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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Slow pitch.....grrrr!!! Fast pitch is the sport!
  2. What this says to me is that he was promoted to his level of incompetence.....maybe its not all his fault, maybe he's a good man. Get a guy in there who will get the job done!
  3. Isn't it amazing that sometimes people become so singleminded in their beliefs, that they end up stomping on them?
  4. Lions preseason game...I remember Amir Rasul at RB lol!!!! First regular season was MNF vs. Cincy.....bad 1st half, great 2nd. 1st Playoff (only) wildcard vs. Houston...again, bad 1st half, good 2nd. Never been at a non-preseason loss.
  5. I share a lot of your opinions. I do think its ok to try to persuade people- its when it goes to trying to FORCE them to see things your way is going too far.
  6. Actually, in your first paragraph, you are agreeing with what I said.
  7. LT: Mike Williams LG: Anderson C: Ross Tucker RG: Justin Bannan RT: Chris Villareal this would allow the versatile Teague to be a swing man, backing up at every position, and some tacle eligible plays...should really boost the running game too.
  8. OK, I'll repeat the explanation that you just responded to. I listened to what somebody said the other day. It was bad information. In other words, dont believe what you hear. No matter who says it, or even if you see it happen yourself- that does not mean it actually did happen even if it did and was witnessed by others and seen through a telescope from the moon. happy now?
  9. Not really- its called reporting facts, not editorializing.......journalists have been pretty good at it over the years, not the good looking actors some of the 24/7 chennels use now to entertain people.
  10. Sometimes I wonder if the right approach has been taken by either side. Personally, I do NOT think abortion should be banned. I would like to see unnecessary abortions greatly reduced in number, but I think banning it could produce horrible consequences. I think some of the liberals have been goaded into the pro-life/pro-abortion agruement. I dont want to put words in anybodies mouth, but my guess is that they are not pro abortion in the literal sense, but are for the oprtion being there. There may be a few literal pro abortion people out there, but I doubt there are many. What I do not like is the use of abortion as primary birth control. Now, it would be ridiculous to pass a law based on that, no doubt about it. I think the best way to get that taken care of is through the educational system- AT A VERY YOUNG AGE. Get them to value what life represents, but knowledgable enough to understand there are some exceptions....and I think most of you know what types of exceptions I mean. Laws do not need to be passed for everything- sometimes ingraining youth with right and wrong can be more powerful than a law, while leaving the opening for the necessary cases. This could leave a proverbial loophole for someone to take advantage of, but its high time to eliminate the type of people who use those loopholes.
  11. The sad thing is that both viewpoints are inserted into the news. Who decides that these reporters are experts on anything other than putting a show on the air.....their radical opinions do not impress me, and the fact that they are on TV doesnt impress me either. News reporters need to get back to reporting the news, not making it.
  12. That america turned angry with itself when media outlets got greedy, and had to broadcast 24/7. Information/opinion (and not in that order) overload caused people to become too extreme, and less receptive to the other side as outlets became too polarized.
  13. It could happen no matter who is in office. Both sides took way too many cheap shots. Its a shame they have to pander to the pop culture demographic, but those people need to be entertained so they don't lose interest
  14. OK, so I listened to somebody who didn't know what they were talking about.....I can admit that
  15. They used congressional power they dont have- therefore, treason. Lets not turn this into an arguement over who things they did right or wrong. They acted in a way in which they aren't constitutionally authorized to. Debating their decisions could go on forever, and is pointless.
  16. I'd have to put Oklahoma at #1....I think the loss of Chow will really hurt USC's chance of a repeat
  17. To an extent, I can't disagree with you. Still, I think some of the video games that have realistic looking people tend to desensitize younger kids, and maybe some older. Our society really has no use for the counter culture more commonly called pop culture....which is an oxymoron, because it is the opposite of culture
  18. Now I don't know what happened in that situation, so I can't comment, but in general, some people have a warped view of what free speech actually is. The first ammendment does not guarantee that you can say whatever you want wherever you want. Take Jay Leno for example- if the judge did not choose to lift the gag order and ALLOW him to make Michael Jackson jokes on his show, then he would not be able to do so. At High School athletic events, you can be ejected for profanities, and rightly so. Some people want to extend the constitution, and claim rights which arent theirs. For these people, I think the constitution should be rewritten, so it is no up for interpretation by those who would do it a diservice in that manner
  19. Actually, impeachment proceedings are the least of the judges worries. If brought up on counts of treason, they will be more than impeached, because they are guilty.
  20. Sorry, missed it...I was watching a documentary on PBS
  21. hasn't the UN actually begun to acknowledge its own corruption though? I admit myself, I was one of the MOST critical people of the administration, and attimes I can honestly say that I hoped they would fail. After seeing some of the results, I admit I was wrong, and am embarrassed about the stance I took.
  22. I was against the war at first, but we acted on what we had. The intelligence was wrong, but hindsight is 20/20. What if the intelligence was correct, and we didnt act on it? You can't have it both ways.
  23. Sorry to hear about your father's passing. My dad is sick too, and I know how rough it can be
  24. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...go_co/delay_ads A desperate attempt at best
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