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Everything posted by Ramius

  1. Bill, as someone else posted in here, what i read about the new CBA is that you cannot franchise the same player 3 times. The first time he gets the tender, the second time he gets the top 5 avg or a 120% increase, and the third time he's franchised he gets the top 5 QB's salary.
  2. Thats a big damn brontosaurus rib to be able to roll the suv AND mike williams...
  3. Good, it would allow us to take Bunkley. This should be our draft board. 1. D'Brick 2. Bunkley/Huff
  4. I have no problem with competition for the starting job. It can only make the team better. The only caveat i have is that KH is NOT given a chance to start for this team. He needs to be told that he's going to be the backup or 3rd stringer, and thats that.
  5. Whats with your hardon for completion percentage? look at his numbers. He was 116-233. That means if he had completed 1 more pass, his completion percentage would have OVER your 50% line. So according to your brilliant ideas, if JP takes a sack instead of throwing the ball away 1 time, his completion % would be over 50% and your pathetic arguements wouldnt mean sh--. But then you'd b!tch that Jp took too many sacks or something. When the moron train comes thru town, i usually keep away from the train station. But you've apparently donned the conductors hat.
  6. I swear, do you wipe your a$$ and then post whatever shows up on the toilet paper? Because thats what your thoughts lead me to believe. Hmmm, you said that you wouldnt judge a QB by just starts, yet you declare JP a bust after 8. I see that he hit that magic "8 start plateau" where HOF QB's really turn it on. You say that aggregate stats cloud the picture, yet then provide the aggregate stats for the above QB's. You say that great QB's dont lay bombs like JP did against new england. Well, look at these abysmal games. 20-44 for 193, 0 TD and 2 INT. 14-29 for 164 1 TD, 2 INT. If JP had those games, you'd declare him a bust as you have. But if i tell you those were 2 games in peyton manning's rookie year (which they were) you would come up with some other excuse that contradicts what you have said in a previous post just so you could bash JP. You somehow decide that eli's 6 TD's and 9 int's are more TD's and less int's that Jp's 8 and 8. Math check. 8 TD's > 6 TD's and 8 INT's < 9 INT's All i see in your anti-JP crusade is you contradicting yourself a bunch of times, for the sole reason of bashing JP. Time for a check JDG. When you make VABills look like he makes sense (which you are) then you know you are in real trouble.
  7. I dont agree with it all, i think the ruling was B.S. I also think the vikings are a joke for pulling and getting away with this crap. does anyone know if the provision was highest paid in terms of total value, or on a year to year basis? But the difference in Wolford's contract was that if he wasnt the highest offensive player at any time, they his contract had to escalate so he was the highest paid. Hutch's merely says if he isnt the highest paid player, the entire contract is guaranteed.
  8. I guess the giants should have cut Eli Manning before this season then, huh? I'm just following your criteria.
  9. Wow, if that statement isnt a microcosm of the main baord, i dont know what is. change some words, you get this... Ditto the main board. Just look at that ridiculous "football website" linked to above. Any bozo with a Mac, an internet connection, and some Macromedia software is suddenly a professional GM and NFL talent scout all rolled into one. News flash: a grainy website and some cheesy articles that was purchased for $2.99 per year analysed by someone with more imagination than brains is NOT conclusive evidence to anyone with a modicum of common sense, whether it's the free agency or the draft. Christ, Americans are !@#$ing stupid.
  10. Somewhere Holcomb's Arm is talking softly to his lifesize holcomb cutout and beginning to sob.
  11. I'd say FSU. We have one of the top meteorology programs in the country. Ask Rastabills, i believe he said he has more than a few FSU grads working at the NWS with him. I cant guarantee weatherbabes, but this is FSU, so that should be eough said about the woman situation on campus. priorities man. Do you need a weather babe? Or would you be happy enough with the slew of 5'3 100 lb girls with D-cups that are education, english, and music majors?
