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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. Why, I oughta! Seriously though, everyone is talking about what would happen if a "bidding war" takes place, but from my experience in tendering projects for local government, each bidder gets only one shot to get their bids right.
  2. I'm still hoping that someone will be able to answer this question.
  3. So, I'm assuming that this is a normal tendering process, where each prospective buyer can submit one bid, right? In other words... the bidders can't raise their bids if higher ones come in, like in an auction?
  4. Thank hank you for your intelligent post. It was very much appreciated to actually read something with substance, even if it was "too long" for some of the knuckle-draggers on this board.
  5. We have national healthcare down here in New Zealand and I am 100% happy with it. by the way... move this to ppp
  6. Try and get Evans as long as we don't have to give up too much. Apart from that, I'd like to see an elite O-lineman.
  7. Sorry if this is a stupid question but... is synthetic pot legal up in America? (It is down here.)
  8. Sheesh... They will not trade up for a player.
  9. The Bills will stay pat at #9 or trade down. They will not trade up. This is just a smokescreen.
  10. Yeah, your Thursday night is our Friday afternoon down here in New Zealand, so I'll be stuck at work. I'll try to stream WGR again like I did last year. John Murphy does a fantastic job. Lets go Buffalo!
  11. Can someone summarize what Graham and Warrow said about EJ?
  12. Jeez, what a bunch of grumpy bastards. Thanks for your thoughts, John.
  13. Why the heck do people want to get rid of Stevie so badly. It makes no sense whatsoever.
  14. Yuck. How pathetic. This lake so polluted that they need to drain it, but yet people boat, swim and fish in it?? No thanks.
  15. i did. its already April 2nd over here in New Zealand.
  16. I'll have a brewski down here in NZ for ol' Ralph. (I gotta say though... Bills MAFIA is the lamest name ever. Just sayin') Go Bills!
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