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Everything posted by Observer

  1. No credit for the 40 yard pinpoint pass and amazing run, both called back for inconsequential penalties? If you're "1 TD" is a criticism of Taylor, it's misguided. Who is the moron who called a screen on 4th and goal, and not 4 straight rollouts? Who stuck with an inept running game long after it was obvious that the running game was going nowhere?
  2. Agreed. Loved it. It's not a shoot me up with car explosions. It's a movie that takes place in the room in Apollo 13 when the scientists get a box of spare parts and have to figure out how to vent the CO2 or everyone dies. Anyone who likes that scene will love this movie. If you prefer ray guns and aliens, this Martian is not for you. And yes, nice job following the book. My biggest complaint is that they made him a full botanist. The guy was an engineer. That's why he survived. Botany was his backup mission specialty. That's a minor quibble.
  3. That was the play call by the OC, not TT. He snapped and threw right away. It was a terrible play (was supposed to be a pick play), but how Roman doesn't roll out the QB there is beyond me. That's not Taylor's fault. That play call is all Greg Roman.
  4. Jesus the starting RB averaged less than 3 yards per carry, the line was a hot mess, and he still threw for a TD, had 2 others called back on "penalties" that did not affect the plays, and completed nearly 70% of his passes. People wasting energy criticizing TT should be shot. Oh yeah: His star WR and RB were out. And his OC made some absurd play calls (a screen on 4th and goal from the 3 with a mobile QB??!? How do you not roll him out?) Get a grip people. He played well. Not well enough to win but a darn good performance. I feel like you all need to go look at the history of QBs on this team since Kelly and you'll have a hard time finding a better 4 game stretch for any Bills QB in a long time.
  5. Bad first half. Great second half. How they don't roll him out at the 2 is bad play calling. The screen to Williams on 4th down was flat awful.
  6. You think it's the QB's job to know whether he's run the route 1 yard longer? It's the WR's job to hit the sticks. That's pretty basic route running.
  7. 67% completion percentage. 1 TD. 1 TD throwing off the board with a dumb call. 1 rushing TD off the board with a dumb call. 1 "int" that was a strip from a WR. His star WR and RB were out, as were 2 (and later 3) of his lineman. How could you find fault with TT today?
  8. At least 3 times, Clay ran a route a yard short of the marker in the first half. Not going to throw him under the bus since Clay had a great game but those were bad moments. He should be calling out Jerry Hughes by name. HE had no trouble calling out Dan Carpenter and Jerry Hughes gets paid 10 times Carpenter and is hurting the team a lot more.
  9. At this point, the refs are watching the Bills closely because they are a bunch of undisciplined idiots. That means they have to play even smarter. The chop block was a bad call. The hold on TT's TD run was a bad call. But that's what happens when the refs know you're a dumb team and that's what happens when you're so stupid that you get back to back personal fouls on the same play. The refs even looked dumb for not ejecting some Bills today.
  10. No one is calling for his firing. I even said that in the post. If he wins, the city will toast him. But if he loses with this talent, he is most certainly on a short leash. He can't go 8-8 for two seasons and still have a job. With his big yapper, it's playoffs in 2 years or he's gone. That's a short leash. IF the team somehow folds and goes 6-10 (unlikely but possible), he could be gone this year. His attitude more than anything is contributing to the penalties. And I'd guess his attitude and arrogance more than anything has the defense acting like their s%^& doesn't stink. Hopefully he can get them back to playing disciplined and smart...the way Schwartz had them playing last year. You remember Jim Schwartz, the guy who rarely talked?
  11. Missing their best WR and star RB...not to mention 2 of their starting offensive lineman and during the game a 3rd lineman went down...yes the offense struggled. Bigger issue are the things they can control, "Tom Coughlin told his players before Sunday's game that the Bills would beat themselves with penalties." So now coaches and refs know the Bills are prone to dumbass play.
  12. He had a 67% completion percentage, 270 yards, a TD, and an "int" that was a strip from a receiver's hands. All that with a bad line and no running game, the Bills best WR out, the star RB out, 2 lineman out. There were a lot of things wrong today: Taylor has to be a bright spot. Someone else said they thought the last drive was bad by Taylor. Maybe, but geez, the Bills were down 14 points inside 2 minutes. The odds were pretty damn long against them.
  13. I like most of what you say but not this one. Taylor is much more dangerous with his arm (70=% completion percentage). They don't need him on the run except when he needs to. There are a lot of problems from today. Taylor was not one.
  14. When the coach leads with his big mouth, he needs to back it up. Penalties = bad coaching. No way around that fact. Rex has a top talent defense and they don't look it yet. That's on Rex. Bills fans are willing to forgive Rex his big blabbing mouth if they win but if they don't, his style is not one that reflects Buffalonians and will grow old fast. No one is calling for him to be fired but as I have said a few times, he's on a short leash.
  15. The tendency is to rush back and play through the hamstring. That doesn't work and turns a tear into a chronic injury. He will be pain free long before he should be playing. Once he's pain free, he should keep sitting. Hamstrings and groin pulls are two very tricky injuries in athletes. The athlete needs much much more rest than they think. So my point is one of what most would feel is "necessary." This Rex Ryan "play him at 80%" idea is really stupid. That will just ensure the team never has a healthy McCoy, which in a team looking like a playoff contender is stupid. Bills desperately need a backup to Williams at RB. Not sure if it's worth re-signing Brown but they have to get someone.
  16. Two things: Hamstrings are super tricky. It can feel good then go. He needs to sit until he's pain free, then sit some more. He likely won't be right the entire season if he keeps playing. Sit him for a lot longer than necessary The other issue is Williams. As good as he is, he's young and will get tired. The Bills need a real #3 because it ain't Boobie Dixon.
  17. Every team needs their backup at some point. This year or the next or the next. EJ is a good leader and proves it again and again. Here's hoping all these tweaked injuries heal up for next week.
  18. Watkins injury reported as calf injury. Much easier to recover from than hamstring. Hopefully nothing serious.
  19. What source? That would be better news than hammy.
  20. 18 penalties when you include the 4 that were declined. Some were probably bad calls but you don't get to 18 without a pretty undisciplined game.
  21. My only concern about Rex is whether he can do a good job coaching the Bills. I can't judge that after two games against (1) the greatest team in NFL history with arguably the best coach and QBs ever who are currently the reigning SB Champs and (2) the conference finalist. That said, if you're going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk. You get a lot less rope when you're brash and arrogant.
  22. Most of us don't care what adults do with their heads--but I certainly care about kids who bash their skulls around. This study has a lot of problems but I don't think anyone will be shocked when a better study concludes that football players are more prone to CTE than non-players...and football players who only played to age 18 are also more prone. And it's going to be that later study that would spell an end to football. We're counting down the days until kids won't be playing football, and likely with good reason.
  23. In Rob Johnson's first game, he went 20-24 for 294 yards and 2 TDs. Trent Edwards went 20-28 234 and a TD. EJ (vs NE) went 18-27 150 yards and 2 TDs. I like Tyrod, super happy he did well, but let's not get carried away. What will be more interesting is how he does once teams have 8 games of film on him. By all accounts, he's a smart guy, hard worker, and has great teammates and coaches--let's hope this continues.
  24. Almost just posted this here. Gotta love they turn right from their loss to hating the Patriots: The glue that binds us all.
  25. There's an invention they have that allows you to listen to games. No app required.
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