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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. he guys, i 've just learnt about the show reading Peter king's MMQB on si.com... did not know Buffalo was the last stop of what could be the last tour... Personally with all that the town of Buffalo and Bruce have brought into my life this is a huge symbol and an incredible event i'd have loved to attend... I just hope that show will be available some way or an other ... lucky basta... if you were there!! The whole "greetings" album... that must have been something... bbb nice you mention "lost in the flood"... i've always loved the song but each time i listen to it those last few years i find it a little more important in his work ... there's something that is getting bigger with time passing in this song! anybody has the track list?
  2. well they have the week of before the big game vs Pitt. Last week vs Wva they have used Pike a little (2/4 but 2Tds!) but i think they did not want to take any risk as it looks like he was not back 100% and collaros has been doing very well.
  3. That could be interesting!! i don't know much about their D but the Tuskers have probably better starting QB and RB (Bollinger an Tatum Bell) than the Browns!
  4. Or you can go with Kelly and Pike! Or even Kelly and LeFevour (interesting the guy actually recruited and coached two of the best qbs in the NCAA)
  5. where did i generalize? i said i could not understand" xenophobia coming from americans", that does not mean all americans are xenophobs! i know this board that is about 80% full of xenophobs is not representative of the USA, that is thanks God a lot more tolerant than that!!
  6. what about Brooklyn in the 1910ies? or South Boston in the 1930ies? or North Beach in SF in the 1940ies? or Lowell Mass in the 1900ies? btw what about learning some spanish? not only it could help you in East LA but you know there's a lot of great places from there to Chile... i'm glad i can speak to everybody in the Americas outside Brazil and the old Dutch colonies from Anchorage to Chile, from Quebec City to Buenos Aires ...
  7. ??? you can not be critical about something happening overseas if 100% of the people living in your country is not perfect in that same field?!! Man that should end any debate in this World right now!!!!
  8. Anni DiFranco ... and we play in the Lingerie Bowl as the Buffalo Lesbians!
  9. Maybe if Jim Kelly can convince the rest of the Bills players of the Superbowl years to put some money on the table....
  10. your link makes me think about the role the basque immigrants in America have played for the survival of the basque language. Historically a spoken and not written language, the immigration of basques from all the regions of the basque country in the USA has played a major role in the constitution of the modern "united basque" and in the buliding of the written version of this tongue. The first ever newpapers and magazines written in basque were printed in the USA.
  11. that is soooo wrong... all studies indicate that NEVER in the history of the USA an immigrant wave has integrated as fast and as well as the hispanics wave of those last 20-25 years... i'm fed up with those legends of european immigrants learning english and integrating the american main stream immedialty in the "old days"... It took at least two whole generations for immigrants from non english speaking european countries to consider themselves americans with a good level in english and a full acceptance of american culture. The argument about hispanics giving back their "american money" to their country as an exemple that they don't want to integrate is just silly... this has ALWAYS happened . i live in basque country and you'll find around here dozens of "americanas", mansions built by basques coming "back home" in the earliest part of the XXth century after making money in the US or Latin America. You'll find the same thing in Sicily (where american money coming from the US immigrants was the first economic income of the island during the first part of the XXth century!), Italy or Ireland...
  12. where did i justify any european xenophobia?!! Xenophobia CAN NEVER be justified
  13. ??? you're totally sick aren't you? go suck Armstrong's d... and stop whining. the Tour is and always has been an international competition, maybe you should come and see it live one day... people from all over the world sharing their love of cycling on the roads. Pass a day along the road of a big Alps pass, you'll probably hear dozens of different languages, it's a giant international tailgate waiting for the "peloton" ... Roche, Delgado, Robic, Lemond, Mertz, Bahamontes, Pantani, Herrera and dozens of other "foreign" riders have been loved and supported by the french cycling fans during the history of the Tour. Some like Armstrong, Indurain and others (including frenchmen like Fignon, Bernard or Anquetil) have been more seen like villains, that's part of the sport...
  14. so what ? that's what you propose for the hispanics?!! i live in basque contry mr the lesson givers, i know my history, what happened here was and is still shameful ,nothing to be proud of... , may i remind you i'm "olivier in france" not "olivier french" or something like that... i hate countries and nations. and i do not consider myself "french" since the french have rejected the european constitution one of my best friends is from there and thanks god she speaks alsatian pretty well! so i hate french xenophobia even more than the american... but at least some french can say they are "from here"... while 95% of americans can't. something that make american xenophobia even more stupid if that is possible than "our" breed.
  15. maybe you should explain me what the people of a french region have to do with american xenophobia...
  16. ?? about the same.(Lemond does not look or sound like a french name...) His style, panache and constant smile in all circonstances made him probably the most popular american athlete ever in France.
  17. you have NO CLUE , absolutly NO IDEA about what you're talking about so just SHUT UP !! I can't believe a mex ref in a football game can make people answer that kind of bull!!!
  18. thanks for your answer to the topic... your ignorance about everything that is my country is in fact a perfect answer... (maybe you should know Greg lemond is still one of the most popular rider in France....)
  19. reading this thread is just scary... never, never will i understand xenophobia coming from americans...
  20. that looks like the kind of shop i should visit next time i'm in the US!!
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