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olivier in france

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Everything posted by olivier in france

  1. i don't know but i've never heard about treatment denials in France...
  2. This year the Ohio State band and cheerleaders are pushing a little too far that "War with Michigan" concept...
  3. I don't know her works... (but she does not even need the "leg effect" to lose her sex appeal!) It makes me think i 'd better not missed a special show about and with Philip Roth tonight on french TV...
  4. In the socialized systems i know the government decides EVERYBODY merit help.
  5. well France health system has a LOT of problems and is losing billions but anyway i'll take that system over the american anyday...
  6. well OK german can be useful to seduce german girls! But well... if the legend about french women not shaving their legs has no base in the real world the same can not be said about german women!... and well as soon as they start to speak they lost all sex appeal that may have survived the "leg effect"! i confess i'm not a walkyrie fan!
  7. At least french sounds great and can help you with women (even if italian is probably even better for that!)... nobody has ever seduced a woman speacking german!
  8. heu... frankly? NOT AT ALL! if i don't count good chesse, the way women take care of herselves (body, hair, clothes...) is probably the only "thing " where the US has a LOT to learn from France!
  9. News?!! you're working in a pretty sophisticated company... Here we have MTV on the lunchroom TV!!
  10. feel better? he you know in this world once you speak decent english the rest is just for fun. Learning foreign languages other than english is great to understand the culture, to open your mind on a new universe but franckly it has not much practical use if you don't live just next door of a foreign country! So that does not bother at all that an american learn german instead of french... in fact if i were american i'd probably learn spanish, japanese and chinese before going to french or german...
  11. if Philly is stupid enough to think they may have better QBs than McNabb in Kolb or Vick, i'd be very happy to see the Bills hire McNabb the minute he's cut by the Eagles!
  12. inorganic chemistry... not surprised you were asked to learned german. Germany is by far the biggest player in the european chemical industry, especially in fields not linked to biology. And even in pharma chemistry german must be important considering the big role of the swiss pharma giants ...
  13. Well in fact i'm sure it depends a lot on the kind of scientific studies you made. In mechanics, machinery, physics, chemical issues there's a lot more scientific work coming from Germany... On the contrary in aeronautics, medecine, biology, food and agriculture fields the french research is much better than the german...
  14. it was really tough to be a student in the 1930ies! wasn't it?
  15. what's funny is that story has not been reported at all in the french media... it took me about 10 minutes to find a french news site talking about it... and it's about the exact translation of the link posted here.
  16. In so more ways than any american or french will ever dare to admit, believe me!!
  17. Cool down "Exiled" after a while (it took me about 5 years) you 'll find that funny!
  18. The future of the NHL is in Helsinki, Prague, Stockholm and Moscow not in Nashville, Tampa or Phoenix...
  19. Learning that barbarian german language is totally useless ... 90% of the germans speak good english while frenchmen are about as bad as americans to learn foreign tongues...
  20. football? for me there's nothing like baseball for fantasy leagues... and hockey comes second... fantasy football is boring once you've drafted.
  21. lol i was talking about NW Oregon ...I do not know Lana but it looks like you do... how's that bedroom?!!!
  22. did miss some french classes didn't you? ... A brasserie is french for brewery, while a brassiere is french for bra!
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