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Everything posted by Adam

  1. This is how far we have fallen- a game where you try to kill the president. This country is just a bunch of spoiled, selfish little brats, who believe they are fre and entitled to anything they want. I'd like to see how many people have the guts to do all the garbage they do if their Constitutional PRIVILEDGES were suspended.
  2. My absentee ballot still has not arrived. Forget the outcome of the election- the fact that I was not allowed to vote still has me POed
  3. I dont think Bush will get the nomination- I think it will be John McCain over Hillary Clinton. I think McCain will be very good for the country
  4. remember all those moments- although I have to admit- the Tennessee play appeared legal to me. Norton had Davis' face mask- would have been a first down if caught. I'll never forget watching Carwell Gardner tackle Thurman in a monday nighter against Houston- also remember Bennett intercepting a tipped pass that went 1 mile into the air
  5. I see it as being like the Prohibition- its just too dangerous to attack the problem (and I do agree, it is a problem) that way. Illegal abortions would put many lives-the child's and the mother's in jeopardy. And to say that because it is illegal, that she deserves whatever happens is just wrong. I think a better idea is to educate people- and start young. People are too squeemish about sex education at a young age- well, I hate to tell you this, but if they dont learn in school, they will learn from friends or from TV. Start at a young age, and teach about birth control, and that using abortion as birth control is bad. Leave abortions legal, but teach people not to lean on it, and teach them while they are impressionable.
  6. 1. I am not a liberal, or a democrat 2. Bush would have won the popular vote anyways- how would this favor Frankenstein?
  7. I disagree- every region would matter- we have statewide elections for Congress- the President should represent the whole country, not all of the states- although that does happen the majority of the time. (SHould happen EVERY time!)
  8. I was angry about not getting the ballot, and furious about it not being sent. Astronauts are voting from space this year- are I being told that they're voice is more important than mine? That bothers me more than anything.
  9. How many elections have been altered under the systems they have used today and in the past....I just heard about dead people voting in one election!
  10. Sorry, but not agreeing with someone does not qualify as dementia. I sure hope nobody you know ever suffers from it- because its terrible. I know you didn't mean anything, but think before saying.
  11. My absentee ballot from Florida was not sent- I called for it last Tuesday morning, and was told it would arrive by the weekend- on Monday, I was told it was never sent, and many ballots had been destroyed. Have voters use their social security numbers to vote over the internet- each year, registered voters could set up a password to verify that nobody got their social security number to steal their vote- that way, no unregistered voters, no intimidation at athe polls, and no double votes. We could also see the real numbers updated live.
  12. I direct anger more at the process than the result. Every vote should be counted as the voter intended- if the US is advanced as we tend to believe, it shouldn't be tough to develop a better system. Although I had my vote taken away from me (which is total BS), my vote, and the others that were taken away would not have changed the outcome
  13. I'd vote for McCain over either guys as well.
  14. He probably had more of a chance to get elected than Kerry
  15. I couldnt agree more- a friend was telling me he cant understand why Kerry didnt get in- he keeps telling me how much smarter JK is than Bush. The fact is, people dont care about that- BUsh polarizes people- you love him or hate him. Kerry is just there. Kerry focusses on future issues- people dont have enough of an attention span for that. Bush focusses on things that bring instant gratification.....which politician is the smarter one now.
  16. How much pull does the Clinton name have? Is she as charismatic as Bill was? Would Americans vote for a woman? How many liberals would McCain sway?
  17. sorry dude- I'm just a bit POed right now. I would not have voted for Bush- but I do realize that if elected properly, sometimes people that we dont want do get elected, and do things we dont like....thats part of the system- unfortunately, it didnt happen that way
  18. If the Democrats can't find a candidate with a pulse- which they quite obviously couldnt in the last 2 elections, we'll have to get rid of them, and find a new 2nd party. The Democrats are a joke
  19. That was horrible- hope that guy rots in jail....you cant do stuff like that
  20. Well, they told me it was mailed last Tuesday.
  21. Last Friday, I received a package from Boynton Beach that was mailed Wednesday. remember- I was told that the ballot was never sent- and it still has not arrived.
  23. Now don't get me wrong- Bush DID win this election. That is not my point. More than a week before the election, I ordered my absentee ballot from Florida.......I called last Friday, and they told me it should arrive over the weekend. I called again Monday, and went off on the person I talked to, who got frantic, and kept apologizing, telling me it was in the system as being sent, although it never actually was. She went on to tell me after I pressed more, that Ballots were destroyed this year and in 2000. Now Florida was too much of a landslide for it to matter this time- that isn't the issue- the issue is the disenfranchisement of the people who voted- that is not acceptable. The fact that my ballot was never sent is a joke- thats the way things were done in Iraq under Saddam. This is not a free country.
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