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Everything posted by Estro

  1. My guess of -7 or -7.5 took into account the whole 3 point swing home factor. I really think the line will keep moving in the Saints direction. Probably -6 by game day. Any average Joe Schmo's will be betting the Saints so the line will have to continue to steepen in order to get some action on the Bills. And then I will take the Bills! And watch them win! Wouldn't that be nice?
  2. My best guess after the Bucs game was that the line would open up at Saints -7 or -7.5. Much to my surprise the line opened up at ONLY -4. Does this actually mean anything or have any effect on how well the Bills play this weekend? NO. Does it have me a little excited that Vegas thinks the Bills play the Saints within one score? YES. Note the line has since shifted to -5 meaning most hammered the Saints, but that also means absolutely nothing. The Saints offense is very formidable and this contest will be a very tough one for the Bills to pull off, but I do have some hope. The Bills offense is going to need to play an extremely efficient and turnover free game for us to pull this one out. If Trent throws that pick in the redzone or misses a wide open Shouman in the endzone vs. the Saints like he did vs. the Bucs we will NOT win this game. The offense needs to turn the majority of our red zone appearances into 7 points (if not all) to keep pace with the Saints. What gives me hope that this can happen is the fact that the Saints defense isn't very good, average at best. Their secondary (Greer, Jenkins Sharper and company) are all ball hawks which scares me (given Trent's tendency to stare down his targets), but other than that I think we can really get the run game going and SHOULD have some success through the air. The Bills D is going to let up some points, that's for sure, but if they can keep them in check, to the tune of under 30 points we have a chance. The Saints are going to get 5 scores minimum it's just a matter of how many of them will be touchdowns. Hopefully, the Bills D can hold them to 3 TD's and 2 FG's.......27 points (very best case scenario IMHO). If we can do this the offense has more than a fighting chance to beat the Saints. This will be a tough game no doubt, but if the Bills can give the fans something to cheer about early and the crowd gets into it, that could make the difference. You can't underestimate the home field advantage in this game, I think it will be big. Prediction: 28-27 Bills. The Bills turn every redzone possession into 7 points. Very surprising and very neccessary if we are to win this game.
  3. Just went to NFL.com to watch some of the highlights from the previous game. I don't listen to John Murphy's radio calls that much, but enough to realize he is terrible at calling games. Yes, it's just my opinion, but man it's painful to listen to and must be even worse live. The main problem is he is so slow to relay what is happening on the field. He doesn't even mention Whitner is in the clear on the pick 6 until Whitner is at about the 20-25 yard line. IMO he leaves way too much to the imagination and does very little to help you envision what it going on, which is the main job of a play by play announcer. Also last I checked are starting strong safety goes by the name Bryan Scott and not Byron Scott. I know I'm being overly critical here, and I also realize he isn't a household name in the league, but you'd think our own play by play guy would know the names of the starters. If you don't believe me just listen to his call on NFL.com (second video down under the WATCH tab.) Anyone else share my same opinion or am I just being a baby?
  4. Very accurate observation. This week vs. Tampa Bay Roscoe let at least 2 punts (that I remember) bounce instead of getting underneath them for the fair catch. In both instances the balls took a Bucs bounce and probably cost us a total of 30-40 yards of field position between the both of them. In close games that 30-40 yards can be crucial. As much excitement as he's brought to this team the past seasons and as much as I was against trading him this offseason I now think it would be a wise move. He doesn't seem to have a place on this team anymore and his punt returning hasn't been great lately either.
  5. I know I'm not going out on a limb by saying this, but the Bills need to have success in the passing game in order to win this game. If Trent has a bad outing we will lose a close one. If we come out and have success throwing the ball downfield to the receivers it could be a lopsided win for Buffalo. Really hoping for the second one.
  6. Agreed and agreed. Hence the reason we are where we are. BTW how good does Sanchez look? Damn, very impressed.
  7. so is it 5 or 6, couldn't find the answer anywhere on the internet?
  8. Not too often that Buffalo radio stations have the scoop before any of the national journalists. Probably nothing here.
  9. Wanted to see the Bills final 53 before heading into work. Anyone know the exact time teams need to trim to 53 by? Thanks!
  10. Cutler is a great fantasy QB, but personally I don't think that highly of him when it comes to winning games. Not a big fan of Edwards either by any means, but I still believe Cutler is highly overrated by the media.
