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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Whew! I thought you meant our 370-lb tight end Mike Williams! Boom! Whap! And you thought Willis gave a mean stiff-arm to those Fish DBs... HAHAHAHA
  2. It's a fun place to be here on draft day (aside from all the doomers and 2nd-guessers who know better than TD what we should do...) You can get updates on Bills' picks about as quick as the ESPN Tracker, because these Bills fans CARE! Besides, you won't have to admire Mel Kiper's hair all day here at TSW!
  3. Hey, Astrobot, why no CB in your mock? That does seem like a major team need.
  4. Hey I was at the Century, too. It was a pretty cool show - if you like that German mechanical type of music. In 1976, I worked at the Moog synthesizer factory, so I guess those things work together, eh?
  5. It was 1972 or 73 in the brand new Rich Stadium (maybe not even called Rich at the time). Joe Namath and the Jets were in town. The Juice was runnin' behind the Electric Company. My best friend and I got free tickets from his mom's company, and we got a bus from Sestak & Maguire's restaurant on our corner. Lots of fun.
  6. IIRC, Josh Reed started out at LSU as a RB, but was switched to WR. Maybe that would play to his strengths. He certainly has not looked good (for a high 2nd round pick) playing WR. Wire has played LB and RB successfully at Stanford, so I would hope they would look to experiment with Coy as well. Not sure about quickly putting 20 lbs on him, though. Likely to lose any quickness. Aiken at SS? That is a stretch. He has always been a WR, as far as I know. Jason Peters offers a lot of possibilities, especially clobbering the long snapper on punts! I'd like to see him block the punt a few more times! And about wasting people's time?! Pshaw, man, that's why we are all here 24 hours a day!!!
  7. I'm not familiar with McPherson, and we are unlikely to draft Matt Jones. But this razzle-dazzle offensive stuff sure is fun to think about. I have hopes the Bills will consider Fast Freddie Smith for this role. Another guy mentioned as playing QB in HS was TE Rod Trafford (i'm not even sure he is still with the Bills). But Freddie, oops, Jonathan has shown some good skills so far. Maybe he can be a slash guy for us. Any particular wild razzle-dazzle plays you had in mind there, Tipster? And BTW wasn't JFFSmith wearing #19 in camp last year?
  8. I liked Lamont Jordan, too, when he occasionally got into a game. But $5.4M per year for him??? Holy crap - that is seriously overpaying. Then the not so bright Travis Henry sees this, and says "I'll have what he's having..." Geez, you gotta be kiddin me, Travis!
  9. Looks like Benny is 5'10" and 173 lbs (wet). Maybe he can kick!
  10. I thought about it way back when, because I had written for my college newspaper. A family friend worked at the Buffalo Evening News (or was it the Courier-Express?) and he showed me around a bit. But then I got drafted, and got pointed in a different direction. I still do some technical writing on the job, and a TON of writing in my masters degree program... Like nodnarb said, journalism seems to be dead, or at least in decline. If you are thinking of TV sports casting as "journalism", well, it's more like show business IMO. You can go get a BS in Communications if you want to pursue an area like that.
  11. Whoa! Hold the Bistecca, please. St Joseph's Table is a meatless feast! Fish is OK. Just do the Bistecca later, after Lent or whenever... Mille grazia.
  12. I tasted that Bud-E (or whatever) the other night. With guarana and caffeine. It had like a Dr Pepper taste to it. Not very impressive, but then it's a Bud product. Just what we need (as someone posted) - more drunks with lots of energy! Now, drunks won't have to pass out, they can raise some hell. Probably more likely to go driving, too, I would think.
  13. Oh, golly, Demulling would probably explain that he's just trying to put groceries on the table...
  14. Mmm, because they stand directly behind another man at work all day? Put their hands up the guy's crotch? "How was work today, Honey?" Ooohhh, you know...
  15. In recent days, someone called Travis "dumb as dirt". Another poster stood up to defend dirt, saying at least things can grow in it. His suggestion for Henry's intellect was "a bag of rocks", a description I have enjoyed a time or two over the past year or so. But I like the walnut idea - maybe there's a nickname there for Ma Henry's boy. Travis "Walnut" Henry Hmmm, reminds me of Clarence "Frogman" Henry.
  16. I did not read the whole article, but the quote reminds me of Travis Henry believing he is great because he can carry the rock. Like, hey dude, what about picking up a blitz now and then? Huh? What's that got to do with being a RB? Likewise, Drew thinks he is still a top QB because he can "throw the long ball". Big deal, man. How about being able to take a few steps to get out of the way of a charging defender? Huh? What's that got to do with being a QB? Travis and Drew are one-dimensional players, IMO. Let them play somewhere else, please.
  17. Buffalo State College 1981 Washington University - St Louis 1997 "Harvard of the Midwest" (So, Emory is Harvard of the South. How many other "Harvards" are out there?)
  18. Rap Dictionary I find this site pretty informative and amusing at times (like when you have to talk with teenagers!)
  19. That pretty fu*%in cool that JP has the moxie to call that kid out. I think it bodes well for his composure under fire (well, a different kind of pressure, no doubt, but you get the picture, eh?) He's going to be an exciting player, IMO.
  20. ...piece of spit? I didn't realize he was still in the league...
  21. They tell me you are supposed to read the friggin' books by Tolkien! I was rather unimpressed with this trilogy. Too many confusing characters - like like who and WHAT are they?! And "people" who don't actually die.
  22. I agree absolutely. The dropoff when Travis came in for Willis was dramatic. Blitz pickup was a joke. Does Travis think "this is not my job, let a fullback do this blitz pickup schitt!" or what? He does it very poorly and half-heartedly. I would like to see Travis gone very soon. For a 4th rounder, whatever...
  23. Last year, I had been hearing a lot about Green Bay wanting to draft Losman as Favre's eventual replacement. And then the Bills grabbed him - I am stoked to see what this kid can do. This is no Todd Collins type of guy!
  24. This is really bizarre. Those are great images. "Tiny bubbles... in the wine" Maybe a guy who looks like Anthony Federov singing Helter Skelter! "Then I get to the bottom and I see you a-GAIN!!!!!" "Helter skelter - dunh-anunh-a-DUMMMM" Thanks Yoho for the images! What year are in?
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