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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. He Jim i'm not lazy! i always try good food and new products when i travel... food and wine are about the only souvenirs we ever bring back home ... and that includes the USA... we have a huge book home about american food with lot of information about products, places etc... http://www.priceminister.com/offer/buy/640...-Usa-Livre.html the only thing is that i've never looked for and really never tried good chesse in the US... be sure i'll try next time!
  2. so where should i look ? in the us there's not many farmers markets at the corner...
  3. i drink lot of foreign wines and eat lot of foreign cheeses (being just at the spanish border helps!).. and eve if i think we are still number one in both, i always like to try new stuff!
  4. my last trip in the states was 4 years ago and i did not look much for cheese... should i really bother the next time?
  5. in supermarkets maybe... in grocery stores it's usually a lot better than anything you'd find in the US!
  6. cold potatoes... makes me want to eat one of those fresh potatoes /onions /herring salads... with a light vinaigrette !
  7. BTW do you know where DF and RJ are those days?... maybe they'd be happy to start a few games for us...
  8. The Flutie and Johnson wars were a lot more fun... We had a coach and two good QBs at the time!
  9. way more people?!!! Baseball is the third team sport in the world while rugby is played seriously.. in about 10 countries. (and i LOVE rugby) and "sevens"... it's a joke! flag football is probably more interesting than that!
  10. lot of frenchmen do it too... my wife loves them like that... i only put Dijon's mustard on my fries.
  11. well rivaling a dutch colony on strips clubs is no small feat!!
  12. that looks a lot like lacrosse... or the irish hurling... !!
  13. check people from Belgium 'd tell you "belgians" does not exist ... only Brel said he was a belgian... belgian is a state of mind not a people!
  14. well i don't really consider Curacao in North america... Technically it's in Europe in fact!! But Curacao is very important for something... : european baseball!
  15. i don't know i don't like to make fun of an entire people (outside of mine) in general...
  16. One more "kid" you'd like to educate Daddy!! i hope you'll never tame them, they're very important for North america as a whole IMO
  17. well the key is to restore order first and then put emphasis on education. of course a western democracy there is not realistic but afghanistan could become a more stable land like other central asian countries (uzbekistan, tadjikistan...). One you have stability you can think about the economy... it's one of the most beautiful country on Earth... It should be a top touristic destination you know!
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