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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. Kind of like how Woody Johnson’s company got huge federal dollars to develop a vaccine, right? Were it the best company to develop the vax, or were it the furthest ahead, I wouldn’t have mentioned it. But I don’t know that either of those things is true.
  2. No, the flu isn’t as deadly, as dangerous, or as contagious as COVID-19. this “anti-mask” attitude is sort of sad. We used to have a sense of unity and shared sacrifice in this country. Now there’s a significant part of the population that can’t be bothered to undertake a small act or courtesy to the public at large.
  3. A little of both with respect to your question. Mostly I see it as a courtesy to others. It also displays intelligent, respectful behavior to my children. Can’t ask them to do something that I won’t or don’t do myself.
  4. Or they’re building good habits. Either or. I wear min even when the closest person is at great distance. No sense in fiddling with it and touching hands to face unnecessarily. And I avoid risk from variables like wind and failure to observe a nearby person. It might be extreme, but it’s also smart. And certainly not robotic.
  5. What merit is that? I tried to get an antibody test. Three days and counting. Maybe anyone can get tested, but it appears that the part about the wait time has been omitted.
  6. Truly. There is a strong correlation between eschewing a $20B static measure and refusing to wear a mask that costs $5 or so.
  7. Makes sense. Rather than bother with limited effectiveness, just go straight to no effectiveness. Seems like a solid plan.
  8. I'm 41 and I have never had a beer at or before a game. I'm there for the football.
  9. Where has this "mouthpiece" position of yours established as fact?
  10. Still nothing meaningful to show for the 3.5 years of his presidency, and still too many campaign hoaxes. I’m sorry that you support a loser. I wish it was different, but it’s not. I like winners.
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2020/3/14/21177509/coronavirus-trump-covid-19-pandemic-response that pretty much sums it up. I’ll add earlier work on prophylactic measures (eg, promoting use of masks in keeping with domestic intel warnings from early 2020) and PPE production would have helped. But hey, the guy’s got next to nothing to show for 3.5 years in office (a point you have yet to meaningfully refute), so why set anything other than a low bar? Bottom line: you settle for a loser in a position of leadership. I don’t and won’t. That’s what sets us apart.
  12. Mostly non specifics and platitudes on your end. You also ignore the fact that the economic catastrophe was caused by such things as trump downplaying the virus (it’s their new hoax!), trying to wish it away (home by April!), and ignoring domestic warnings about the danger. Apparently you like fake winners and people who make hoaxy promises they don’t keep (wall! GDP! China deal!). I don’t. I prefer leaders who keep their word.
  13. Fake news. I don't lick windows. And, for what it's worth, you tried to debate, lost, and resorted to name-calling. Not classy. Let's keep our eyes on the prize. None of those points changes the facts that you like fake winners, that you're cool with Trump's campaign hoaxes, and that the scoreboard still reads, "Facts, 1. Joe in Winslow, 0." Be better!
  14. You like fake winning, campaign hoaxes, and ineptitude, so your November preference is no surprise. I bet there is a debate book somewhere with exactly that response. Well done!
  15. Hoax. The WHO spoke accurately with respect to the issue a few days after January 20. Trump ignored that, as well as domestic warnings about the danger of the virus. Still waiting for your response to the point about Trump's fake promises and lack of accomplishments.
  16. Fake news from a guy who likes fake winning. The economy was shut down in significant part because the federal government did little to nothing to properly prepare for a pandemic that it knew would reach American soil.
  17. Or, you know, the incoherent federal response ("Hoax!" "Tests for everyone who needs one, or not really!" "Actually, it's our PPE, not yours!" "Hang out at the airport for hours crowded together when coming back from Asia and Europe, it's cool!" "I don't need a mask!" "No need for DPA for PPE!" "Miracle cure!" "Warm weather will make it disappear!" "Fifteen cases, soon to be zero!") that put us in a position where the response had to be do drastic in so many areas. Either one. Looks like none of the Trumpers can take this on. The truth hurts. Sorry guys. *** And I didn't even include his pre-pandemic hoax about the GDP. Where's the "4, 5, 6% growth" that was supposed to flow from the tax cuts? More fake winning.
  18. It's not Trump's fault that there is a pandemic. (The "bio-kamikaze" thing is gibberish, but I'll ignore it for now.) But he is culpable for downplaying the issue ("It's their new hoax!" "Fifteen cases, soon to be zero!), and that minimization of the threat surely contributed to the economic disaster now upon us. S&P is flat. I now have had dead money for three years. Unemployment figures rival those of the Great Depression. Statistics don't lie, and the buck stops with Trump. If you're cool with the way the economy is and with the characterization of the threat as a hoax, that's fine. I demand better. And I don't like presidents who preside over economic depressions. Fake news. I'll take your lack of response to Trump's lack of accomplishments as an admission with respect to that point. Carry on.
  19. Some who aren't fooled may still vote for him. So your correlation between percentage of popular vote and scope of base is a false one. But let's keep our eyes on the prize. You haven't disputed the lack of Trump's accomplishments.
  20. What exactly has he accomplished? Wall? Nope. Complete Mexican funding for wall? Not happening. Repeal and replace? Nope. Economic growth? Nah. Job growth? Yeah, no. Comprehensive trade deal with China? Nope. Deficit elimination? Not looking good. Balanced budget? Nope. Tax cut for everyone? Fake news. Health care premium tax deduction? Maybe next term, if he gets one. Rebuilding national infrastructure? See wall. Fooling about 38% of the electorate with fake winning? Mission accomplished.
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