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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. " This Team Might as Well Move Now, just too frustrating" Booo this guy! Talk about over-reacting before you have all the facts. Most of the "information" we have so far is fan speculation. I'm not quite ready to wish that the team leave Buffalo based on these "facts".
  2. Yeah but if Crowell misses the season our country won't be led by a Muslim who will weaken our defenses and over-tax the middle class. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  3. Who's to say that Walker is not better than an unmotivated Peters and Ellison is not better than an injured Crowell. We may be better off the way we are. Let's just wait and see.
  4. Yes, you would think they would consult with us before making a decision like this. Who do they they they are?
  5. The thing that kills me is that San Diego has Merriman with a torn ACL or whatever the heck it is and he is going to play because he loves football and can't imagine not playing. And then there is our guy, who apparently waits all off season and pre-season before he says, I think I need a procedure to check out my knee and will miss the next 4-6 weeks. Hope ya don't mind. Unbelievable.
  6. They will lose to Denver on Monday night, October 20th. Then they will lose 3-4 more times the rest of the season. They can't beat what they can't cheat.
  7. I love hot women in Bills gear. A real aphrodisiac...
  8. good luck getting it all back. On the bright side, at least your computer wasn't in the car.
  9. what a stupid I am. I fell for that twice in the past 2 weeks. damn.
  10. Wow, that was ground breaking. Also known as, Clayton has no idea what is going on.
  11. What he said. Scout.com sucks. Let's stop posting every guess and speculation about when Peters will report and just wait until it happens.
  12. Apparently you were not watching Animal House when the bombing occurred.
  13. link is about Lynch and Jackson. I used to think Jackson was going to be a good one. Injuries can be a real B word. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3562696
  14. I don't feel too bad for the kids there. They are one of my customers and I was told that I could not use the restrooms unescorted because one of the kids would "accuse you" of looking at them or touching them inappropriately. Apparently they do it all the time just because they can. Real stellar group of kids...
  15. cutting Webster is addition by subtraction. Maybe they just got better and as others have stated here, avoided him injuring one of their own.
  16. was it me twice or is there another "idiot" out there?
  17. I agree. I was worried about him last year but he has shown me enough in the pre-season to make the team. I hope he keeps improving at this pace.
  18. OK, I'll comment on the subject. The subject is boring to me and I never would have opened this thread is your title had been more descriptive.
  19. No mention of his incentives clause which awards him bonuses for playing games at LT. The contract, while low, is not as "insulting" as the author implies. Old argument, nothing new here.
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