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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Not one game played in the NFL and youve bought his jersey? Hey...wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
  2. While I agree that its kind of hypocritical that Kerry is taking advantage of the tax code in this manner, I cant truly get on ANYBODY for doing that. Name me one person who pays MORE in taxes than they legally have to.
  3. Good challenge to my point. But I still dont buy it. I dont understand why I MUST see this movie in order to comment on Moore and if I dont see it and comment on Moore, Im just a close-minded lemming toeing the party line. I'm very familiar with Moore. Ive seen him on tv for years. Ive visited his site, seen some of his older movies, heard his rants. I thought he was an !@#$ before this move came out and Ill think so later. But heres the reason why the point that people MUST see this film to comment on it doesnt wash.....people like me who refuse to see it yet critiscise Moore and the film are not looking at a work proven to be one thing and calling it something else. To use some examples...we are not looking at the Mona Lisa and calling it water colors. We are not listening to Frank Sinatra and calling him a punk rocker. Everyone who has seen this film, even people who love it said that Moore goes WAY overboard in making his point. That he stretches the truth. Sensationalizes. Basically !@#$s with the audience with a patchwork of images and sounds to prove a point that may or may not be factual at all. And given this info and adding in my experiences of what Ive seen from Moore to date, I have enough info to form an opinion on this film and move on. And taking it to the purely partisan level. People like ME will flock to see f9/11 when people like YOU read "Unfit for Command".
  4. Ive never read Mein Kampf. Nor do I listen to White Power music. I dont spend time reading Islamic Fundamentalist websites. But Im smart enough to realize what these people and their ideal represent. And Ive seen enough of Moore's ridiculous rhetoric to know that the I dont need to waste two hours seeing the blzrul he puts on celluloid to know hes full of, well, BLZRUL. It it looks like BLZRUL and smells like BLZRUL, then it must be BLZRUL.
  5. Ill take 3-0 vs Crap over 0-3 vs all world any day. ITs a cop out to look at the records. NYJ isnt the 92 Bills, but they are playing solid ball and the Bills havent done will in Jersey in a long while. Methinks its going to get UGLY tomorrow.
  6. I used to be a Maher disciple when he was on ABC, but he has gone so far left, its becoming looney.
  7. To hell with "Freedom Fries". They should call them "!@#$ the French Fries". Nice having allies like this, isnt it? And this is one of the folks Flopenstein thinks he's going to cuddle up with if he's elected. And I love how if I decide to buy American Chris King/Bontrager rims for my mountain bike instead of French-made Mavics, I AM the "closed minded" fool.
  8. If Moore threw any more Red Herrings around, he could get a job at the Fish Market in Seattle thats famous for such stunts. Problem is, the fat !@#$ would eat all the inventory. If the guy broke the law, he broke the law. Kinda symbolic that libs like yourself and Fat !@#$ would flout the law.
  9. For every one coach who yells, I can name TWO who dont. Its a fallacy of the worst order that YELLING=WINNING. It doesnt. And as far as Mularkey being "soft" or any judgement on him at all after three games, its downright silly. How many coaches, INCLUDING Parcells and Bellichick didnt start off too well? Andy Reid was given up for as a complete innefective soft clown after his first few weeks in Philly. How has he been since? Lets be rational and give Mularkey a chance. Its not like hes got the '92 Cowboys to work with here.
  10. BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!!! (But Clinton, Gore, Kerry and Kennedy were simply misunderstood.)
  11. Since Mikey is just slightly to the RIGHT of a full-blown Communist, his idea of handing out food and clothing jibes PERFECTLY with what he'd like to see America become. The fat !@#$.
  12. Back to the original point. If its a "lie" not a gaffe what Cheney said, then it must now be assumed that what KERRY said last week about "Treblinka Square" and about the "NYC Subways being shut down" must now be reclassified as "lies" instead of the gaffes they were considered until now. So YOUR boy must now be considered a "liar" just like Cheney is! DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for playing.
  13. Cheney STILL bitchslapped the little boy, despite the gaffe.
  14. Yeah...youre right sloth....as long as its the OTHER guy being told to "Shut up" as was the case with the demonstration at the Fox Headquarters or the OTHER guy's headquarters being ransacked and terrorized, its just fine and dandy. People like you make me sick.
  15. If you want to be the left's version of Boomer, go right ahead. With this thread, youve pretty much cemented your postion as such. Good work.
  16. So far in this thread, Exiled has downplayed 9/11 and the need for the American President to have a clear long range agenda. Not one of his finer pieces of work.
  17. Im officially on board for backing up the truck, gutting this club and going through a complete rebuild, barring a very very quick turnaround. Three years in the modern NFL with ZERO results is inexcusable. Teams go from 1-15 to a Championship in less time. This club cant even get to .500. BACK UP THE TRUCK.
  18. I take them seriously and approach them the same way I take the NY Times, Newsday, CNN and pretty much every other news source seriously. Like politicians, they are all cut from the same cloth. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a LEMMING.
  19. All it takes to shrivel the dicks of those fools from BAAAAASTON is yelling at them one short statement: 1918 They could win FIFTY SuperBowls and that line would STILL be a huge dagger right to their bloodless hearts.
  20. So a clerical error in which a joke was posted on the live site equals a news network failing to verify documents for a story, having their lead anchor go with said story live, and then when then story turns out to be false, standing by it because the lead producer has a five year hard-on for the subject of the story? Every time I think Im becoming too much of a "lemming", threads like this (and anything NozzleHead posts) remind me Ive got a long way to go before I reach that point.
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