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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I know a guy named Frank Wilson. I'll bet he would be honored to know about the stadium naming thing.
  2. Rosey Grier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosey_Grier "Grier is known for his serious pursuit of nontraditional hobbies such as macrame and needlepoint."
  3. Brad, I see you have no sig line with your post. Might I suggest: "just as worse if not more"(gomper @ Jun 26 2008, 03:27 PM)
  4. Paint Medics 2621 Back Hinsdale Road Olean, NY 14760 373-6957
  5. Glad to see Wade can at least admit you gotta "dance with the one who brung ya". Nice piece on Ickey Woods at #7
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNWEeLz125Q I guess after further review it was "dinosaur bone", not ice cream cone. It was a long time ago.
  7. It reminds me of Eddie Murphy "Boogie in Your Butt". Put your cell phone in your butt, Put an ice cream cone in your butt, You put the boogieeeeeeeeee in your butt...
  8. I remember my wife telling me that she has small hands, and didn't want a large stone, because it would look tacky. I wanted to go 1/3 karat and she said 1/4 karat looked better. I knew she was a keeper.
  9. The heat of melting the ring burns off any bad karma
  10. You can say that again. Get your sour grapes here! Now I am in retail.
  11. Combine two pieces of advice already stated: 1. Go to a pawn shop, and buy a diamond at cut rate. Jewelry store markup is outrageous. 2. Go to a family owned local jeweler, one that does custom stuff, and have them use the gold and diamonds from the pawn shop to fashion something for you.
  12. There is something that is just too unsettling about pinching one off knowing there is a big open hole under you. In my limited experience using outhouses, I'm always afraid something is gonna crawl up and bite me.
  13. Anywhere people gather. Churches are a good place, if you have legitimate point of contact, like a member who is willing to ask other members to sign. Generally this needs to be done informally by a layperson, so it is not viewed as the church taking an official position. Generally it is good form to inform the pastor or elders of what you are doing. Do you know a member of the Moose, Eagles, etc? Many times shopping malls will allow petitioners. The best method in my opinion if you are truly passionate about the issue is to canvas neighborhoods asking for signatures.
  14. I did not watch the NBA all season and rarely ever do, but I have watched the first two games. I'm already tired of being told that Kobe is the greatest basketball player on the planet by all of ABC's personnel. I think comparisons to Michael Jordan are absolutely unwarranted. I hated the Bulls, but MJ was in a class all his own, and it remains so. I thought I was a Celtics fan for a while, but it turned out I was a fan of Larry Bird, KM, DJ, Parrish, and Ainge. That was a fun team to watch. When they left the NBA, so did I. When Bird coached the Pacers, I rooted for them for a while. I would say Reggie Miller, and having a wife from Indiana were two other rooting interests. When JR Bremer (from St. Bonaventure) entered the NBA, I said I'll root for whatever team he goes to. Interestingly enough, for one year it was Boston. Then he faded fast. The real problem for me is that there are no Buffalo Braves. All of my sports loyalties except NBA have been chosen by geography. I am a Bills fan because I am from here. Sabres the same. I live in Olean, so for worse or even worse, It's the St. Bonaventure Brown Indians, oh yeah "Bonnies". I am pulling for the Celtics out of past loyalty and the history of the Boston/LA rivalry. That, and it never seems to fail that everybody involved in the Lakers franchise from the staff, to the coaches, players, and fans all seem so doggone smug. I think the Celtics will win it in 6 games. They have proven that they can dominate the Lakers at times. KG needs to step up and play a little more consistently, and the bench needs to continue with their scoring input. Hopefully for Bostn the Pierce injury is not too serious, and won't be a problem. At this point it seems overblown, a little like the Patriots listing Brady as injured, and probable most games.
  15. I would like some investment advice on how to triple my money in the market as it exists right now.
  16. If He were a Bills fan, I think we might have hauled in at least one Lombardi by now.
  17. I was not thrilled with the departures from the book. I thought the beginning left out alot of plot and character development that C.S. Lewis included. They knocked off a couple of chapters as I recall. I can see why they started where they did, as it is a more gripping intro than the book would have been, but some flashbacks to lessons with the teacher woud have been interesting. There is alot of intrigue in Caspian learning about "old Narnia" in the book, that was just left out of the movie. For me, the kings and queens figured out everything altogether too quickly after arriving in Narnia, as compared to how they piece together the clues in the book. I can't say it was a complete dissapointent, but, for me there were dissapointed moments. Another one being when Aslan assists reepecheep after the battle. The dialogue doesn't necessarily draw the same line as the text of the book does. I think as the series goes on, if they are commited to all 7 books, they will have to depart from the author more and more. I think in the books there is a signifigant drop off after Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Another factor is that these stories were unapologetically written by Lewis as stories for children. As the movies series goes forward, I look for more big screen effects, and action sequences to try and carry it.
  18. It must be embarrasing to graduate last in your class, and have evrybody know about it.
  19. I'm wondering, is it a new love interest, or just a new actress playing the wife?
  20. I hope I am not messing with one of you guys trying to make some money, but this http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Buffalo-Bills-Jim-...1QQcmdZViewItem looks pretty fishy to me.
  21. I'm certain he will show up in a Redkins jersey with a host of Washington team mates there in support. They will probably have to move the induction to DC that year to accomodate everyone who wants to be in attendance. Bad thread man, Bad thread.
  22. I'm picturing you as the dude in red in Tom's avatar
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