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Everything posted by Observer

  1. There's nothing odd going on when a guy with a foreskin pees. He pees. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
  2. The entire "peeing sitting down because you're uncircumcised" rap was ignorant, that's all I was saying. You can pee standing up no matter if you have foreskin or not.
  3. Nope. Bigger is not always better. 25% of newborns in the US are UNcircumcised. If women cared that much, there'd be a lot of talk. There's not.
  4. RB is the most fungible replaceable commodity in football. Sure there are some top guys but the drop off from them to the next level to the next is less than the drop from the top QBs to the next level. RBs are a dime a dozen. They are always valuable but easy to replace.
  5. Wiping your ass is important to hygiene too and yet 99.999% of people manage to do it right. There's no legitimate hygiene reason to get a circumcision. Sure you can cut your kid's penis if you want to but let's not kid ourselves that hygiene matters or that it isn't going to hurt. Just because your kid won't remember it doesn't mean it won't hurt like hell. You want your kid to "be like you" is also a silly rationale. I have done a million things that I hope my child doesn't copy...and my child is different from me in a million ways. Big whoop on that. All of those are bad rationale for doing it. Better rationale are religious reasons. Not sure any other rationale really backs the decision to do it. And if you think women like the look of any penis, you're kidding yourself.
  6. Whatever you do is the right decision for you. If I had a son, I wouldn't do it. All this talk about complications is a bit nuts (!). If you clean up a little, no issues. And apparently, the sexual experience is better for the circumcised man (according to those who had later life circumcisions), so why mess with that. A good rule to live with: Avoid unnecessary surgeries. Plus let's be honest, it's going to hurt like hell.
  7. Wine is this easy: Drink what you like. The rest is snobbish affect. I like the ciders. There's one called 1912 that's my favorite.
  8. I go to porn sites. I'm guessing some hacker could track my IP address, correspond that to some geographic data, and out my viewing preference with my actual name. It's not something I'd want to be public (not that I'm looking at anything all that exciting--but still don't want my neighbor, my mom, and my brother knowing my viewing habits) and I hardly feel like an idiot if someone did that to me. If your medical data got hacked, would you want it to be public? It sounds like most of the accounts were anonymous but the credit card transactions were not. That's where the names are. I dunno: Of course I would feel freaked out to give my personal data to a site like that but I'm sure the site had a lot to say about protecting user's privacy and the like--a lot of people would believe that. You said the disclosure of the affairs was inevitable. Again, it's not. OR if it does get exposed, there's a HUGE difference between spouses working it out and someone getting outed to their coworkers, family, friends, etc. I'm sure we're a week away from a Somolian website posting an entire searchable cross-referenceable database of all the users. It will be up and once up, will be copied and shared and that data will forever be up so that some guy's kid who is 5 today will know in 10 years that her dad had an account at AM. The hackers claim to have photos, emails, and chat logs--so not only can the kids see their dad's account, but also all that stuff. That outcome was not inevitable--it's the direct result of the hackers' work. .
  9. Only for some, and the public outing is much different than a private one.
  10. The hackers say they outed the AM subscribers because they are opposed to cheating. If you buy that, I have a bridge to sell you. They outed the AM subscribers because they wanted to flex their hacking muscles, because it was fun, and because they knew they'd get a shitload of attention. I don't think for one second that the 23 year old hacker who did this was on a moral mission.