  12. You are right it shoudl be somewhere in the options. I have the same problem as you. there are virtually no good free agents because all of the team are way under the cap. I'm not sure why madden has been unable to correct this. I also hate how the omputer will not sign players to long term contracts. The longest i have seen the computer sign players is 4 years. Always, i have the highest paid players in the league after about offseason 7 or 8, when it comes to total contract value. Also, another cap tidbit. Their algorithm for figuring out the cap # must have someting to do with the size of the contracts currently in your season of madden. The cap will increase 15 mil or so every season until all the big contracts have expired, say 6-7 years down the road. Then the cap will only increase about 3-4 mil every year, making things more interesting. The problem with playing franchise mode that far is that all the players suck. The bell curve of player ratings narrows. I simmed to season 13, and there are 5 players in the league rated over a 90. But there are a slew of players rated between 77-83.
  13. What the hell sites are you visiting where you found a "clean and jerk" involving a 350 pound plus samoan? man, and a snatch that was even wrose?
  14. I'd send moulds and a 3rd to GB for Javon Walker. Doubt they'd do it tho.
  15. WTF is this little comment? Is Marinelli taking a page from the mike mularkey school of talkign to the press?
  16. Except for the fact that Mike McCarthy said he wanted Nall back this season, but Nall wanted ot go somewhere where he'd have a better shot at playing time.
  17. 11/16, 5/8, and 4/4 I'm leading my office pool by a sizeable margin in total possible points. Just to brag, i did have Wichita St. in the sweet 16.
  18. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2376850 Not really any informational news, except that the NFL is saying that Tags will retire as commissioner in July.
  19. Now is this an actual rumor, or is this just the sirius host reading pat kirwian's column and running it. I mean, put me on the radio, and i could go on at length and make up all sorts of rumors based on some of the articles about moulds. Trading JP before hes given a fair shake would be far and away the dumbest move that Marv could do. If they trade JP, i will have a tough time giving marv the benefit of the doubt as i am now.
  20. Because polian has turned into into multiple time super bowl champs. Oh wait, no he hasnt. But polian has at least led the Colts to at least a AFC championships. Oh wait, he hasnt done that either. Levy a lousy coach? See that thing going out the window? Its whatever remaining credibility you had left.
  21. Oh yes, you've embarassed me so much that i must hide in shame whenever i post on here. (since your comprehension isnt up to par yet, that last sentence was called sarcasm) sar·casm Pronunciation Key (särkzm) 1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound. 2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule. Are you trying to call me out on my comments? Anything i post on here i'd gladly say it to your face. As for calling people suicidal, its this little literary term called a metaphor. I call you guys bridge jumpers, because you all have the attitude "the bills suck, we'll never get any better, we are going to go 0-16 forever unless we sign LeCharles bentley." met·a·phor Pronunciation Key (mt-fôr, -fr) 1. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage” (Shakespeare). 2. One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol: “Hollywood has always been an irresistible, prefabricated metaphor for the crass, the materialistic, the shallow, and the craven” (Neal Gabler). notice how the ph is pronounced like f. You'll learn that in chapter 12 in spelling class sometime next month. As for agreeing to disagree, thats fine. You've made it quite obvious that you think Marv Levy has done a poor job as a GM. If you are willing to debate what he realisitcally should have done, i have no problem with that, i'll chime in. But so far all you have done is whine "Marv sucks, we didnt sign any big names, we are doomed, we are going to go 0-16 next year." When you are done whining and want to discuss the Bills like a big boy, you can join the adults at their table in their discussion of the Bills offseason. Until then, have fun in the playpen with "is marv awake" and the other newbies that have shown up this week.
  22. I tihnk that a trade up to #6 could be reasonable, if D'Brick is still there. Based on the draft value chart, there is a 200 point difference between #8 and #6, and our lower 3rd rounder would be enough to satisfy that requirement. But whether or not the 9ers think it would be enough compensation si another story.
  23. Perhaps your reading comprension isnt up to the 4th grade level that your little marv sucks temper tantrums are. I have been saying, not ranting, all along, give marv a chance, lets see whats going to turn out. You are the crazy one complaining that Marv sucks after 1 week of free agency because we havent signed big names. *I* have sai dthat i'll take a wait and see approach., while you have already declared marv a bust who sucks as a GM. That was the point of my post. You are a doom and gloomer. Perhaps you should try reading some of your own posts for a change.
  24. Thats what i am worried about. i think its realistic that D'Brick could fall to number 8, given the current draft order. But i also think that someone will package some picks and move up into SF's #6 spot for him if he's on the board.
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