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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I only meant overrated as far as being the top WR on most boards...he is quite good
  2. I mean I like him as a WR prospect, but not ahead of Mike Williams or Mark Clayton (size or no size)
  3. I'd give him about 5 years before making any type of judgement
  4. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but did you think Iraq was better off with Saddam? Not an attack, just a question
  5. OK, assuming that she was gone before all of this mess- wouldn't it have been more humane to do something to relieve all of the suffering, instead of starving and dehydrating the body. Doing that killed the body, injecting a lot of morphine would have achieved the same result more peacefully. Do you know that when starved and dehydrated, the face will turn yellow from the build up of toxins? Most people dont want to hear those type of details.
  6. Very insightful as usual KRC- too bad they can't find a place for you. Still, it would be nice if we could take a bit of the technology out at times, IMHO. Sometimes the best technology is the human mind, which sometimes I think has atrphied over the years from reliance on technology which is sometimes fooled easier.
  7. Its not about whether she minds or not- its about respect for the living and dead. The only thing that needs to die is this thread, which is useless
  8. Now lets not make this personal. What I meant is that we shouldnt waste time pointing fingers, when we can invest that time by correcting a problem....wouldnt that make much more sense? Look at what is happening all over the middle east right now- all of them want democratic governments now. If this continues, the whole region will stabilize finally. Maybe it was a mistake that sent us over there, but if the end result is good, that is what matters most
  9. People watch reality shows....plot twists will go way over their heads, and be completely unnoticed.
  10. Its hard not to like him from what I heard- I hope he does not get reinstated. If he wants to get into a fight, thats his business, but to ask to be sanctioned by boxing is putting responsibility on someone else.
  11. BillsNYC- you've made your thoughts known, and some agree, some disagee. The thing you don't need to do is be so disrespectful towards Ms. Schiavo. We can take the abuse, she however does not deserve it.
  12. The answer if that we won't pander the the small demographic that wants fingers pointed. The intelligence problems will be addressed, and fixed, which is the correct way of doing things. Regardless of what the reason was for going over there, things will obviously be left in a better state than when we arrived.
  13. Ted Washington and Eric Moulds. Clements could reach this status if we resign him Guys that could have if not for injuries- Bryce Paup, Chris Speilman, Damien Covington.
  14. Sorry, but a medical degree does not make one infallible. It means that they make a more educated guess. Mankind will never know his own inner workings, no matter how hard he tries. Although some will try to play God.
  15. Very cold statement, and speaking on something you do not know- because nobody does. If the wishes are not in writting, it is the clear duty of our government to defend our lives. Ex-judge Greer is in clear and defintite violation of the United States Constitution, and must be dealt with in accordance with the constitution. As must the faction that keeps trying to extend the constitution
  16. The trade wont happen- moving Rivers would cost a lot against the cap, they'd have to sign Brees to a long term deal w/a huge bonus, then the big contracts for all their 1st round picks....it wont happen
  17. No, not the majority of Americans, just the small demographic that believes that being the most vocal will put you in the majority
  18. Are you describing people on the right, left, or both?
  19. Paterno should stay there as long as he wants- he's done a lot for that institution. After he retires as a football coach, they should name the field or something after him, and find a role for him at the University. Classy guy.
  20. Extremist animals....I'm tired of that type of hypocrisy on both sides. Its the type of thinking that terrorists use to justify their actions....sad to think it comes from americans
  21. Why do people always refer to the religious right as if its a bunch of idiots who can't think for themselves, and can be easily manipulated. They are as smart as anyone, and quite capable of thinking for themselves.
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