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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Rudy is pumped because there is so much bad news to dwell on! Gimme a "D" Gimme a "O" Gimme a "O" Gimme a "M" Yay, Rudy!
  2. "I don't choose to run very much - that's not going to be my forte, scrambling around," Bledsoe said, "but I do feel that I can be very effective moving within the pocket..." HAR-de-HAR-HAR! You gotta be shi++in' me, Drew!
  3. "My mom says I'm the best quarterback that ever played the game!" Delusional??? Now, YOU make the call!
  4. The American Idol folks that say "my mother says I can make it to the top!" or "my friends all think I'm a great singer". Very often they are delusional. Nice of their parents and friends to prop them up, when they can't really sing worth beans. Well, now Drew has a big star on his helmet and I'm sure that will make him feel a bit better about himself. "This is my team" "oops no, THIS is my team"
  5. Yeah, isn't that weird? All these guys with high voices - Brian Wilson (who sounded like he should retire!), Five For Fighting (more high-pitched voices). It seems odd for NASCAR to use these guys. Vanessa (wow) looked and sounded great! It's nice not to hear our national anthem massacred like some many have done before.
  6. And now for the hearing impaired is Garrett Morris: GOOD NIGHT! AND HAVE A LOVELY TO-MORR-RROW!
  7. Did you check to see if any software came bundled with your camera? I have a Sony TRV-# and it came with video software from MGI. Maybe not the perfect software, but serviceable at least.
  8. Bingo! That must be the one we visited way back when. I also got whacked from Bell Aerospace, eventually leading to my exodus from the City of Good Neighbors.
  9. Bannan could be a candidate for OG, judging by the experimentation with him this past season. It could be worth a shot. And while we are juggling players, I wonder if Coy Wire has any ball carrying skills, since he did that at Stanford. I doubt it, but what the hell. He sucks at safety, so give him a whirl at RB or FB since he likes to hit people. Probably can't catch though... Reed might get another year, but I would not mind seeing him cut. Oh wait, it's his "contract year", isn't it? Yawwwwn.
  10. There used to be a Nike base somewhere in Niagara County, like Pendleton perhaps? The Nike base was at a different location than the NF Intl Airport site, as I recall (from a Boy Scout or Cub Scout trip lo-o-ong ago).
  11. If you want to see old Stoneface crackin' jokes with Jay (yeah, right), just tune in and see the coach we love to hate. Jay, of course, is from Massachusetts...
  12. He and his teammates probably "shot their wads" energy-wise at the saturday night parties. Sort of like our Bills in their failed attempts. Par-taaaay! Oops, there's a game tomorrow? Man, I'm pooped...
  13. McDaniel It's a nice article about his new baby and his work with abused children. The Chicago-Philly Arena game was on. He was an offensive specialist last year, but this year is playing defense as well.
  14. Hey Mo, sorry I don't have a tape of day 1. Do you ever really WATCH these tapes of old drafts??? Yikes, sounds like a single guy with lots of time! No offense intended, pardner, but I just tape the Senior Bowl and such, then don't have a chance to watch them...
  15. Gee, maybe we can throw in McGahee and Evans if they will also send us 58-yr-old OL Bruce Matthews. I'd rather not call your idea stupid and idiotic, but let me get my thesaurus...
  16. NPR Cowbell story I doubt any of you cowbellers listen to NPR, so here is a link to the story. It was pretty funny hearing the history of the cowbell. And where would Grand Funk, Mountain, etc be without it!?
  17. I'm with you, Steve. AFC East loyalty? BS! I'd love to see the Perfect Pats lose a friggin' SB!
  18. Yes, that always baffled me - how Travis could be considereda 3rd down back. Very strange choice for a position that requires blitz pickup.
  19. If you have several years of relevant experience, a 2-page resume is OK, I have found. You may want to have a 1-pager made up as well, in case some HR person is anal about "1 page only". This one is shorter on the details, of course.
  20. Well, no, you asked what position Buffalo will draft, not who would YOU draft? Please state your answer in the form of a question, eh?
  21. There are OTHER message boards?!?! Who (among Bills fans) could ask for anything MORE? TSW Ru-u-ules!
  22. Hey, once those hairs lose their color, man, they get ORNERY! My mustache is mostly white now :-( and those hairs are tough SOBs. It's just that OLD age thing...
  23. John, what is your favorite trash on TV? AI (oops, sorry) American Idol is a pretty interesting show, IMO. Maybe I don't like your shows, and will be able to criticize them. What fun.
  24. Gene Simmons, although seemingly a buffoon due to his Kiss persona, was actually quite articulate, and was a very good judge for American Idol, esp. with his 30+ (?) years in show biz. I don't like Kiss, but Simmons was good.
  25. My sentiments, exactly. Playoff football = go for the throat OR go home! It's also hard to disagree with a guy named Labatts Blue!
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