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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. 1,528 rush yards, 13 tds, 90 receptions for 806 yards and 3 tds. Very Wow.
  2. Ah, but Oakland also threw in 30 year-old 4-time All AFL wr Art Powell...who came off a 53 catch, 11 td performance with Oakland in 1966 to play a total of 6 games (!) for the 1967 Bills, with 20 catches and 4 td's...then he retired.
  3. LeCharles Bentley. And see what happened to him... Poor Browns...they've had to put over a 100 players on IR since their resurrection. I'd be shocked if the Browns considered Quinn. Frye has a lot to like. Assuming his late-season brush with the Cleveland injury curse is short-lived.
  4. I see you're doing your best to make sure games don't sell out...
  5. I'd add that before Medicaid and Medicare, the relationship was customer (patient) oriented. You placed a phone call, and the doctor would visit you in your home. They worked to get your business. Granted, many medicals advances have occured since then. Costs IMO began to rise when the government became involved. The more money offered up, like a gas expanding to fill a volume, the more prices went up. Cha-ching for the medical biz. I realize there are many other factors. But pumping govt. money into things just increases pricing. Consider the college tuition cycle. People scream, and demand the government grab other people's money under penalty of prison, to pay the bursar at Dear Old Eff U. So grants go up. The colleges then rub their hands and say "Goody. More money out there for us to grab". So they raise tuition. More screaming. More fleecing. More grants. More tuition increases. And on it goes, as colleges laugh all the way to the bank.
  6. Dungy... "Cowart sidelined six weeks Last Updated: Monday, November 27, 2000 | 8:36 PM ET CBC News Buffalo Bills linebacker Sam Cowart is expected to miss up to six weeks after spraining his ankle on a hit the team considered dirty. Cowart, who leads the NFL with 181 tackles, was hurt Sunday when Tampa Bay guard Frank Middleton caught him across his lower left leg in the second quarter of the Bucaneers' 31-17 victory. "For you to be beside him and just go after his knee is unethical," Bills coach Wade Phillips said Monday. "I think it was uncalled for." Tampa Bay coach Tony Dungy disagreed. Cowart was blitzing on the play and when Middleton went to cut him, Cowart shifted directions to follow Bucs quarterback Shaun King, Dungy said. "After looking at the tape I don't feel like our guy did anything illegal or not in the framework of our rules," he said. While Phillips agreed the blindside hit wasn't illegal, he said he would ask the league to review the play. "You can accept somebody cutting you when they're facing you. That's part of the game. We're in a violent sport," Cowart said. "But when you got your back turned to the guy... Continue Article" http://www.cbc.ca/sports/story/2000/11/27/cowart001127.html
  7. Maybe he wants to spend more time with his wife...
  8. If you stick to it, the Weight Watcher's program along with exercise is very effective. I know a fair number of folks who were quite successful with it. Good luck!
  9. Yes, it is a promotion. Of course it's about money and luring customers in. As well as hurting the pharmacy competition. True, there are some that are indeed dirt cheap already - but also some that can cost the consumer without a drug subsidy 30, 40, or more $ per month, perhaps some even higher. For one item on the list, I would save $11 per month over my plan's generic cost, and $26.00 over the plan's name brand cost. Even more, if I had no coverage whatsoever. Several years ago, I heard a knowledgeable guest on the local AM talk show here discuss drugs and pricing. One thing he suggested was some sort of a national formulary - with many of the commonly-prescribed items be available and cost levels like these of Wal-Mart. Such a formulary would help many.
  10. Yes, but they also lost by a point to TB, allowed Vick to go 20 of 28 in a 2 point loss, led the Chargers 28 -7 at the half, then gave up 42 second half points to lose 49 - 41, leaving themselves just short of a late win, and decided that they would try to emulate JAX's rushing performance against IND and ignored the fact that they should have passed like crazy against the Colt's heavily-depleted secondary. In the short time leading up to Graham's 39-yard miss, they strolled up to the LOS, despite Palmer making repeated "we're gonna ground the ball" motions, were almost called for delay-of-game (Lewis did call a t-o, their last). Had they hustled, they could have got off a run to get the ball a bit closer, and used up that time out then. 2 yards closer and that would have been 3 points. This type of thing, as well as being generally asleep at the switch when it comes to tossing the red flag, has been chronic. Marvin is a very nice man, and gives people 2nd chances. Very active in his and other local charities. That's good. But in sticking his neck out, some have stepped on it. Too many of his post-game words are "poor tackling", and little more. True, they had a ton of injuries, and the toughest strength-of-schedule (tied with NYG) at season's start. But since they more or less struck it rich with talent at many positions under Lewis' tenure, they have become notable prime-time and critical-game chokers. And a good portion of that has to redound to the Head Coach.
  11. I've had issues with his coaching and lack of...awareness on field for some time. He is certainly getting slammed in the local press... "Home confinement Chips fall perfectly, but Bengals just fall, miss playoffs BY MARK CURNUTTE Cincy Enquirer 1/1/07 ...It's the Bengals' fault. The schedule-makers and the NFL are not to blame. Neither are the police officers who arrested eight Bengals this past calendar year. Or the media. It's a combination of over-confident, albeit talented, players who - by the admission of their head coach - are still more concerned about "me" than "team." Blame sits at the feet of a head coach whose game management, timeout usage, personnel selection and apparent lack of control in his team's locker room are contributing to undisciplined and inconsistent play on the field." Curnutte is a good beat writer - very much a "just-the-facts" type. So it's unusual for him to pen such words. http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/art.../701010361/1066 I would be surprised if he gets axed - it's not in owner Brown's character to pay off a contract beforehand. There's been some local speculation that Marvin might be a candidate for PGH if Cowher leaves. I don't put much stock in such.
  12. Are you on friendly terms with English muffins, biscuits, and doughnuts?
  13. It was the luminous yellow Scut Farker-esque eyes, the 360 deg. head rotation and the green vomit that confirmed the identity.
  14. I'm glad to hear you've never driven after consuming alcohol.
  15. If there is a strong, prevailing wind that is sure to affect play, and the player making the choice or his coaching staff are smart (both rare occurences) they can decide to eschew 1st possession and instead opt to have the wind at their back in the 2nd and 4th quarters. Granted, they will have to kick off again to start the half - but sometimes it's the correct decision. The coin toss loser can also become the big winner if the coin toss winner insists on receiving to start the game, since the loser then picks which goal to defend - giving him the wind in the 2nd and 4th, and a bonus because they also get to choose to receive the ball at the start of the 2nd half. I have a dim memory of a Bill - Bledsoe? - after losing an O.T. toss, choosing to defend the goal that resulted in the Bills having to go into a stiff wind... Since organized football folks generally are not rocket surgeons, such details are often ignored.
  16. Throw in a couple of "like"s, "wow"s, "man"s, and "dudes" and he would sound like most teenagers.
  17. Cincinnati set a new record this year for murders - 84. Re violent crime increase - I forget when...1996, 1997 or something like that, the Administration ordered the FBI to revise how they defined crimes of violence. The expected result was obtained; the numbers looked better. A couple of cities sued - I think Bflo. and Phila. were among them, the game being the more crime you have, the more Federal tax revenue dollars your city gets. I'm not saying that crime isn't on the rise, only that the baseline had been jiggled. BTW, when you see one of those "radar" trailers parked alongside a road, showing your speed - that's usually Fed $ given to municipalities to combat road crashes. It's a lot easier to park that thing somewhere that than to enforce laws.
  18. Would that be something like Federal workers being able to actively campaign for and contribute to Federal office-seeking candidates?
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