  11. Trent looks horrible and the coaching staff as well. The guy has thrown exactly one pass thus far further than 6 yards. Just 1. In order of our offense to get a first down Trent needs to complkete 2 passes because they refuse to throw past the sticks and have no ability to run.
  12. anyone else concerned with the way Marshawn Lynch has looked this preseason. Or is it just a lack of push by the lineman in our run game. The run game as a whole by the 1st unit has been really bad.
  13. I've never seen a team give up 2nd and 15's as regularly as this soft Bill D. its so doscouraging. On a side note the Bills offense is in serious dangers of setting an nfl record for lowest time of possession if they can't get the no huddle figured out. TOP 12-3 in Pittsburgh favor after the 1st quarter. That's horrendous. Hopefully TO will solve some of the problems, but I see some serious problems brewing already.
  14. This team has no ability to generate pressure on the quarterback, nor ther ability to get off the field on 3rd down.
  15. The Home Opener vs. the Bucs. At leats we have a decent chance of winnign this one!
  16. Tim, If Bell gets the nod at LT at some point this season, does Langston Walker move to RT or does he go to the bench? My assumption would be they move him back to RT, but that will obviously shuffle things up on the interior of the line no?
  17. Exactly. If we get pounded by NE we're done for. If we get pounded by NE in week 1 and lose to the Bucs at home, we're without question done for (I think the Bucs finish with a bottom 10 record). If we beat NE, than you're right we'll knwo what we got mid season.
  18. at the 5:20 mark in the Press conference a reporter asks Juaron about Copeland Bryan and Chris Ellis. Listen to Juaron's second "yea". It's hilarious, sounds like a very meek feminine aggrement with the guy asking the question, thought it was pretty funny. His PC's are always entertaining, if not frustrating.
  19. The only way Reggie Corner wasn't going to be this teams starting nickel back was if Juaron had veteran man love with Florence. I think Corner is hands down the best nickel corner on this team, and is a guy who could eventually develop into a solid #2 corner. Reggie corner is a guy who I think will make some big plays this year!
  20. I've been thinking for a while now that either Youboty or Florence could possibly be cut. According to your breakdown Florence gets the axe, which whould be a big surprise, but I could see it happening. It's just tought to see someone like Florence get cut and Wendling make it, but Wendling adds much more value to special teams than florence, so it is forseeable.
  21. What Bills fan can't imagine a scenario where we lose a quality starter after his first contract is up? Seems to be, to some degree, the MO of this front office. Then we'll use a high first round pick to replace that player, hence the reason we're always fighting for 7-9 seasons.
  22. I'm with Mike Mayock, he really opened my eyes to Robert Ayers. May not be the pass rusher this team was looking for, but I think he will be the best all around DE out of the draft. I would've been very happy to have him as a Bill.
  23. If Ashton Youboty doesn't get back on the field soon I could see the Bills possibly cutting ties with a guy who simply can't stay healthy. In my opinion either Youboty or Florence (an even bigger surprise) gets cut. McKelvin, McGee, Corner in my opinion are definites. Ellis Lankster IMO has a legitimate shot to make the roster based on his camp. If a long shot like Lankster were to make the team and we only keep 5 CB's like we did last eyar, than it means goodbye to Youboty or Florence. The more likely scenario would be to have Lankster on the practice squad, but as you know practice squad players can sign with other teams. So, if the Bills really like Lankster or Harris I could see the scenario where Youboty or Florence get squeezed out. Knowing Juaron's devotion toward veterans I think Florence would get the nod opver Youboty if the decision were to come down to the both of them. Or perhaps the Bills decide to keep 6 CB's and only 5 safeties (the inverse of last year), in which case no one surprising has to get cut.
  24. Some of that saved 20 year old food almost made me puke. That's crazy/scary!
  25. Last years 21st pick, Sam Baker signed a 5 year $13.5 million deal with $7.8 million guarenteed. According to PFT's information Mack's deal will be very close to a 5 year deal worth $14,512,000 with $8.75 million guarenteed. Now if we project the same increases using last years #28 pick, Lawrence Jackson, as a benchmark, Eric Wood's contract will come in around: Jackson (2008): 5 years $11.25 million, $6.1 million guarenteed Wood (2009): 5 years $12.1 million, $6.85 million guarenteed. BTW for anyone looking for a good reference to the contracts signed by last years rookie this is perfect: http://www.nfl.com/draft/story?id=09000d5d...mp;confirm=true
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