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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. The holdout situation in the offseason hurt this O line, and team badly. They had to plan to play without Peters, and his return has disrupted what little they had going for them. I think having him in will pay off in the long run, but the O-line is still behind the eight ball in trying to come together as a unit.
  2. The comparison to Bruce Smith was goofy. Judging by that standard most of the DE's in the league suck and are overpaid. You can talk about "after the season" all you want. Going into the bye at 4-1, I personally am not willing to give up and walk away from the current campaign. One thing I can't get over here is how in some people's heads players are a static, unchanging commodity, meaning a player can never improve. Because Gandy didn't cut it with Buffalo, he obviously sucks and will always suck, therefore Schoebel sucks because he couldn't get pressure against Gandy. It is not possible that Gandy had a good game, or even had some familiarity with Schoebel from being on the same team that helped him.
  3. Well, Arizona seemed to respond to their "wake up call" game with the Jets. The Bills did have some glaring weaknesses, but even had Edwards not been injured, they had an uphill fight on their hands. The Cardinals certainly came in faster, stronger and hitting harder. I think as the season wraps up their record will show that the Cardinals are a pretty good team this year. The Bills just need to come home and take care of the Chargers after the bye. We need to keep things in perspective. We have been waiting a long time for a good season, but it is no call to jump ship after the first loss. One good thing about young players who are not playing great is that they can and do get better. A prime example is Eli Manning. In the middle of last season fans and media alike were ready to run him out of town. Our team is young, be patient.
  4. This is an absurd oversimplification, but you know that. As I previously stated, if you listen carefully, an athelete is thankful, yes, for the win, but more precisely for the physical ability to compete at the highest level, for the opportunity to be on display on such a big stage, for the moment. All people, even believers go through a range of human emotions. When he was no longer the MVP of the league, and a Superbowl champion, KW continued to walk a walk of faith. Boil your argument down to what it really is. You think it is foolish to believe in God, especially a God that had anything to do with any part of our existence on this planet, or the existence of the planet itself, or our universe for that matter. KW would have left the game today as a believer if Mitchell's hit had made him the QB who left with a concussion. Your real problem is God getting credit for anything, not what he does and does not get credit for.
  5. TW and Lin Broadcasting ruined our Mojo. I blame them both for this loss.
  6. If you ever paused to listen, most athletes who give a public testimony of thanks are not thanking for the win, but for their ability, for the opportunity to be there, and for the moment. In my opinion, if you think a two second statement of thanks is shoving religion down your throat, you are extremely thin skinned. "I would like to thank Jesus Christ". What precisely did that ask for you to do? Believe in Christ? No. Like Jesus? No. Become a Christian? No. Perhaps at best tolerate something that you despise or disagree with for a few seconds, and then life moves on. When someone prays silently during a last second attempt, how do you know what the content of the prayer is? How do you know they are praying? During the Raiders game, I had my head bowed and eyes closed, but it wasn't prayer. It was because of the Dallas game last year and many other close calls recently. I just couldn't watch it. That being said, the premise that KW is under-rated because of his statements of faith is just non-sense. He has had some great years, and is a good QB. He is not one of the top ten all-time. It is too early in the season to list the top ten of right now. Based on the first 4 weeks would you include Peyton Manning? By the end of the season will he be included? Count me among those who have an uneasy feeling about this game, and KW is part of the reason. If we start as slowly as we have been, and he comes out hot, it may get out of hand.
  7. I'm going to watch with my brother-in-law Sunday. I'm giving TW about two weeks to get WIVB back on, and then I'm going to dish. TW will also be losing my telephone and internet business. I have talked with a representative twice, and heard nothing but the company line. What a load of bull. I'm tired of these arrogant bastages.
  8. There is a reason that Hardy had not cracked the starting line-up until this week, and we saw it Sunday. He is not ready, but given the circumstances was the best option we had. Cut the kid some slack and don't call for his ouster on the 4th game of his career. Being pushed into service will give the coaches alot more to work with in getting him headed the right direction.
  9. Can we repeat as Superbowl Champions? Now there is the real question. As I understand it we are to stay tuned to VABills who is dictating the status of the bandwagon.
  10. Another play that I keep thinking they are setting up when both backs are in is a reverse that starts with Lynch, and goes to Jackson. That, I would like to see.
  11. As far as I'm concerned, Bruce earned the right to walk into the Ralph any time he wants, and say whatever he wants. We have known for a long time that his ego is huge. I would hope most Bills fans would agree with the line.
  12. My hands are still sore from pounding the bleachers, and high fiving. Not the whole game, but the 4th quarter matched the intensity of the Cowboys game last year. The sheer jubilation following Lindell's kick was awesome.
  13. It's not that no one cares, It's just that some people can pause to appreciate a win, no matter how ugly, while others still need to constantly find a reason to piss and moan. Yes, this team needs to improve. Yes, many mistakes were made in a pretty sloppy game. All teams make mistakes. Yesterday, this team overcame their deficiencies with a solid 4th quarter, and won as the clock expired. Geez, enjoy a win for a second.
  14. I put a couple grand in the American Euro Pacific Fund not quite a year ago. To date I am down something like 23%. This week sure didn't help. I looked at the perspectus prior to putting money in, and over 5 years the fund averaged something like 14%. I guess "past performance does not guarantee future results."
  15. The Bills home page should have a link to Ticket Exchange.
  16. Speaking of Transit, I have always thought it would be a good idea, when Bruce Goes into the HOF, to take a stretch of road and make all of the Rt 78 signs into little Bruce Smith Jerseys. I am so excited, and I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it. Im dusting off the 78 Jersey, and will be there Bruuuuuuuuuuuuucing my lungs out.
  17. I think J.P. would do well to stay in Buffalo behind Trent. He is a good back-up QB, who could have a long, and lucrative career here. I seriously don't see him getting a starting gig elsewhere. Swallow your pride, and be the back-up here as opposed to somewhere else.
  18. What a journalistic nightmare. offence personal for personnel thier for their Even without their troubled QB the Titans crushed a Cincinnati Bengals. I couldn't read any more
  19. But, Hochuli is a jerk for working out, and keeping himself in good physical condition. His bicep worship is clearly the issue. I agree with those who said Shanahan was giving the Chragers their opportunity, by going for the two point conversion. This was his take "We still had the ball at third-and-10 and had to get it into the end zone. Third-and-10 and then fourth-and-4. We still had to make a 2-point conversion," Shanahan said. "It wasn't like somebody gave us the touchdown. You have to go out there and still get it done." http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true
  20. Man, If I were a true Bills fan, I would have chosen to be born before 1970.
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