  11. This one's bad just because of what happens to all these "outed" people and their families. This inserts a lot of heat into families that were otherwise "stable but not perfect" families, of which there are many. I've never had an affair but I don't stand in some stark judgment of those who do: Marriage is SUPER hard (20+ years here) and an affair is just one thing that can go wrong...but people can forgive and provide a good family. I've seen this first hand many times. We are all human and if no one forgave us, who would even talk to us. The profiles are mostly fake but I'm guessing at least the majority of the credit card names are real. What's sad is how eager people are to look into everyone's business and see the lists of names. Ugh. I don't want to see that list even a little. If the list really has 37 million names, I'm sure to know some of them, and frankly, I'm happy to respect their privacy and have no idea what seeing their names on the list means: open marriage, unhappy marriage, just looking around on the site, full on affairs... if 95+% of the people there are men, I'm guessing the Ashley Madison guarantee of an affair is mostly not much of a guarantee unless the women are really really easy. Probably most men went on there and "failed to have an affair," but didn't call AM on their guarantee. "Hi, this is John Doe and I want my money back because I have been trying to contact women for months and never gotten laid on your site." Seems difficult to imagine that happening. Agree with Rob: The hackers here are not to be lauded and I hope the media (and public) settles down on the witchhunt. Let families deal with any fallout that happens as it happens. The people affected here on TBD (of which percentage wise there have to be many) are in for a rough ride. Compassionate good luck to the silent but scared among you.
  12. You can put it in the bank or If you want to change your life over a decade, every 2 years for the next 12 years, take a 10 day trip to Europe. You should be able to swing 6 trips out of that 19K, and that will definitely change your life. Plus it will give you a lot to look forward to. That only works if someone is betting the upside.
  13. This is my TT fear. The drop back and then run around like a madman and hope something happens doesn't work in the NFL. The Bills will get killed if that's their QB's mindset. As a few people keep saying, the QB doesn't have to be a top 5 QB. If he's just average, the team goes far. Rooting for EJ. He's young, was drafted as a project, and hopefully will win the job. OF course I wish he was winning it more convincingly but at least he seems to be winning right now.
  14. Exact;y. That was the thing all the Stepford Flutie fans missed in the 90s. Flutie was entertaining but lost his effectiveness pretty fast. Taylor has the potential to be exactly like that...except defenses are way more used to mobile QBs these days. If the Bills have to go into the season with Cassel or Taylor, it's another stalled out year at the QB position. Gotta hope EJ wins this outright and puts an end to the QB debate. He doesn't need to be Andrew Luck...if he's Andy Dalton, the team goes to the playoffs and potentially deep.
  15. There are some music school kids who come down with their violins at Suburban who just kill it.
  16. That's what my team knows to do. We don't dribble over and kick it out but if the situation arises and kicking it out is the right play, you kick it out into next week.
  17. Not when they are nursing a lead at the end of a game. Quick restarts are done in hopes of catching the other team out of position.
  18. Out of bounds plays are when the longest delays (except injuries) occur. The keeper is slow to get the ball. No one clears the ball from the field. Keeper switches sides. Defender walks up for the throw in casually. Someone else decides to take the throw at the last second. All classic delaying moments in soccer. Everyone does it--it's strategy with a lead to milk those moments.
  19. "during set pieces (corner kicks, free kicks,"
  20. Agreed. All the checking has gone too far. Some guy in the booth should check touchdowns and give a red light or green light to the ref to indicate whether it was a good play or bad play. If they can't tell in 10 seconds, move on. Usually it's fairly obvious. Once you're into blowing up screens past clear pixel resolution, I am happy going with the ref's call. And that includes the "no goal" call.
  21. That was one of those "oh crap I'm way out of position" backpedals. She knew she was in deep trouble the second Lloyd struck the ball and thus had to watch it all the way in. The trip made it easier but that was not going to be an easy save with her charging towards her on goal just hoping to touch the ball. She was in deep crap and credit Lloyd for taking the chance at beating her. Those don't often go in but every once in a while you catch the keeper.
  22. When you're burning down the clock with a lead in soccer, late in the game you boot the ball out of bounds more, jog your defenders up slowly for kicks and throw-ins. You do a lot of winding down the clock. And on the other side, you're racing to get all the stoppages restarted. So if you change how the clock is measured, you change the strategy around all those stoppages. As a viewer, one of the things that's great about soccer is its predictable timing. A soccer half is 45 minutes plus maybe 3-5 minutes of stoppage time (more stoppage time in men's soccer because the men are little bitches and even more time if one of the teams is South American, Central American, Italian, or Spanish). That makes the viewing experience predictable on duration, which is excellent. No commercials except half time. You watch a game end to end in less than 2 hours every time.
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