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Everything posted by Adam

  1. who's calling for anyone to be killed. Secondly, living in NYS, I'm tired of complaints about the south and religious right as if they cost the left something....the left has cost itself everything.
  2. I can understand the people who would want to go if they were in Schiavo's situation, and the people who think she's gone wanting it to be pulled. But I don't even think that she is being considered as part of the arguement by a lot of people, who want to do nothing more than make a political statement. These people criticize her parents- FORGETTING the fact that they are her parents, and care for her. My father is suffering from Dementia and multiple strokes- and if anyone tried to take what he needed, I'd make them pay, no matter what title they held
  3. Actually, it very much is his business. It is the government's duty to defend us. Nothing was in writting
  4. Henry may be headed out !!!! We want to swap 2nd rounders, they dont!
  5. Public execution and torture are 2 different things. the first can be effective in small doses, in large doses it merely becomes accepted, and loses its message
  6. I say libs, because half the time they have to check what the conservatives are doing to figure out what they want
  7. That I have to disagree with- I mean I am for capital punishment, but not torture- that doesn't benefit anyone.
  8. I was against the war from the beginning, but I am stunned at what is happening. Unlike some that hope we fail for political reasons (and I know thats a definitely small minority), I really hope what we are doing works.
  9. She's pretty much already been killed off. In her weakened state she wan't going to survive much starvation or dehydration. To bad she couldn't have had morphie or something put in her tube, so she could go peacefully......wait, that wouldnt make sense, that would have killed her.
  10. Drew wasn't a bad quarterback....it just didnt help him that he's overrated, and has been from the start. He''l have some performances that will lift you out of your seat, and some that will break your heart- he's not a Marino, Elway, Kelly, or Favre. He's not a hall of famer- he is what he is, and thats a big upgrade for Dallas
  11. Why not just forget about starting another fiscal year......this one has been so good, just keep it going
  12. I cant stand the oversimplification of the paties to push their own agendas..... I am told that the democrats are for the people, and republicans are for big business...........NOT TRUE!!! Democrats are for stimulating big business through aid to the middle class, while Republicans want to stimulate the middle class through aid to business. Each side wants to make the other sound evil and wrong. Neither are wrong, and neither have a full answer on their own!
  13. SUNY Brockport 1999 Delta State 2001
  14. I am all for Euthanasia- although, I think a written law pertaining to it must be made- the person must put in in writting, and it should have to be done beore a judge who signs the document. Under no other circumstances- WITH NO EXCEPTIONS! The fact that her husband is being allowed to make these decisions for her has no consititutional merit. As a matter of fact, I think the whole Constitution needs to be clarified to prevent people from expanding it into rights they DO NOT HAVE. The amazing thing about the Shiavo case is how it has really unified the republicans and real democrats.....and isolated the libocrats- all 12 of them
  15. I'm not against Euthanasia at all, but not like this- dehydration and starvation is cruel.....it would be more humane to put something in her tube to finish it quickly, and ease the pain. This is barbaric
  16. She is somewhat in a coma.....you can still feel pain while asleep or in a coma.
  17. I got a bunch of DVD's, and trust me- he does a GREAT job!
  18. Anyone who thinks this guy is going to the hall of fame is just plain wrong.......NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!
  19. who cares what they're cool with....let em, watch Beevis and Ashlee Simpson on MTV
  20. Its halftome of a football game.....no show even needed. If you want what infants tend to call entertainment, flip the channel, and watch Music....errr, MTV
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