick LeBeau in again as a coach. He already is in as a player. 


    I can't think of any other coach. They finally got Flores and Coryell inducted.



    For those I would remove, there are several. There are so many guys that are in the good to great category but are not truly elite. As of late it seems much more watered down. All of the following would be removed and I would be fine with it


    Steve McMichael

    Patrick Willis

    Rhonde Barber

    Zach Thomas

    LeRoy Butler

    John Lynch

    Brian Dawkins

    Kurt Warner

    Marv Levy

    Lynn Swann



    Great post! Another WR who had the talent but lacks the stats was Isaac Curtis. They had to change a rule for players to cover him. Curtis ran a 9.3 40 and had great hands. Injuries, the era he played in, and his team (Bengals) did not help his chances.


    The fact that Otis Taylor has never been voted in is a disgrace imo.

  14. 2 hours ago, Einstein's Dog said:

    I seem to like K Coleman more than you.   one thing that may have had appeal for K Coleman was his attitude and interview.  He will be a fit in the new young culture they're bringing in.  


    The disconnect I have with the FO on this move is, for a young, developing player with special gifts you take him at the end of the first.  The small move down into the second would seem to be for someone with a lower ceiling who was more pro-ready for immediate benefits - a McConkey type.

    You make an excellent point. If McDermott loved Coleman SO much, why would he be willing to trade away not once but twice before selecting him? 

    Now, he may have had some sort of agreement with the Panthers prior to the second trade. This I will admit, but still; he received a scant return for the deal. 

  15. We skipped the light fandango

    Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor

    I was feeling kinda seasick

    The crowd called out for more

    The room was humming harder

    As the ceiling flew away

    When we called out for another drink

    The waiter brought a tray

  16. I sent a letter to a man I know
    Said, "one for the money and
    Two for the show"
    I waited all summer for his reply
    Said, "three to get ready and four to fly"
    There's two things in the world I love
    That's rock 'n' roll and my turtle dove

    When I was a young man, I needed good luck
    But i'm a little bit older now
    And I know my stuff


    Come on honey, let me sing them away
    Come on honey, let me sing them away
    Oh, honey, let me sing your blues away


    RIP Robert Hunter

  17. On 7/11/2024 at 10:25 AM, Logic said:


    House Ballard
    Will Wolford
    John Fina

    Dion Dawkins

    Sorry, but Jason Peters was better than any of those OTs and by a lagre margin imo. I will go a step further and say that he was easily one of the best players in team history.


    A certain first ballot HOFer.

    • Like (+1) 1
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  18. When I think of all the times
    I tried so hard to leave her
    She will turn to me and start to cry
    And she promises the earth to me
    And I believe her
    After all this time I don't know why
    Ah, girl, girl

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