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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. just read per country or per date how those boys have died... does not look like they all have died in their caserns in Kabul...
  2. vinegar? on fry fish?!!!!!! i almost never put vinegar on something that needs cooking... vinegar is for salad and sauces!
  3. all the details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_cas..._in_Afghanistan
  4. well shouldn't the goal be political stability, democracy and peace for the afghan people?
  5. i hope you don't count me in the "2 liberals"... i did not "justify" the award, i just did tell how this curious award should be understood ...
  6. i agree cod does better fish fry than aiglefin or haddock as you say! first time i went in WNY i have immediatly loved the fish fry tradition because fish fry was something my mother used to buy me a lot when i was a kid .
  7. a french soldier died yesterday in Afghanistan you moron! we are there since 2001 just like the US!
  8. Well with the UE integration, Europe has find a way not to make war between its nations and for the long term... when you know the cruel history of our continent i can not think about a bigger possible action for peace than that in our history ... And well for peace in the rest of the world the contribution in the UN and NATO operations of the UK or France is probably on par per capita with the one of the US since WWII. we don't always choose to go in the same places but we act.
  9. No he does it because WE (the free world) MUST win that war there. some wars are necessary, too bad GW prefered to fight useless ones...
  10. oh yes the rest of the world is little kids and you the great USA are the parents who is trying to educate us great way to see foreign relations....
  11. well if they could only bring back real softball... i can watch Jenny Finch play softball 24/24 !
  12. while i agree it may looks curious to give this award to Obama so early into is presidency, seeing from overseas, my american friends, here is how i think you should take this honor: This is not Obama that receives the Nobel Prize in fact , it is the american people who has been wise enough to elect him, sending a message of anti-racism, opening to the World, choice of diplomacy over brutal force and that has decided to change the direction of its foreign policies after 8 years of Bushism that had made the USA the most hated country in the world (for good or bad reasons, but it's the truth)
  13. with the dubious "values" of the current Pope he'll probably hang him before canonize him!
  14. No return of baseball and addition of Golf??!! and rugby sevens! (what about flag footballl? or slow pitch softball o beach handball?!!!) Olympics are becoming a complete joke.
  15. For my (american based) company , the lunchroom serves as waiting/welcome room for visitors too, so the company takes care of the TV bill
  16. he velveeta is great if you have some leaks and can't find a plumber!
  17. to admit your weaknesses is the first step to improvement !!!
  18. OK i've checked because i did not understand how you could fry haddock! And i'm sorry! The word "Haddock" in french is only used to described smoked cod (morue in french) or the fish you call in english haddock (and that we call in french aiglefin) . So well for me "fried haddock" was "fried smoked haddock"... something that is just barbarian cuisine!! so i'm sorry! fry haddock is like fry cod... and i love it!!
  19. Jim i've been to some great fish fry friday nights in Angola, NY ... and i'm glad it was not some deep fried haddock! fish fry is great but its not a reason to accept anything fried!
  20. dumb and arrogant the two "qualities" frenchmen and americans share the most!
  21. Just wondering what a "closet frenchman" may be? Someone who actually think before blowing out everybody around him?
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