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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. http://www.defenddemocracy.org/in_the_medi...m?doc_id=360464 "Asymmetrical warfare would be less effective if suicide-bombing women and children, decapitating aid workers and using civilians as shields evoked widespread public outrage and revulsion, if it brought shame and disrespect upon those who committed such acts and on the causes they claim to champion. But, on the contrary, the trend has been to legitimize the tactics used against the West and indulge those employing them. Mass murdering civilians, torching churches and even mosques do not spark major protests anywhere. Nor has there been serious action in response from the United Nations, the international courts and prominent human rights organizations." and then consider "All this is happening at a time when there is a very real possibility of chemical, biological or even nuclear weapons coming into the possession of militants who believe, as al-Qaeda in Iraq commander Abu Musab al-Zarqawi put it, that “Killing the infidels is our religion, slaughtering them is our religion, until they convert to Islam or pay us tribute." Food For Thought (for the able)
  2. http://www.profootballhof.com/store/item.j...PARTMENT_ID=178 and http://www.profootballhof.com/store/item.j...PARTMENT_ID=178 and - for washing the car http://www.profootballhof.com/store/item.j...PARTMENT_ID=178
  3. http://www.news.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=32648 Don't we still owe them some spare parts ? Goodbye to the finest (jet) fighter ever built
  4. San Diego radio is reporting a 5-year, $40 Mil deal being proffered at 12:01 AM. Brees alledgedly asked the owner, Mr. Spanos to interecede with AJ Smith, and the owner declined.
  5. Hell, he was installed to stop Big "TED" way back when - so let's just bring him too !
  6. The locks are 24.4 metres wide - barely 80 feet wide
  7. Exhibit # 1 - Clements 22 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...67entry618667
  8. It means that someone on this forum will say "Should the Bills sign Kerry Collins?"
  9. Mission Valley "scuttlebutt" - San Diego was eliminated with one game to play. Adams wanted Rivers to start the "meaningless" game against the (already) Divison champ Broncos. Marty S. wanted Brees to continue (?) Brees gets hurt (badly) and Rivers looks like crap against the horsies after getting very liitle regular season playing time because the Chargers were in so many close games (alright - not Lance Alworth Day). SNAFU all around
  10. Cut deadline is 10 PM (EST) and FA starts at 12:01 AM (pending) Read about it tomorrow -
  11. http://www.footballfoundation.com/news.php?id=754 One of the three Buffalo Bills' "strike" QB's 13 for 33- 155 yards, 2 picks, 0 TD's in 2 games
  12. San Diego has made Drew Brees an offer - just not a "Franchise Player" offer. His medical status is to be determined - by any interested team - there are varied reports about his recovery out here. The Chargers painted themselves into an almost "Flutie-RJ corner" when they drafted Rivers while still holding the (up to then) disappointing Brees. Rivers probably hurt himself most by his hold-out allowing Brees to "blossom" and giving the Chargers an improbable choice (to be resolved in the future)
  13. Please review the MLBB, NHL & NBA situations of the past - when there was "plenty of time" to get a deal done Only the NBA ducked the bullet Have we so quickly forgotten 1987 ? From "Relentless" March 21, 1987 "Jack Donlan, the chief negotiatot for the Management Council, predicted trouble if the NFLPA insisted on a unfettered free agency in the upcoming collective bargaining talks. The CBA was due to expire August 31st." Have we forgotten Willie Totten ?
  14. So - cities won't have to bid anymore on the SB ? Just respond to the NFL's blackmail ? Let's see - carrot or stick ?
  15. Seeing as the SB is only already scheduled up to ONLY 2010 - how did they jump ahead to 2015 ? http://www.superbowl.com/features/futuresites
  16. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/2...-1m5pandas.html
  17. My first paying job was at the corner drug store which had a phone booth inside the store - rotary and the local call was a nickel http://buffalonews.com/editorial/20060305/1030418.asp
  18. Pat L. was the last player to "score" the closing night at the Aud. The audience is still waiting for #11 to appear instead
  19. Cunningham will serve his sentence at a low security facility in Taft, CA. http://reason.org/commentaries/segal_20051130.shtml Here's some more psychiatric mumbo-jumbo - about a crook http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/03/05...45_503_4_06.txt
  20. The NHL is a sham - much like the NBA - you either enforce the rules or not If you want an evening of "just" entertainment - than it works
  21. I feel like I am watching another great American sports institution just fall apart. First - Baseball - Millionaires go on strike Second - Basketball - Ultra Millionaires go on strike (after ignoring the basic rules of the game) Third - Hockey - barely millionaires And now - The NFL - the epitome of revenue sharing and fairness plus parity - is going to try very hard to kill the Golden Goose Greed - One of the 7 Deadly I hear someone fiddling ?
  22. It just keeps getting worse The Bills are spiralling like a maple seed twirler. Is anyone at the wheel ?? Now I know how Raider fans must feel
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